Dissapointed in myself



  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    A friend of mine who is 6'7 and really into building muscle (and very lean too) drinks protien drinks to add those extra (good) calories. I like the powder you mix yourself, as the premixed (while convenient) can be pricey. It is a quick way to grab a couple of healthy 100+ calories.
    I remember an interview with Hilary Swank talking about training/diet for her role in "Million Dollar Baby" and she said she put on something like 20 lbs of muscle by drinking protien drinks. Even getting up in the middle of the night for one! Not that you need to go to that extreme!

    Banks, I love that even with all the advice you've given you're still looking for answers!

    Ha! it's when I stop you should be concerned, cuz I've either given up, or I'm dead!:tongue:

    But yeah, I've been researching whey protein for the last week or so. It's very expensive though. Thinking about getting this one :

    cuz it's cheap and the nutrition numbers look good.

    The problem is, for the amount I'd have to eat, to make a difference, I'm looking at 100 to 150 bucks a month extra. That's pretty steep!

    Body Fortress and Walmart in the States is cheap and good. Check it out and let me know what you think.

    Also, from all my reading HIIT is for losing and toning up lean. Cool it on the cardio or at least that type. 2 days a week would be good, may be 3-one being all Plyo maybe. Builders aren't about cardio, and supplements are huge-tried Creatine?
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    the main reason to do high cardio is to lose weight (imrpoving heart function may be a goal but weight loss is gonna happen)

    you are doing 6 days of high cardio

    if you want to gain weight you gotta cut back on the cardio

    youi know that

    and also, weight loss only happens at caloric deficit. You know that dave. I'm not at caloric deficit, I am struggling to get to caloric surplus, but I always make it to maintenance. You can reduce FAT at maintenance, but you cannot reduce weight at maintenance.

    wouldnt your maintenance cal requirement be lower if you didnt burn so many cals with the cardio?
    of course it would

    so if you have trouble eating all the food, lower your burned calories and you could eat the same amount and move towards surplus......if you are tryiong to burn fat AND gain...it might be easier or less time to just burn the fat off then build up...reducing fat and gaining mass at the same time is very hard to do...the muscle mag guys all say restrict cardio when in gain mode

    no, well yes, but, My maintenance calories is 2650, with exercise it's between 3000 and 3100, but I'm trying to gain, which means I'm trying to eat 3400 a day.

    Reducing fat and gaining muscle aren't mutually exclusive, they can happen at the same time. Now I would agree that if trying to bulk up a LOT in a short period you probably wouldn't want to mix the two. But remember, I'm only looking to gain 10 lbs, and only looking to lose about 1.5 to 2% BF, and I'm not trying to necessarily do it fast (by next winter is fine with me.), so there's no reason to isolate. There's negatives to isolating too, for instance, stop doing cardio and HIIT training and it becomes far harder to keep my flexibility, and that means more stiffness in the muscles. I also play baseball, and it would suck to try to pitch if I was all bulk and no flexibility. Now, I could stretch after each workout for like 20 minutes, but I just don't have that kind of time. This way, I can gain some muscle, keep my athletic requirements met, and lose a little body fat, it's kind of a best of both worlds scenario, I don't get to either goal as fast as I could, but doing it all together keeps my whole body healthy instead of having to focus. Plus by doing multiple types of workouts, I keep up the muscle confusion factor, which means less "burn out".
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I am jealous! I only get 1200 calories a day.... :}
    I do understand what you are saying, though.

    try it for a week, that jealousy would fade rather quick, I guarantee it!
  • dbenson48
    dbenson48 Posts: 43
    Just eat alot of ice cream! That should work!:laugh: :laugh: It does for me!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    A friend of mine who is 6'7 and really into building muscle (and very lean too) drinks protien drinks to add those extra (good) calories. I like the powder you mix yourself, as the premixed (while convenient) can be pricey. It is a quick way to grab a couple of healthy 100+ calories.
    I remember an interview with Hilary Swank talking about training/diet for her role in "Million Dollar Baby" and she said she put on something like 20 lbs of muscle by drinking protien drinks. Even getting up in the middle of the night for one! Not that you need to go to that extreme!

    Banks, I love that even with all the advice you've given you're still looking for answers!

    Ha! it's when I stop you should be concerned, cuz I've either given up, or I'm dead!:tongue:

    But yeah, I've been researching whey protein for the last week or so. It's very expensive though. Thinking about getting this one :

    cuz it's cheap and the nutrition numbers look good.

    The problem is, for the amount I'd have to eat, to make a difference, I'm looking at 100 to 150 bucks a month extra. That's pretty steep!

    Body Fortress and Walmart in the States is cheap and good. Check it out and let me know what you think.

    Also, from all my reading HIIT is for losing and toning up lean. Cool it on the cardio or at least that type. 2 days a week would be good, may be 3-one being all Plyo maybe. Builders aren't about cardio, and supplements are huge-tried Creatine?

    Yes and no on the HIIT training. HIIT is for fat burning, what people are forgetting is that I DO want to lean up, not just add muscle mass. Getting lean doesn't mean losing weight, it means losing fat. You can gain muscle and still get lean. I do some plyometrics, they are part of my weight training schedule sometimes, to break up the weights. I'm not a "builder per say" I'm an athlete (well, that's the goal at least), I don't want to just get big, I want to be slightly bigger, cut, and be athletically better then I am currently. HIIT training is perfect for this as it encorporates anaerobic exercise. Anaerobic exercise builds muscle density, which adds to how cut your muscles are, and how high of a level you perform physically at. It doesn't bulk you up, but that's ok, I'm not really looking for a lot of size.
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    K, but everytime you do the HIIT or any cardio, you're tearing muscle so you need something more to repair also-how about more rest time between lifting and the intense cardio? Look how sprinters look-very little body fat, and I'm sure they're not big weights.I think for sure Protein supps would help. Who am I to talk, I can't even lose my last f'n 10 pounds. HELP ME!!!:explode:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    K, but everytime you do the HIIT or any cardio, you're tearing muscle so you need something to repair also-how about more rest time between lifting and the intense cardio?I think for sure Protein supps would help there. Who am I to talk, I can't even lose my last f'n 10 pounds. HELP ME!!!:explode:

    Yeah, If I really thought about it 2 rest days would probably be better, but I'm not killing myself with the weight training anyway, sure I lift to technical failure, but I'm not doing supersets or overtraining. The big thing to remember when weight training is to make sure your body is fully recovered from the weights, before you really stress them out again. And since my weight training is 24 hours before my HIIT training and I feel no negative consequences the next day, and I'm performing different routines with no consecutive days doing the same routine, I should be ok (I think). But I will remember this, and if, even after I get my calories straightened out, I can't seem to advance, then I'll probably tweek my workouts to incorporate a little more rest time.
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    No advice for you Boss, since you're the one usually helping me
    Just wanted to say GOOD LUCK figuring it all out!
    This may be a lame attempt at advice, but what about protein shakes...adding whey protein and/or ground flax?


    thanks K.

    see above. I'm definitely getting some. In fact I'll be at GNC around 2:00 today. :flowerforyou:

    I don't know if you have a bulk food store around you, but I buy plain whey protein isolate at our bulk barn at a fraction of the cost of the powder mixes at GNC. it tastes like crap if you just try and mix it with water, but is totally fine added to everything from my oatmeal to smoothies.

    Ahh, dunno, never even thought of that. I live near the city (10 miles from downtown Boston), not really any farms within an hour's drive of me (really none until about 2 hours away), so I'd have to check on that. I'll keep it in mind though, thanks!

    Ah...Canadian content. sorry..:happy: Bulk Barn is a chain store here that sells all manner of ingredients out of bulk bins that you bag and weigh yourself. I can get anything from base things like oatmeal and dry soup mix to some of the food industry stuff like whey protein or xantham gum to :devil: evil goodies like broken Oh Henry bars!!! The place can be deadly tempting, but SO good for doing any kind of scratch baking. And Bulk doesn't mean lots! Because you weigh and measure it yourself, you can get a tiny amount to try something first. It's a great budget saver.


    I did a bit of a google search and came up with this blog referencing a bulk style merchant called Harvest Co-op in the Boston area. Hopefully this will give you a start, if you are interested.


    I believe they sell bulk protein powders and the such at Whole Foods (also a chain) and I know they have one in Boston (two I think).
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    No advice for you Boss, since you're the one usually helping me
    Just wanted to say GOOD LUCK figuring it all out!
    This may be a lame attempt at advice, but what about protein shakes...adding whey protein and/or ground flax?


    thanks K.

    see above. I'm definitely getting some. In fact I'll be at GNC around 2:00 today. :flowerforyou:

    I don't know if you have a bulk food store around you, but I buy plain whey protein isolate at our bulk barn at a fraction of the cost of the powder mixes at GNC. it tastes like crap if you just try and mix it with water, but is totally fine added to everything from my oatmeal to smoothies.

    Ahh, dunno, never even thought of that. I live near the city (10 miles from downtown Boston), not really any farms within an hour's drive of me (really none until about 2 hours away), so I'd have to check on that. I'll keep it in mind though, thanks!

    Ah...Canadian content. sorry..:happy: Bulk Barn is a chain store here that sells all manner of ingredients out of bulk bins that you bag and weigh yourself. I can get anything from base things like oatmeal and dry soup mix to some of the food industry stuff like whey protein or xantham gum to :devil: evil goodies like broken Oh Henry bars!!! The place can be deadly tempting, but SO good for doing any kind of scratch baking. And Bulk doesn't mean lots! Because you weigh and measure it yourself, you can get a tiny amount to try something first. It's a great budget saver.


    I did a bit of a google search and came up with this blog referencing a bulk style merchant called Harvest Co-op in the Boston area. Hopefully this will give you a start, if you are interested.


    thanks for this BTW, I'll check it out.
  • dskline1
    dskline1 Posts: 123
    While you are at GNC today...take a gander at the Muscle Milk whey protein mixes....I use cake batter post workout in the evening and I love it....My husband even drinks it with a scoop of peanut butter in it.

    Good luck with your goal!!! It is just as frustrating when your goal switches to bf% as it is when you are fighting the scale vs. pounds!!!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    While you are at GNC today...take a gander at the Muscle Milk whey protein mixes....I use cake batter post workout in the evening and I love it....My husband even drinks it with a scoop of peanut butter in it.

    Good luck with your goal!!! It is just as frustrating when your goal switches to bf% as it is when you are fighting the scale vs. pounds!!!

    ain't it though? Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    While you are at GNC today...take a gander at the Muscle Milk whey protein mixes....I use cake batter post workout in the evening and I love it....My husband even drinks it with a scoop of peanut butter in it.

    Good luck with your goal!!! It is just as frustrating when your goal switches to bf% as it is when you are fighting the scale vs. pounds!!!

    ain't it though? Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.

    I took a peek at your pics, and with all your talk, I seriously thought I was going to see a guy built like Matthew McConaughey..boooooo Boss, you look skinny to me...sorry:laugh:, ..JUST KIDDING with you (i'm so sad to say I actually need to add this in there) maybe your wife's body building friend can whip your *kitten* ito shape.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    While you are at GNC today...take a gander at the Muscle Milk whey protein mixes....I use cake batter post workout in the evening and I love it....My husband even drinks it with a scoop of peanut butter in it.

    Good luck with your goal!!! It is just as frustrating when your goal switches to bf% as it is when you are fighting the scale vs. pounds!!!

    ain't it though? Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.

    I took a peek at your pics, and with all your talk, I seriously thought I was going to see a guy built like Matthew McConaughey..boooooo Boss, you look skinny to me...sorry:laugh:, ..JUST KIDDING with you (i'm so sad to say I actually need to add this in there) maybe your wife's body building friend can whip your *kitten* ito shape.

    Ouch! That hurts lady! Hey, remember, those pictures are 3 months old. I have gained a bit of definition since then, and I have abs now too! Plus, really Mathew McConaughey? Ack, never! Now if you said Brad Pitt from Troy (or fight club), that I would respect! Dude was RIPPED in Troy!

    Course those guys get private trainers for 3 hours a day and get to train all day for months to get into shape for their movies. If I could do that, I'd be cleanin clothes on my belly too! :tongue:
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    While you are at GNC today...take a gander at the Muscle Milk whey protein mixes....I use cake batter post workout in the evening and I love it....My husband even drinks it with a scoop of peanut butter in it.

    Good luck with your goal!!! It is just as frustrating when your goal switches to bf% as it is when you are fighting the scale vs. pounds!!!

    ain't it though? Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.

    I took a peek at your pics, and with all your talk, I seriously thought I was going to see a guy built like Matthew McConaughey..boooooo Boss, you look skinny to me...sorry:laugh:, ..JUST KIDDING with you (i'm so sad to say I actually need to add this in there) maybe your wife's body building friend can whip your *kitten* ito shape.

    Ouch! That hurts lady! Hey, remember, those pictures are 3 months old. I have gained a bit of definition since then, and I have abs now too! Plus, really Mathew McConaughey? Ack, never! Now if you said Brad Pitt from Troy (or fight club), that I would respect! Dude was RIPPED in Troy!

    Course those guys get private trainers for 3 hours a day and get to train all day for months to get into shape for their movies. If I could do that, I'd be cleanin clothes on my belly too! :tongue:

    Hey i'd take your hot lil bod, over hubby's right now :wink: :laugh: , i'd be upgrading!! wooohooo! :laugh: :laugh:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Hey i'd take your hot lil bod, over hubby's right now :wink: :laugh: , i'd be upgrading!! wooohooo! :laugh: :laugh:

    You amuse me. When my race comes, I will kill you last! :devil:

    No No, no need to thank me, it's my reward to you for a job well done! :tongue:

    (I know, I'm such a dork!)
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I built mass when I was in the Navy - which was perfect. Go through the chowline twice, 3 times if necessary, and train like crazy. I did 4,ooo a day and got used to it. Then I quit training and didn't readjust the diet and that's how I got to 270 pounds and got here, LOL.

    You're gonna have to really fight to put mass on that spindly Ecto-bod, but you'll get it done. I'll agree with the earlier poster that you may need to pudge up a bit to feed enough to grow - then knock the body fat % back down later. Tough to do after what you've been doing all this time.

    Kewl,,, :smile:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I built mass when I was in the Navy - which was perfect. Go through the chowline twice, 3 times if necessary, and train like crazy. I did 4,ooo a day and got used to it. Then I quit training and didn't readjust the diet and that's how I got to 270 pounds and got here, LOL.

    You're gonna have to really fight to put mass on that spindly Ecto-bod, but you'll get it done. I'll agree with the earlier poster that you may need to pudge up a bit to feed enough to grow - then knock the body fat % back down later. Tough to do after what you've been doing all this time.

    Kewl,,, :smile:

    LOL, spindly Ecto-bod, never heard that one. My self esteem is shrinking by the moment. :tongue:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Dude, I just called you skinny. Come on,,, Hehhehee,,, :laugh:

    I'm about halfway between and Endo and a Meso,,, I can build bulk easily - but I can also get fat easily. I'm planning to put a little muscle mass back once I get back into my 34 waist jeans and then I'll be singing a very similar tune to yours,,,
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Dude, I just called you skinny. Come on,,, Hehhehee,,, :laugh:

    I'm about halfway between and Endo and a Meso,,, I can build bulk easily - but I can also get fat easily. I'm planning to put a little muscle mass back once I get back into my 34 waist jeans and then I'll be singing a very similar tune to yours,,,

    no worries. Hopefully though, with the routine I'm doing, I won't need to gain much BF to gain mass. Since I'm only looking to put on a few lbs and willing to take months to do so. Cross your fingers on that one.
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Wish I could help you....


    I'm learning a lot so thank you once again.

    You teach us even when you are seeking answers yourself.

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