Grocery Shopping/Road Rage



  • RDalton84
    RDalton84 Posts: 207
    I also enjoy grocery shopping. And it takes a lot for me to get ragey. People being their slow, oblivious selves doesn't get me there.

    I hate grocery shopping, but not because of dummies. I hate it because it takes as much time as other shopping, but when I get home I can't try on the pork chops or paint my nails with the bananas.

    Yuh huh! 201009131847.jpg

    I dont get ragey very often either. But walmart with all 3 kids can sometimes do it to me.

    LMAO @ Lady Gaga's meat dress....I also hate going to wal mart with my children. If I have to go to Wal mart, it is an ALONE trip, no children lol
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    Am I the only one who will lean over someone if they don't respond to my polite "excuse me" if faffing in front of a display I need or push their trolley out of the way of where I need to be or will move someone elses trolley out of the way if they have parked it across the whole isle?. If someone is just hanging out infront of where you need to be, chatting on their phone then ask them to move & if they don't then get up in their face, lean over them or stand about 2mm away mouth breathing very heavily. If they have left their trolly in the way, move it, they don't own it. If you are feeling naughty then add some extra items to their load.

    You are stressing about something that is completely in your control. Don't give in to the idiots & you can be sure to feel alot happier about your next shopping trip.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I go on Friday nights when it is deserted. You must be going on Saturday morning when everyone and their old mothers on scooters are trying to shop.