When do I add running/jogging to my walking?



  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    As soon as you feel like you are ready. When you do start, if you start hurting in the joints, stop and check with your doctor... 6 months of walking (no running) is far better than 6 months sitting and recuperating from a serious injury... That being said, the elliptical idea is not a bad idea...
  • aheartbeatsos
    I was thinking with my weight, I might do some damage pounding on my knees. Do you not think this is the case?

    I would say start now, but pay attention to the signals your body gives you :)
    Even if your only jogging/running for 30 seconds at a time it's a great start!
    I have been running on the treadmill for the past month or so and while it's getting easier (I can now run 15 minutes straight!) I do notice that my knees or shins get sore from time to time. I tried to outrun the pain last time (big mistake!) and was out for a few days trying to heal the damage.
    I'm 176lbs (working my weigh down to 150lbs) so it just goes to show you can do damage at any weight if you're not in touch with your body!
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    You can get hurt running if you are not careful. First make sure that your heart is in good shape. The doctor should be able to confirm it. (I had a heart attack at 52 - so just get it checked.)

    If you pass there, make sure you are walking the distance you hope to run. If that is a mile or two, great. If you can do it up your walking speed to 4-5 MPH depending on your height and length of your legs. That will help you get going.

    I would also work the legs doing some squats for a couple of weeks before you run. Or you can use the leg machines at the gym. You need strong muscles to prevent injuries to your knees and feet.

    Then -

    Just do short blasts of 15 seconds walk 45 seconds something like that. Listen to your body and don't confuse sweating with pain. If you have that down for a mile or so, I would check out C25K (Couch to 5K)

    Good luck.
  • bigdogc23
    bigdogc23 Posts: 66
    You should worry about your knees and ankles ragardless of what weight you are. If I remember, your weight is multiplies by 6 on your joints every time your feet hit the ground. That's not to say you shouldn't run, you just need to listen to your body very carefully. You need to check yourself for pains that are not normal. Unfortunalty, when you start running all pains are not normal lol.... However, sharp pains in areas you consider bones or cartilage are not good. To help cirumvent some of the injuries of running you need to invest in well made shoes and good feet cushions(internal). Don't go out thinking you will run 5 miles the first time out. I see people have recommended the c25k. I have never done it but I think it has something to do with a walk run program and gets you going a little at a time. NOTHING replaces running for running, I can attest to that personally however if you use a solid eliptical, it will assist in tranining you toward running. Once you start running though, you will have to go through another cycle of muscle soreness because your body will tell you all about the muslces you have never used. Good luck with starting running. Just know, running is one of the most difficult excercises to master and it will be a "painful" experience for awhile. If you keep at it, you will one day take off for a run and actually enjoy yourself. That is when you know you have done some work.
  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    I started at 249....waited until I was at about 235 before I started any jogging. You're right, it is very hard on your knees, especially if you have any knee condition. I found that if I stretch a little, (lunges or something) that my knees tend to be more cooperative. While I'm only up to running about 5 minutes at a time, (if that) I am still doing it. I'm not going to lie, if you haven't ran in a while, it's going to feel like your lungs are on fire, but the sense of accomplishment you'll feel is AMAZING!! Good luck!!
  • offdutyguy
    Stay away from running, only do low impact cardio (walking, swimming, eliptical, stationary bike, rowing machine ect...) I wouldnt even consider running until you get down in the 250 lbs range. Running at your weight can be an injury risk and there are so many other low impact options that you can focus on right now. Its not worth the injury risk that may set you back. Mix up your cardio from week to week. If your bored with walking find some hills to walk. Good luck.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    First of all, congrats on deciding to change your lifestyle! And.. congrats on the 15 lb loss. That is awesome!
    I'd go ahead and start jogging if you've been checked out by a Dr. and they say it's ok. You seriously do NOT want to cause more problems that will hinder your exercising/weight loss.
    My highest weight was 179 and I had a lot of problems when I started walking and I wasn't even jogging yet. I had knee, foot problems (blisters, callouses, athletes foot, bone spurs and plantar fasciitis) and chafing on my thighs just from using my treadmill. I hated dealing with all of it but there is a solution to EVERY problem you encounter. Don't give up, if you have a problem, find a solution. There is one!
    Make sure you get fitted for proper shoes. I'd go to a running store. Make sure you have 1/2 inch extra space beyond your toes.
    If you find that you can't run yet, keep walking. When you find it's easier to walk, walk more or walk a bit faster and do it DAILY. I've lost 30 lbs since I started walking in January. I just started jogging yesterday and only did it for 5 minutes but hey, I'm proud! I am going to try to do that every other day.
    When I first started walking I started at 15-30 minutes at 3.5 mph. It was torture. Finally I decided to start out slow until my body could handle the workout. I'm ashamed to admit that I ended up walking at 2mph but it was easier and I was more likely to do it again the next day. Eventually, I added more distance, time to it. Now I walk 4-7 miles per day and I love it. I could keep on walking! In fact, some of my family calls me Mrs. Forrest Gump. :indifferent:
    You can do this. Don't give up and if it gets too hard on your body, back off on speed for a bit but don't stop! The weight will melt off and eventually you'll be able to run if you really want to!
    Good luck to you!
  • picassoadagio
    picassoadagio Posts: 407 Member
    Try now or do it when you feel like you can. Anything and everything counts and try puts you one step closer to doing it.

    Congrats to you on your 15 lbs loss. Keep up the good work! You're doing great! :)
  • aimeeinohio
    aimeeinohio Posts: 301 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I weighed in today and am over 15lbs down since I joined the site (over 35lbs from my highest weight). I still am a little over 350. At what weight would you say is good to start jogging/running? I am not even considering till I am under 350. any suggestions?

    Thanks in advance :)

    Look at the Couch to 5k program. It's fabulous. I'm actually doing it with my dog. Its interval training (for instance, I am doing week one over, and today was week one day one which was a 5 min warm up, two minutes walking, one minute jogging, two minutes walking, and so on).
  • RumOne
    RumOne Posts: 266 Member
    I would get C25K app for the phone and stay on week 1 untill you feel comfortable to move on to week 2. I am 237lbs and I started C25K week 1 when I was 250lbs. You are not racing anyone but youself so start small and work your way up. Good Luck! and way to go!
  • bellygoaway
    bellygoaway Posts: 441 Member
    Thanks for the advise everyone!
  • nkechio23
    nkechio23 Posts: 30 Member
    I agree with what alot of people have suggested. I am in a running program now that coaches people on how to learn how to run. We started off in small increments (example: five minutes walking, 30 seconds running x5). We slowly built up the running portion every week by reducing the time that we were walking and increasing the time running. After about 6 weeks I am jogging/running three miles and it feels like a breeze. Best thing is to work yourself up to running! You can do it

    Good Luck :)
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I second whoever said to go to a running store and get fitted for proper sneakers. Also, make sure to stretch well (Don't forget the IT band!)

    I would do the run/walk thing and mix it up with a lower impact training like elliptical or spinning on off days. Good Luck!

  • joannezuk
    joannezuk Posts: 153 Member
    There's a lot of great advice here, and I will echo one piece of it: listen to your body.

    It seems most people have talked about intervals, and I agree; it's the best way to start. That said, remember, you are not being chased by a bear. You don't need to kill yourself trying to win the 50 meter dash. Some have suggested you start with as much as a minute of running. I started with 15 seconds followed by 5 minutes of walking. And eventually, I built up to a marathon (26.2 miles).

    Here's my advice: when you run that 15 seconds, try and make it easy on your body. Think about running light on your feet, landing on the balls of your feet. Running is different than walking, and if you run by striking your heels, you'll really feel it through your knees and hips. Start by running slowly (think about how a horse prances); your heart rate will still go up and you'll be torching calories, but you'll be feeling less impact. I like running on a treadmill because I can hear the difference when I'm running well. When I'm making a lot of noise, running heavy on my feet, I always feel sore after. When I focus on form, it's much better, and I can tell right away that I'm making less noise.

    Best of luck, and keep us update with your progress!
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    You can get hurt running if you are not careful. First make sure that your heart is in good shape. The doctor should be able to confirm it. (I had a heart attack at 52 - so just get it checked.)

    If you pass there, make sure you are walking the distance you hope to run. If that is a mile or two, great. If you can do it up your walking speed to 4-5 MPH depending on your height and length of your legs. That will help you get going.

    I would also work the legs doing some squats for a couple of weeks before you run. Or you can use the leg machines at the gym. You need strong muscles to prevent injuries to your knees and feet.

    Then -

    Just do short blasts of 15 seconds walk 45 seconds something like that. Listen to your body and don't confuse sweating with pain. If you have that down for a mile or so, I would check out C25K (Couch to 5K)

    Good luck.

    Motly I agree with this but... forget speed! I "run" at an average 5.2 mph (11:30 mile), many consider this a jog or slow run. Speed isn't your concern. After your DOCTOR has told you that your ticker is in good shape to give it a go, and get yourself fitted!! Shoes are the numero uno in my running (hip/knee pain/I-just-can't-do-it).
    If, after you start running, you have hip/knee problems, check what you're doing before you blaming running/jogging. I had massive knee pains that ended up being the result of HOW I was doing, not what. Hamstrings vs quads. Everything needs attention.
    If it hurts, slow the eff down! Even if you're walking-ish. Movement is good, your body will tell you when you're doing too much.
  • mamabear272
    mamabear272 Posts: 268 Member
    BAHAHAHA Peachy! My run is 4.5 right now! It's what I can do without my legs feeling like they're gonna fall off! When I log it on MFP that speed comes up as a fast walk. I don't care about my speed yet. I'm just trying to learn how to run, then I'll work on my speed. Today will be W5D1 of C25K. W5D3 will be the day I'm doing a 5K. Walk for 5 minutes, run for 20 minutes, walk for 5 minutes. I plan on doing all that then see how I feel for the rest of the length I have left as to whether I'm going to walk or run the rest.