30 ds is killing me!



  • laursey
    laursey Posts: 307
    Stick with it, drink tons of water and do way more stretching at the end than she does.
    This program WILL transform your body.
    Good luck! Oh, and a little tip. Swearing at her really helps : )
  • GreatSetOfBrains
    GreatSetOfBrains Posts: 675 Member
    I thought it got easier about. . . day 5, Keep it up!
  • rachellosesitall85
    rachellosesitall85 Posts: 497 Member
    I know it's hard, I've started over at least 3 or 4 times but I jumped back at it again today and will be forcing myself to do it for the next 29 days. You can do it, you're just starting, your body is crying out because you're waking up muscles you probably don't shock and it's freaking out. This is your body getting stronger, and you'll love the results! Don't give up!
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    It is a great short workout. I did it everyday for 3 months....then I mixed it up and did 2 everyday. I have to say I was really getting strong. I could do push ups with no problem. I would stay with it and drink lots of water.
  • jeyko
    jeyko Posts: 368 Member
    Stick to it, it will get easier!! Now day one level two is a whole other story! LOL
  • dandybug
    dandybug Posts: 36 Member
    I didn't think I could do it either. I found it really tough & had to get several days in before I could even keep up. I'm 5 days away from finishing the shred!! I see definition in my stomach, which is my trouble zone. I see muscles in my arms, back, and shoulders. I'm just so glad I stuck it out. It is still hard, but the payoff really is worth it. Please don't give up. No one is grading you & it's ok not to get it perfect everyday. Do it for you!!
  • thinsoundsgood
    i went through 30 days of sweat, crying, and sore muscles during that workout.. but in the end it's worth it!
  • skeetpea
    skeetpea Posts: 241 Member
    I started 30DS last weekend I did two days an a row and had to take a couple days off, I thought I was going to die! I couldn't laugh without my abs hurting! Once I felt better I started it again and tonight was my fourth day in a row and I feel much better. I'm still sore, believe me, but not nearly the Ican'tevensituptogetoutofbedinthemorning sore.
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    Also, there's no need to rush it. There's no reason why you can't take a day off between workouts to let your muscles recover. If i am sore, i do something light like take a walk and do a stretch, then get back to it the next day. In terms of increasing strength rapidly, taking breaks really helps.

    Once you get past day 5-7 it becomes easier to do every day, so you can do it more frequently.

    If it's killing you, nothing wrong with giving your muscles time to recover. ;)
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    Dont give up! Day 2 I could not sit on the pot without almost crying from the pain in my thighs! By day 4 or 5 it WILL get better! Do the warm up twice and do the cool down twice. Do not sit down when you are done with the cool down. Walk around for about 5 mins. That is what I did and it helped tremendously! And get a big bottle of Advil! Stick with it! The results are worth the pain!!! I lost 14lbs and around 13 inches my first time doing 30DS!
  • mgraue82
    mgraue82 Posts: 168 Member
    I didn't think I could do it either. I found it really tough & had to get several days in before I could even keep up. I'm 5 days away from finishing the shred!! I see definition in my stomach, which is my trouble zone. I see muscles in my arms, back, and shoulders. I'm just so glad I stuck it out. It is still hard, but the payoff really is worth it. Please don't give up. No one is grading you & it's ok not to get it perfect everyday. Do it for you!!

    COMPLETELY AGREE! Just keep on keepin on! It's so so worth it - yes you will hurt like H and want to probably scream and wonder if your legs will ever work the right way again and my answer to all of that is YES... Just stick with it. Don't give up and let all your day 1 hard work go to waste.. let it go to "waist" ;) GOOD LUCK and add me if you'd like, I'm doing it as well.
  • tropaze
    tropaze Posts: 317 Member
    I was totally sore the 2nd and 3rd days. By day 4 it didn't hurt anymore, and when I finally found my lighter weights they weren't enough workout anymore. Stick with it, it doesn't hurt as much after.
    P.S. about the neck thing, I realized I was pushing too hard on my neck during the abs section so I switched to putting my hands behind my ears like Natalie (the higher level girl) it's a little harder, but I don't strain my neck as much by pulling on it.
  • tayblay1
    tayblay1 Posts: 35 Member
    thank you so much for all of the support! It's mainly the first set of cardio that was discouraging, I can't jump around like a fool like she does! but the punches always make me feel better, like I'm hitting her in those perfect abs that hopefully I will have some day. I'm hoping motrin and a hot shower in the morning will help my muscles, my boyfriend told me I was walking like a pregnant woman down the stairs today LOL I guess my thighs were hurting a little bit more than I thought...I just have to keep making myself do it, I don't want to be the one who has to leave my cover-up on over my suit at the lake this year..or ever again!
  • tayblay1
    tayblay1 Posts: 35 Member
    I didn't think I could do it either. I found it really tough & had to get several days in before I could even keep up. I'm 5 days away from finishing the shred!! I see definition in my stomach, which is my trouble zone. I see muscles in my arms, back, and shoulders. I'm just so glad I stuck it out. It is still hard, but the payoff really is worth it. Please don't give up. No one is grading you & it's ok not to get it perfect everyday. Do it for you!!

    COMPLETELY AGREE! Just keep on keepin on! It's so so worth it - yes you will hurt like H and want to probably scream and wonder if your legs will ever work the right way again and my answer to all of that is YES... Just stick with it. Don't give up and let all your day 1 hard work go to waste.. let it go to "waist" ;) GOOD LUCK and add me if you'd like, I'm doing it as well.

    I was very concerned about my legs today! I am a college student living on a VERY hilly and stair filled campus..by the time I got to my classes today all I could do was flop down into my desk like a sack of potatoes! I like the "waist" pun :laugh: I can't wait to start seeing results!
  • jenniejengin
    jenniejengin Posts: 785 Member
  • tayblay1
    tayblay1 Posts: 35 Member
    Dont give up! Day 2 I could not sit on the pot without almost crying from the pain in my thighs! By day 4 or 5 it WILL get better! Do the warm up twice and do the cool down twice. Do not sit down when you are done with the cool down. Walk around for about 5 mins. That is what I did and it helped tremendously! And get a big bottle of Advil! Stick with it! The results are worth the pain!!! I lost 14lbs and around 13 inches my first time doing 30DS!

    congratulations on your results and thank you for the encouragement! I hope it works for me too! did you mix in any other exercises as well? I had been run/walking about 3 miles a day and doing the stationary bike for 45 minutes prior to starting the shred, I figured I would take the first few days slow, I don't want to burn myself out..
  • tayblay1
    tayblay1 Posts: 35 Member
    I just had a similar reaction today. I did d2 today too. My knees are cracking and don't feel "stable." My neck hurts, which means I am probably not doing situps right. Those arm lift things are TORTURE!! During the jumping jacks the second time, I can't even get off of the floor, LOL. But I think that's par for the course on day 2. I hear it gets easier as we get stronger. My plan is to just work through the pain tomorrow and hopefully by the next day there will be a new me emerging, LOL.
    Good luck and enjoy! :)

    hopefully we both see success! when I was doing the knee circles and the first bit of cardio my legs were popping like CRAZY! Most of the pain is in my thighs, those punches really make them burn!
  • cior
    cior Posts: 133 Member
    I just had a similar reaction today. I did d2 today too. My knees are cracking and don't feel "stable." My neck hurts, which means I am probably not doing situps right. Those arm lift things are TORTURE!! During the jumping jacks the second time, I can't even get off of the floor, LOL. But I think that's par for the course on day 2. I hear it gets easier as we get stronger. My plan is to just work through the pain tomorrow and hopefully by the next day there will be a new me emerging, LOL.
    Good luck and enjoy! :)

    If your neck hurts, you aren't doing sit ups right! Remember what Jillian said? "Your neck is not invited to this party, just the abs!" :)
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    Dont give up! Day 2 I could not sit on the pot without almost crying from the pain in my thighs! By day 4 or 5 it WILL get better! Do the warm up twice and do the cool down twice. Do not sit down when you are done with the cool down. Walk around for about 5 mins. That is what I did and it helped tremendously! And get a big bottle of Advil! Stick with it! The results are worth the pain!!! I lost 14lbs and around 13 inches my first time doing 30DS!

    congratulations on your results and thank you for the encouragement! I hope it works for me too! did you mix in any other exercises as well? I had been run/walking about 3 miles a day and doing the stationary bike for 45 minutes prior to starting the shred, I figured I would take the first few days slow, I don't want to burn myself out..

    The first week I did not do anything else but then I started doing Zumba on my Wii in the mornings and 30DS in the afternoons. If you need a day off to recoup, take it. I did mine Mon-Sat with Sundays off. Watch your form on your squats. I ended up with very very sore IT bands! Dont go all superwoman at the first! Do the mod moves. You will do great! :)
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    I have been doing it every second day now for a week and a halfish... It gets easier lol
    I suggest you stretch for at least 5 mins before you even turn it on though

    Got me a nice little four pack going on now haha