look like a model with this one weird tip*



  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    I totally want to cash in... I have found the ULTIMATE diet drink! Dihydrogen oxide. I'd sell bottles labeld, with the instructions, just add water! I could really make a bundle with it, I'm sure!

    LOL I Love this idea!
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    I know a lot of people that want to lose weight, but have the excuse. "Don't have time", "Need to lose the weight before".

    My parents have health issues and have been told to lose weight. I set them up with a home gym to help encourage them to get fit, instead they have tried every diet drug, fad diet, and weightloss program under the sun and they still have not shed any weight. I know people that have done the surgeries but since they will not follow doctors orders, they have not lost an weight.

    The fitness industry is always reporting some new miracle that will help you lose weight without lifting a finger and people will all for it since we have become lazy. No one is willing to work hard or put in any type of effort, they would just like to spend hard earned dollars on the fairy god mother.