How do you feel AFTER a binge



  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    I dont smoke, rarely drink, dont get high , don't do drugs or smoke dope........

    My drug of choice is food and even for me, some one whos lost plenty, I can go ona 2 week binge and feel like crap for days after..........

    I guess were all human, you need to eat food to survive.....its not like going cold turkey on cigarettes, or going into rehab to get off of crack or cocaine, is a fuel for our body and we need it.......

    I wished I could stop my bingeing, if anyone knows the answer, let us know

    I feel horrible ,esp that I can gain 10 lbs in 2 weeks.............I retain water because I avoid processed, salt ladened foods, but after my bingeing of pizza, ice cream and chocolate, Ive gained tons of weight and my blood pressure goes up to......

    its a Catch 22 situation........wished I could figure out why I binge eat too..............
  • prettygirlhoward
    prettygirlhoward Posts: 338 Member
    Blahhhhhh! <
    that's how I feel!:sick:
  • AsiaSize24
    I feel like the ultimate failure. I feel sick emotionally and physically. I usually end up lying in bed for the rest of the day after a bad binge cause I feel useless : ( I'm trying not to look at it so bad anymore. I'm trying to look at it as a slip, and that I can just regain my footing afterwards : )
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    Unsatisfied. It was never as good as I thought it would be. :grumble:

    But I don't let it bring me down, I just try to make a mental note that I won't do it again for a long while.:smile:

    Don't let food ruin your day! :flowerforyou:
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    Regret -- because it is never worth it, I didn't need it, and I would have actually been MORE satisfied if I had eaten slower and kept it to a reasonable portion of the same craving food (usually what triggers my binges) and still stayed within range.

    ETA: Of course, I usually "forget" all that when the next craving-binge comes along :ohwell:
    DANCHAN1 Posts: 113 Member
    Wine seems to be my trigger so I will have to go without for a couple of weeks. I need to get a better handle on it before I introduce it back into my new lifestyle.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I thought maybe if we posted somewhere how we feel after a binge it may help those of us who seem to have difficulty getting that under control.

    For some reason when we get derailed some of us go nuts with food and then feel terrible after. I thought maybe if there was a thread on this board it may help.

    So here goes;

    AFTER I BINGE I FEEL..................


    unsure if i know what real hunger is
    don't want to workout or even move
    mad for doing it because it didn't satisfy me
    mad because i know i have to work hard to keep it from happening again
  • Maldivesbeachbodplease
    I know exactly how you feel. Here is MY screwed up logic when I am on a binge that lasts more than a day. I have to eat from all the fast food places so I will have to eat Pizza, burger, chineese, because I don't know when I will eat those foods again.

    Guess that is a clue, incorporate some of those foods so that I don't go crazy and binge. But when I try that I get that whole "I have already so may as well" attitude.

    God we are complicated creatures.

    Disgusting is a good word to describe the feeling.

    Oh my gosh i do EXACTLY the same. I think "i NEED some choc...NEED some crisps..NEED some pizza"..literally ALL the foods i love i HAVE to include. It is ridiculous.

    My last binge was a couple of weeks ago and i swear it has hopefully put me off for a long time at least.

    I woke up and i ached. My stomach hurt, my chest hurt, i felt physically exhausted. I had no energy, my face was puffy, my throat hurt. Honestly the list goes on. It has been enough to put me off doing that for again for a while at least xxx
  • Por2gueseMama
    Por2gueseMama Posts: 102 Member
    I am an emotional eater. And Usually when i get emotional is at night time when my son is in bed and the day is set and done and I think about things. So I binge at night time and its awful. Its like once i start i cant stop. but ive been trying not to think to much and just relax with a book. If i really feel like i need to eat il drink 2-3 glasses of water to make me feel full and not wanting to eat. Its been helping and I am doing my best not to eat after 7:30. I usually drink sleepy time tea at night time with a hint of honey and thats also seems to help not binging.
    After i binge I feel : Helpless and sorry for myself that I cant deal with my issues in a different way.
    and then i go crazy at the gym the next day burning over 1000 calories to make up for my night time eating but I have been doing so good that it hasnt happened lately :D
  • lorigreg
    lorigreg Posts: 61
    All of the above. Plus I'm very stubborn. Last night when I made myself a snack that I shouldn't have had, my husband made a comment that I should have eaten enough for supper so that I wouldn't be hungry later. That made me angry and more determined to have the high calorie snack.
  • Brianabomb
    Brianabomb Posts: 87 Member
    I soooo needed to see this today. I just came off my 1st 4 day binge and I feel everything that everyone else feels. I'm so glad i'm not the only one! I'm really trying to get back on the wagon!
  • lmbame905
    lmbame905 Posts: 84 Member
    This is a good topic for me right now. Thank you so much for posting. I need to PURGE!!!

    After a binge physically I feel dry. My lips crack, my pee is dark, my poop is hard, my skin is dry, my nose is dry. I feel like my stomach sticks out farther. My legs feel heavy, my joints ache. (I really think it's in my head, tho)

    Emotionally I'm scared to measure, I'm scared to get on the scale. I tell my husband I'm a fat cow and I ask why he loves me if I can't control myself. I second guess every good decision I've made.

    And then i figure, if I did it yesterday, I can do it today. :(

    It's been going on for a month now. I need to get out of it.
  • Kendralatricewilliams
    Just yesterday I binged, I ate a lot of sweets. Afterwards I felt hopeless, sad, angry, dissapointed, just sick really. I really feel sorry for my body.
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    Mostly ashamed and defeated.

    Two weeks ago I was on top of the world had lost 3+ in 2 weeks, and I decided it was okay to have a little something, not really as a reward, but because with the loss going well a few extra calories wouldn't derail my efforts. Funniest thing is for me my cheat was diet soda and some chips. Why on Earth would that be bad? Well because for me it opens the flood gates for cravings of salty, crunchy, sweet, whatever. For an entire week my mind was on a break from conscientious eating and my will power was NADA. I exercise a lot, so I didn't always go over, but there is no reason for a person who is 5 feet tall to need over 2000 calories. Plus now instead of a diet soda with lunch on Friday when we order take out, I've been having a few a day. THIS IS CRAZY!!!! I logged, but I'm sure I "underestimated" the damage (so I didn't have to admit it) but the scale told the tale. Unfortunately, I still can't quite get back to the confident healthy person I lost two weeks ago, and I have done better this week, but its been really hard. Thanks for sharing and letting me vent/ see where I need to make changes. Bye-bye trigger, hello water. I feel a bit better already.
  • MThurs
    MThurs Posts: 42 Member
    DANCHAN1 Posts: 113 Member
    I guess we are all emotional eaters that must be where the binge comes from. I like your idea about the tea. I find it I could upstairs in my bedroom and read or watch tv I am less likely to trek downstairs to the kitchen.

    Everyone feels the same, disgusted, helpless, embarrased, angry, bloated etc....

    The next binge or before the binge I swear I am reading this thread.


  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    This is a good topic for me right now. Thank you so much for posting. I need to PURGE!!!

    After a binge physically I feel dry. My lips crack, my pee is dark, my poop is hard, my skin is dry, my nose is dry. I feel like my stomach sticks out farther. My legs feel heavy, my joints ache. (I really think it's in my head, tho)

    Emotionally I'm scared to measure, I'm scared to get on the scale. I tell my husband I'm a fat cow and I ask why he loves me if I can't control myself. I second guess every good decision I've made.

    And then i figure, if I did it yesterday, I can do it today. :(

    It's been going on for a month now. I need to get out of it.

    Same here, it's much easier for me to tell you to let it go and move past it to a more positive happy place than it is to tell myself that. So LET IT GO, START FRESH TODAY....
  • thegeordielass
    thegeordielass Posts: 208 Member
    I feel really guilty, depressed and really anxious. I ended up having a bit of a junk food binge last weekend (1 wedding anniversary and 2 birthdays so cakes/party foods everywhere!) and felt terrible. Of course, once I feel terrible it gets worse as I start thinking "well, that's today already blown so I may as well have that other cake, and as I've had that I may as well have xyz" and as I tend to be an emotional eater feeling worse makes me eat more rubbish and it just escalates until I feel sick both because of the amount of sugar/rubbish and at myself for eating it. I just try and remind myself that while 1 or 2 bad days isn't great it isn't the end of everything and I can get back on track.
  • SirBen81
    SirBen81 Posts: 396 Member
    After a binge I feel motivated and happy. Because that binge just gave me an excuse to spend all day outdoors running, cycling, rollerblading, swimming...etc in order to burn off those extra calories I consumed.
  • melvac
    melvac Posts: 333 Member
    You hit it on the spot. I had a planned binge and the food was so greasy and off my plan not only was I nauseated I could not complete eating it