Lost 15 pounds in one week???



  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    Duuuuuuuuude, we were just talking about the show in my office! Did she dehydrate herself for the weigh-in? Or do you think they manipulate the numbers on the "scale" for drama?
  • hummingbird71
    hummingbird71 Posts: 298 Member
    Isn't she relatively thin now? I haven't watched the show for a few weeks but I thought I saw that she's in the 100s?

    Funny because I thought the same darn thing!! I mean when Conda got up and lost 10 pounds I thought there is NO WAY Kim is gonna be able to beat her since she was at 167, and she is close to her goal weight! But then she gets up there and 15 pounds... my jaw litterly dropped, and OMG came flying outta my mouth! I had it DVRed and when that happened my husband was like what happened so I backed it up and showed him... and even asked him how the hell did THAT happen? His answer was not eating and an enema...lol... but that was crazy!
  • eryka86
    eryka86 Posts: 78 Member
    Well i dont stress myself over what they lose anymore. They have personal chefs and trainers with them all day so there less likely to cheat and give up vs us who have to go to work or school and take care of our household and worry about making healthier choices. Im happy losing 1lb a week lol.
  • hummingbird71
    hummingbird71 Posts: 298 Member
    With MFP and the friends here we take it slowly one step at a time 3 to 5 lbs at a time. Slowly we change our lives and our bodies and then we maintain them. It is easier for us to keep the weight off once its gone because we do it the right way without the overproduction of T.V. We lose weight a day at time while still working, raising kids and living normal lives. they can keep their 15 lbs in week weight loss. I am willing to bet they gain a lot more back before we do!

    Nicely put and I agree 100%!
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    They work out every day ALL day. I had read an article that says that they literally do nothing but work outs and sleep.
    Remember these people are not working at thier job or forced to deal with junk food, they are basically quarantined
    from all of this.

    This. Also their "weeks" are often more like 10 days or so. They literally wake up, eat breakfast, work out, eat lunch, work out, eat dinner, work out, and go to bed. That's it. They don't have a job or children or anything to worry about while they're on the ranch, just working out. If I did 8 hours of exercise A DAY, I'd probably lose 15 lbs pretty quickly too!
  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member
    Duuuuuuuuude, we were just talking about the show in my office! Did she dehydrate herself for the weigh-in? Or do you think they manipulate the numbers on the "scale" for drama?

    I know they do this (and more) for the final weigh in....the last push on this show is crazy hardcore bad!! They will dehydrate for a week just to cut anything possible from their systems...just for the win!!
  • I think it's becuase the people who are in charge are making the people in the program work much harder than they exected them to work.
  • alina726
    alina726 Posts: 30 Member
    I saw it too and wondered the same thing since she was in the 160's. If she weighed 300, then I could understand it more. But being in the 160s and losing that much seems super strange and unhealthy. Makes you wonder if she was doing anything additional, like a detox or something??
  • ajh1014
    ajh1014 Posts: 80 Member
    That's all well and good while they are on the show, but can they keep that up when they get home?
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    what you have to understand is biggest loser is TV, a week isnt an actual week, and what they are doing is not healthy for people to do in the real world.

    A lot of them gain weight back after the show, they lose so fast their skin doesnt catch up and they are all saggy - have you ever seen an after pic of anyone in a bikini?!

    I also saw an episode once where one of the guys was actually looking pretty good, and the commando told him off for buidling muscle, and said he has to lose muscle in order to win the weigh in.........hardly a healthy example for god knows how many millions of people are watching!
  • KatiD83
    KatiD83 Posts: 152 Member
    they're under constant supervision, have dieticians preparing their food with the correct macronutrients based on their own medically worked out BMR, plus they work out for 8 hours or so. My idea of a living hell..would rather lose 1lb a week and have a life aswell :)

    I agree. I couldn't work out for 8 hrs a day either....it would probably kill me.
  • raven56706
    raven56706 Posts: 918 Member
    Some of those idiots dont even take into consideration what they got, like the 2 morons who quit last night.... Yep they quit... How the hell do you inspire people by crying over something you signed into... idiots... Buddy should have stayed for his family... he quit because he became entitled...

    MFP got me down 48lbs... and im doing it the right way
  • tig_ol_bitties
    tig_ol_bitties Posts: 561 Member
    I read an interview with someone who went to their fitness ranch and has now been working on the show for about 5 seasons (4 seasons when I read the article, so I'm assuming 5 now). Here is what she said about the show:

    1 Week = 9 Days

    Diet = Contestants are given education and options on a diet plan they can choose at the beginning of the show that they think will suit them best (vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, omnivorous, etc.) Each day, food is stocked for each contestant with exactly how to prepare their meals with the ingredients stocked for them, including weight measurements, etc.

    Exercise = Contestants exercise between 10-12 hours a day, with two days of 6-hour workouts (last chance workout is actually two days long)

    TRUST me, if ^^This was your life, you could lose 15 pounds in a week, too.
  • rheyl21
    rheyl21 Posts: 11 Member
    One week on the Biggest Loser is not one week in real time. There are many secrets behind the Biggest Loser we do not see. Including working out all day...hardcore workouts on top of light bike rides, walks and gentle swimming are what people do on the ranch all day long. Normal people don't have that luxury!!
  • ksloop00
    ksloop00 Posts: 144
    The show is like all the diet pills and weightloss stuff out there, a gimmick! It's not realistic! The contestants workout ALL day, even at night. They hardly ever eat. Normal people with normal realistic lives knows losing that much in one week is not healthy and easier to gain it back.
  • joankpoirier
    joankpoirier Posts: 281 Member
    thats what I was going to say ksloop00 They workout constantly!! each eat bare mins. they have doctors on call at all times so they are monitored. NOT realistic for a regular joe like you and I
  • I love that show. I was shocked. She is so small now. I have also read that they work out between 6 to 8 hours per day and have a stocked house with healthy foods. It's pretty amazing. Hopefully they will keep the weight off when they return to the real world.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    So I watched the Biggest Loser last night and "Kim" managed to lose 15 pounds in one week... WHAT THE HELL?? How in the world do you lose 15 pounds in one week? She had both arms and legs so I know she didn't cut one off to get to that number... so really just curious how you all think she did this...?

    The math is really simple. She ran a deficit of 15 * 3,500 calories in that week. Which is over 7,000 calories a day. She probably also protein-starved herself so her body would not be able to build any muscle at all from the massive amount of working out she was doing, and did a lot of anaerobic exercise so the muscles had no chance to heal between workouts.

    I imagine most of her nutrients came from supplements, and she probably used a lot of stimulants to keep water flushed from her system rather than doing it by drinking more water.

    I imagine she spent most of her waking time burning calories, being yelled at by coaches, feeling like crap because she's forcing her body to burn fat and muscle internally through starvation rather than allowing her body to drop into starvation mode like millions of years of evolution is screaming for.

    She's probably knocked about 5 years off her lifespan, if not more, and can only get away with that because she's under the care of an array of doctors who probably all go home at night and cry at their daily violation of the Hippocratic Oath, except that if they weren't there the producers would probably LOVE to have someone kill themselves because the ratings for the memorial would put the show viewership through the ROOF.

    I'm not blaming this woman for doing what she's doing - she wants fame and fortune and a shot at some money. But she's not losing weight for the sake of being healthy.

    For all of you discouraged by people like this - don't be. This isn't a race - this is something you are doing for yourself, do it at your own pace, and do it right, and do it through hard work and perseverance. Because when you reach your goal, the only way you'll STAY there is if you've earned it. We don't appreciate the things that we are given, we appreciate the things we've EARNED.

    And each one of you has EARNED every pound of loss you have on your little banners. Be proud of that.
  • hummingbird71
    hummingbird71 Posts: 298 Member
    myfitnessnmho- very well put.... this last part (below) I really liked and agree with! Thanks for sharing!

    "For all of you discouraged by people like this - don't be. This isn't a race - this is something you are doing for yourself, do it at your own pace, and do it right, and do it through hard work and perseverance. Because when you reach your goal, the only way you'll STAY there is if you've earned it. We don't appreciate the things that we are given, we appreciate the things we've EARNED.

    And each one of you has EARNED every pound of loss you have on your little banners. Be proud of that."
  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member
    So I watched the Biggest Loser last night and "Kim" managed to lose 15 pounds in one week... WHAT THE HELL?? How in the world do you lose 15 pounds in one week? She had both arms and legs so I know she didn't cut one off to get to that number... so really just curious how you all think she did this...?

    They work every day ALL day. I had read an article that says that they really do nothign but work outs and sleep.
    Remember these people are not working at thier job or forced to deal with junk food, they are literally quarantine
    from all of this.

    if i could work out 6 hrs a day and have people cooking for me and not have access to "real" food i would lose 15 lbs in a week too!


    Which unfortunately is kind of ridiculous and very unrealistic...they are loosing that weight waayyy to fast. I wonder how many of the previous contestants gain some of it back.