


  • randomartisrgirl
    It could be muscles retaining water, a menstual cycle just around the corner, a side affect of quitting smoking, or just your body fluctuating. Don't get discouraged, just keep on moving with it! :smile:
  • keegannati
    keegannati Posts: 114
    After looking at the past week on your diary (hi new friend!) you seem to be in a good calorie range on most days. I say you give it a week or two and see where you are then.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    When you first start out, its good to give yourself two months before considering any losses or gains to be real. Here's why-

    Before you start checking your weight and measurements regularly- you have no idea what your body goes through in a normal monthly cycle. Ive learned over the years that there is one week where I always gain 5-7 pounds and another where I always lose those same pounds. THere are also days where I know I'll gain a pound or two because of what kind of heavy workouts I did that week.

    Track everything for a couple months to learn your natural weight fluctuations and THEN you can start saying you know your body well enough that when it flows up and adown a bit- you can be like - oh yeah - that's cool I got this. And it will also let you know when you can say OH MY GOD I LOST FIVE ACTUAL POUNDS THIS MONTH!!!!!!!!!

    all in all, let your body be your bff and not something you are always dragging to keep up with you. Itll love you back more and more the better attention you pay to her :D
  • hardy43
    Just started today, but I will help you in anyway I can!