


  • wendywwhite
    wendywwhite Posts: 24 Member
    Reading this thread is giving me a bit of anxiety :) I can so relate to all the pain people here mention - it can be unbearable when it is flared up. Good luck everyone.
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    Google piriformis stretch. Works well for me and recommended for sciatica.
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Try a foam roller! I have piriformis syndrome with extreme pain in my sciatic nerve and glutes.

    You can find videos on youtube that show you have to use the foam roller to target these areas. I just started a few days ago and it is pretty painful to massage out those pressure points but after a few days I am starting to feel a difference.
  • ATK57
    ATK57 Posts: 302 Member
    Thanks everyone!
  • OceansForever
    OceansForever Posts: 221 Member
    Google piriformis stretch. Works well for me and recommended for sciatica.

    ^^^ This! I do this every day. I also try to strengthen my core muscles and Pilates but this stretch is the only one that helps me to move again without pain.

    My entire lower back is very tight and since I've been working on strengthening the core muscles it flared up several times but I am hoping that in the end it will help.

    The periformis muscle is the one that spasms and squeezes the sciatic nerve.

    I've had from numbing pain all the way from hips to toes to stabbing, unable-to-move pain in my hip through knee area.

    It absolutely sucks!

    Sorry you have been dealing with that as well!
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    As long as the diagnosis is from a physician, I've no problem advising... Then again, if your physician diagnosed you and it's that bad, you should have a physical therapist visit to negotiate the issues. PT can really help with disc herniations as well.

    Swedish graduating to deep tissue massage helps me sometimes but I don't really have sciatica so much as acute pain from a collapsed disc at L5/S1.

    A week from Saturday, I go for my first accupuncture session, add me and I'll let you know how that goes :)
  • ATK57
    ATK57 Posts: 302 Member
    Google piriformis stretch. Works well for me and recommended for sciatica.

    ^^^ This! I do this every day. I also try to strengthen my core muscles and Pilates but this stretch is the only one that helps me to move again without pain.

    My entire lower back is very tight and since I've been working on strengthening the core muscles it flared up several times but I am hoping that in the end it will help.

    The periformis muscle is the one that spasms and squeezes the sciatic nerve.

    I've had from numbing pain all the way from hips to toes to stabbing, unable-to-move pain in my hip through knee area.

    It absolutely sucks!

    Sorry you have been dealing with that as well!

    Thanks! It did flare up now because I am trying to strengthen my core. My lower back is super tight though and it is hard to do certain exercises because of this.
  • OceansForever
    OceansForever Posts: 221 Member
    Google piriformis stretch. Works well for me and recommended for sciatica.

    ^^^ This! I do this every day. I also try to strengthen my core muscles and Pilates but this stretch is the only one that helps me to move again without pain.

    My entire lower back is very tight and since I've been working on strengthening the core muscles it flared up several times but I am hoping that in the end it will help.

    The periformis muscle is the one that spasms and squeezes the sciatic nerve.

    I've had from numbing pain all the way from hips to toes to stabbing, unable-to-move pain in my hip through knee area.

    It absolutely sucks!

    Sorry you have been dealing with that as well!

    Thanks! It did flare up now because I am trying to strengthen my core. My lower back is super tight though and it is hard to do certain exercises because of this.

    Yes, that's my problem as well. I've been trying to find other stretches to help with that tightness around my tail bone but haven't found anything yet. The only thing that seems to help a little is the "roll in a ball - knees to chin - arms wrapped around knees" exercise that seems to stretch the lower back somewhat. So I do that plus the periformis stretch a lot during the day.
  • chadman88
    I have followed the workouts presented in the Foundation book. It has relieved all my back pain issues.

    Foundation: Redefine Your Core, Conquer Back Pain, and Move with Confidence