What makes some people stink.....?



  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Hahahaha I'm so glad I started this thread it's hilarious!

    I DO expect some smell at the gym and I don't hate the stinky guy for being stinky, I was just wondering what causes it!

    I also hate the food and tobacco and fart smells- but I kind of forgive the tobacco smells because that person is trying to be healthier and I can't judge that. I also hate when you're there on a saturday or sunday morning and people come in and smell like a distillery as the alcohol comes out their pores. Yuck. Though I'm sure I was guilty of this in college.
  • anraq13
    anraq13 Posts: 16
    On the topic of bad breath, it may not be the person's fault. I used to have really bad breath, no matter how much I brushed or gargled. Then I had sinus surgery, which cleared out the many folds in my sinuses and the infections I had. The more folds, the more bacteria or whatever can grow. Sinus wash may help, but I didn't know about that at the time. Also, when you're on a diet, your breath can definitely smell worse than normal.
    Ketosis will make your breath smell , not just because you're on a diet. You can diet and still not be in ketosis. As I mentioned earlier it can make you smell as well on the outside :(
    I am betting that the infection itself was not the cause of your bad breathe but because you were a mouth breather.
    That can cause major bad breath too. I too, had to have surgery due to nasal polyps and had an infection for years before I had surgery to remove them