Am I the only one over 300 pounds?

Just wondering if I am the only one here that is over 300 pounds in the united states. I am here wanting to lose weight. Wanting to get fit and to be a healthier, better person. Needing more motivation and inspiration. If you want to help me or work with me on this goal feel free to add me please! :-)


  • Barbellsandthimbles
    Barbellsandthimbles Posts: 205 Member
    I doubt you're the only one on here over 300lbs! I started at 248 and am currently down to 193. It is a tough road, but the support on this site (from what I can tell so far as I just joined!) is phenominal! Good luck to you and I'll be cheering you on!
  • twiglips
    twiglips Posts: 136 Member
    nope, you're not alone : )
  • dschille
    dschille Posts: 19
    NO my dear you are not! I started my Journey at 319! I am currently down to 290! You are not alone. I would love to you your friend!!!! :)
  • fatpal1
    fatpal1 Posts: 57
    Nope, You are not alone!!! I just joined here last week, still not sure what I am doing. I have lost 74 pounds since June 1st. still got at least 100 to 120 to go. I live in Kentucky. Married, two kids (girls) add me we will chat :)
  • evilstarburst
    evilstarburst Posts: 47 Member
    hello! it is never too late to get into shape. I was no 300 pounds but I was 250 pounds on new years. I lost 25 pounds so far. you can add me and I can help you get on track. the first month never over due it, dont even work out just take away soda and sugars like candy or cookies. you will lose 10 pounds in a month or 2 weeks just but taking away that. See your body as a car, the better fuel you put into it the better performance you will be in. So first you got to start eating healthy before you start working out, because if you rush it you just get tired grumpy and you wont have fun working out and will probably give up. I use to sleep all day and game all night now I have a lot more energy, I still struggle im the biggest one out of all of my friends, that doesnt bother me but i still have a very hard time keeping up with them in hikes. Hope this helped you out~!
  • littlewitch1973
    You are not the only one.

    I started my journey over a year ago, at 400lbs. I am now under 300 (just under!). It takes a lot of work and dedication, but the rewards are well worth it!!
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    No, you aren't the only one. When I look at how much I need to lose to become "normal" I find it discouraging. So I don't think about it much, but take it one day at a time.
  • julie080269
    Good morning sweetie. You are not alone. I started at 317 and am now 191. You can do it!!
  • RichNice
    RichNice Posts: 66 Member
    Hey...keep up your hard work man....I started at 450 lbs in 2007, and I just hit the 300 lbs mark this year. Keep in mind I hate exercising and eating right...but it can be done!
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    I am at 291, and I started at 305 two months ago. Feel free to add me
  • ShadowriderNH
    You are not the only one. I am over 300 as well...I requested to add you as a friend...
  • Mawskittykat
    Mawskittykat Posts: 241 Member
    Nope you are not alone, when I joined I weighed 311 pounds and have recently got down to 206. You can do this too. Friend me if you wish
  • hikezilla
    hikezilla Posts: 174 Member
    If all goes according to my plans...I won't be a 300 pounder after this week...maybe a 299er...but not a 300. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Be patient, don't get too discouraged, and remember, you didn't gain all that in 60 days, so there is no way it's coming off in 60 days. I'm trying to stay consistent with a 1.5 to 2 lbs per week loss. It's not always the easy thing to do.
  • BlackStarlight
    BlackStarlight Posts: 554 Member
    Nope I doubt you are alone I started at 246lbs Im down to 176lbs Its a long hard road but not impossible. You can do it! Feel free to add me if you like xx
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    Hey...keep up your hard work man....I started at 450 lbs in 2007, and I just hit the 300 lbs mark this year. Keep in mind I hate exercising and eating right...but it can be done!

    Wow, that's fantastic. You're really dedicated, and it's also good to hear about long-term success. I've kept off 34 lbs over 3 years and have 70-95 to go. But when I read stories like yours, I realize, it can be done. So thanks.
  • DeliciaSmith
    Nope, you are not alone! But it want be long, if we keep at this that we will look at 300 in our rearview mirror! This is a process, but it really will work..Come on, lets go burn some calories........:laugh:
  • Alice_in_Wndrlnd
    Alice_in_Wndrlnd Posts: 47 Member

    I am over 300lbs. But I am not in the US.
  • jspiliotopoulos
    Definitely not alone... (sigh). Feel free to friend me if you're looking,
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    no. welcome
  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    Nope! I was over that when I started trying to lose and only slightly under when I joined MFP