Eating Disorders

I have noticed many people who have eating disorders on this site. I know it's a disease, just like any other one. However, I am absolutely HORRIFIED about some of the content that is being shared. There are people on here who are literally starving themselves and encouraging others to do so. I came across a lot of pro-eating disorder profiles. It is so bad, that there are people who are asking people to call them "fat pigs", so they have more encouragement to starve themselves. I know that if these are banned, the people who are pro-ED will just find other ways to support each other. There's a lot of websites out there. Just wanted to bring awareness that these are on here. This is horrifying and unacceptable. They are cults. I hope they decide to get well soon.


  • harribo_mum
    I've seen many of these too its very sad!
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    have you reported them?
  • momo2011Tuck
    momo2011Tuck Posts: 49 Member
    Ive battled an eating disorders since I was 13 years old. I use this site as a means to control my eating and NOT starve myself. It is sad to know that they are doing that.
  • AppleJuiceMoney
    I couldn't agree more! Just today in the UK a 17 year old girl lost her battle with anorexia after obsessive calorie counting, dieting, over exercising etc it was in the Australian headlines today... And she seemed to have everything going for her. It literally breaks my heart this stuff and I hope those on MFP who advocate this understand the real dangers of what they're doing!!
  • kate_sunflower
    kate_sunflower Posts: 152 Member
    That makes me ill. As someone who was seriously underweight... you CAN'T be that way forever. I read that anorexia can only last for so long and then go in one of three directions - death, rehabilitation, or another ED. And now I'm trying to LOSE weight because of the weight gain from the binges, due to the fact that for years my body had been deprived for so long. I just think to myself, I would never, EVER wish this on someone else. It has handicapped me in so many ways. I have lost so many wonderful opportunities of my teens and early 20s because of its isolation.
  • Angiesolomon
    Angiesolomon Posts: 144 Member
    I know, what you mean, I've seen it too. This website is about 'fitness' and wellness. I worry other people will be sucked into the starvation trends.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I had a few really young girls as friends, like 14-15 years old. I think you are supposed to be 19 to be able to use this site so I dont even know how they have gotten to stay on here. One would freak out if she didnt net in the negative every single day. I couldnt handle that crap, so i got rid of them. I struggled with both bulemia and anorexia in high school, and feel that they were a catalyst in getting me to where I am today, well over 200 pounds. Its hard to keep up with an ED for an extremely long period of time, so I just started compulsively overeating. I guess I am lucky though that I didnt die. Booo Hooo, I am 87 pounds and want to be 60 :( Okay, girls I am over 200, try living in my bod for a day and you will be oh so happy to be back in your less than 100 pound bod. I am not bashing people with ED. It is a hard road to go down, but if you are flaunting it, that is what I am referring to.
  • cgray
    cgray Posts: 132 Member
    As a recovered anorexic I too am saddened by the postings of those who are suffering. I often offer up my own food diary for them to see, but most of them don't want to hear it, aren't ready to hear it. I just wanted to say that I was a Christian while I was suffering from my eating disorder and it was my relationship with God that helped me overcome my anorexia. I have never been a part of a cult.
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    My heart is with anyone suffering from an eating disorder. I've seen several young ladies in the depth of their disorder on here but I've seen so many more recovering or trying to find the path to it. Is there somewhere we can direct them for help? I ate too much so I unfortunately have nothing to offer in terms of experience, strength and hope. Is there a group of people recovering from an ED we could direct them towards?
  • Promqueen_74932
    Promqueen_74932 Posts: 203 Member
    Yes there are a lot of situations on this site that I have had to "block." Having an eating disorder it having a lack of self awareness. Once you discover the trigger, it is easier to walk away from the food for comfort and find something positive and productive to do for that "instant gratification." I have an eating disorder. I take it one day at a time because that is the best for me. I hope that others find the best for them; healthy, safe, and happy.

    Thank you so much for posting.
    I think others need to know that you HAVE to eat. The body is like a car and you wouldn't expect it to work without gas (which is food). I will keep you all in my prayers.

    Sara :flowerforyou:
  • idziak04
    idziak04 Posts: 69
    I suffered from an eating disorder in my early twenties. I love this site because it promotes healthy eating and exercise. That is the only way to lose weight. For the last few years I have so badly wanted to lose weight, but I was so afraid I would have to starve myself again to get to the weight I wanted to be. I have learned so much from this website. I love the fact that i can actually eat and feel satisfied. I have lost 9 pounds so far and I couldn't be happier!! I hope people realize that starving themselves is not the answer to healthy or even long term weight loss.

  • Rach_Gem_n_Disguise
    Rach_Gem_n_Disguise Posts: 140 Member
    I know a lot of people personally who are on MFP who are dealing with overcoming an ED or used to have one. I personally haven't witnessed first hand the comments such as "fat pigs".....I do see where some people state they hate themselves today, etc. I can't say whether that means those individuals have an eating disorder.

    One thing to keep in mind, if a person has had an ED in the past they will always struggle with that. It's a disease just like alcholism, etc. They will forever battle with that inside of them. Hopefully by them coming to this site it's stepping them in the right direction.

    I agree with what you're saying though about that though and if you see something inappropriate you should post it for sure.
  • loveflowers4
    loveflowers4 Posts: 21 Member
    WOW~ I haven't come across any on here yet. Thank goodness!! I suffered from an eating disorder when I was ALOT younger. And it sadness me to think that people believe its a good thing. Most eating disorder stem from more deeper issues than just food. Food is something that they feel they have control over( whether it maybe limiting it or getting rid of it). These people need help, and my heart breaks for them, because it is an aweful illness and it takes over your entire life. I really hope they get the help they need.
  • plarcade
    plarcade Posts: 125 Member
    Ive battled an eating disorders since I was 13 years old. I use this site as a means to control my eating and NOT starve myself. It is sad to know that they are doing that.
    Same here. Would like to add that EDs are psychological and yes, you do think and do the most insane things, even though you're aware that they ARE bonkers. It's very sad :(
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I have noticed many people who have eating disorders on this site. I know it's a disease, just like any other one. However, I am absolutely HORRIFIED about some of the content that is being shared. There are people on here who are literally starving themselves and encouraging others to do so. I came across a lot of pro-eating disorder profiles. It is so bad, that there are people who are asking people to call them "fat pigs", so they have more encouragement to starve themselves. I know that if these are banned, the people who are pro-ED will just find other ways to support each other. There's a lot of websites out there. Just wanted to bring awareness that these are on here. This is horrifying and unacceptable. They are cults. I hope they decide to get well soon.

    Well, the forum rules state that you can't advocate for an eating disorder or even a VLCD in the open forums and you're not bringing this to anyone's attention--everyone here knows all of this.

    What concerns me is your being "horrified" by this. You yourself stated that you know this is a disease. Are you also "horrified" by the results of cancer and believe people with cancer should be hidden from your view? Furthermore, if you're talking about profiles, that's very different from posting threads advocating EDs.

    First you state that you know EDs are illnesses, but you go on to say you believe they are "cults." Which is it?

    People with EDs need support, and if we don't support them they seek out each other for support. As you've seen, this isn't advantageous for their health. But they don't need to be told their behavior is "horrifying," or "unacceptable." It won't make them stop, and it's likely to make them worse. When the rest of us post that we slipped up and ate that ice cream, or went over our calories on our diaries, we don't say "Well, that's unhealthy! You should be ashamed!" We already know it's unhealthy, and shaming doesn't change behavior. We say, "Well, don't let it stop you from eating healthier. Get past it, and do better tomorrow." We can support these people and help them get better, but not if we label them "horrifying and unacceptable." Besides, why do you or I or anybody get to decide what behavior is acceptable for other adults unless it affects our person or property directly.
  • Rach_Gem_n_Disguise
    Rach_Gem_n_Disguise Posts: 140 Member
    As a recovered anorexic I too am saddened by the postings of those who are suffering. I often offer up my own food diary for them to see, but most of them don't want to hear it, aren't ready to hear it. I just wanted to say that I was a Christian while I was suffering from my eating disorder and it was my relationship with God that helped me overcome my anorexia. I have never been a part of a cult.

    Well said. Best wishes in your journey!! God bless!
  • aehartley
    aehartley Posts: 269 Member
    It is very sad... please keep in mind that some of us on here are recovering... My journal always says I am under, but my treatment team looks at it regularly. SOME of us use it as a tool to help us get better. I am a recovering anorxic/ bulimic... When I was at my low point I weighed 99 lbs. I was really sick and spent 6 month IP at a facilty trying to gain weight. When I got out I was so afraid of relapsing I ended up becoming a binge eater. After some talk therapy, my therapist suggested that I start going to the gym. I loved it. I also started researching eating healthy ( at the time I was only eating junk - becuase I was so afraid of relapsing) -- NOW I am getting healthy and fit thanks to MFP, and therapy. I don't know were I would be without this site helping me look at my calories and what I am eating. I am starting to look at food as fuel for my body.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I know, what you mean, I've seen it too. This website is about 'fitness' and wellness. I worry other people will be sucked into the starvation trends.

    Do you also worry that if people are around cancer patients they will be sucked into cancer? You don't get sucked into illness. Anorexia nervosa is about control. Something in a person's life--sometimes abuse, sometimes shame about body image, sometimes something else--made them feel like they weren't in control of their lives, so they control what they can--food. Some of them get VERY good at it. You battle it by encouraging them to seek help with the out-of-control parts of their life, not by shaming them and not by hiding them away.
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    It's a bit rude of you to be horrified. You dont know what its like to have an ED and you should be thankful. For some people, controlling what they eat is all they have left.

    If you dont like what they say, ignore it. But dont bash people who have a mental illness.

    I have an eating disorder and I dont push it upon other people. So are you still "horrified" by me?
  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    I sure don't want to judge them. I battled anexoria in high school. I used to say I won but I know better know. I took that control issue and turned it to my finances. (I track every penny I spend and my budget is planned for the next 3 years.)

    Unfortunately, mothers with eating disorders often have daughters with eating disorders. My daughter is now in outpatient treatment.