Tooth Fairy



  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    You handled that very well!
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    How did this sweet story of a good parent become a manbashing fest?

    Open recruitment!

    We evil women will look for any excuse...:devil:
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    Awe that's cute, I'm sure he was thrilled! :D
  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,857 Member
    My 5 year old slipped on some dry leaves and came down on his chin on the pavement. He had a huge gash in his chin, so we went to the emergency room and got stitches. . three days later his teeth were still hurting, so I took him to the dentist and he had FOUR cracked molars! He had to have three of them taken out and they fell apart during the removal so there were something like 5 or 6 pieces of tooth left. . We put them under his pillow, The tooth fairy was planning on doing 3 or four bucks a tooth (they still had roots), but unfortunately he had to go to the ATM for the cash , so the kid got $20!. .
  • llahairdna
    llahairdna Posts: 521 Member
    My 5 year old slipped on some dry leaves and came down on his chin on the pavement. He had a huge gash in his chin, so we went to the emergency room and got stitches. . three days later his teeth were still hurting, so I took him to the dentist and he had FOUR cracked molars! He had to have three of them taken out and they fell apart during the removal so there were something like 5 or 6 pieces of tooth left. . We put them under his pillow, The tooth fairy was planning on doing 3 or four bucks a tooth (they still had roots), but unfortunately he had to go to the ATM for the cash , so the kid got $20!. .

    Your kid's tooth fairy is waaaaaaaay better than my kid's tooth fairy. My kid would have gotten an IOU from the TF before getting $20. OR, I would have called my parents--"Quick! Bring me some singles....STAT!!" I would have to clarify that it wasn't for a stripper though......
  • 42kgirl
    42kgirl Posts: 692 Member
    The hubs fell asleep before the Tooth Fairy could visit The Boy. He was of course in tears when he didn't find anything the next morning. It's the one time his being a pig has paid off. I pretended to scour his bedroom and wouldn't you know it? I found where she left it! Teeth are worth quite a bit in our house because the Tooth Fairy forgot to go to the bank early on in the tooth losing days and the smallest he had on him was a $5. Yikes!
  • MrsR0SE
    MrsR0SE Posts: 343 Member
    Check out this book by Lauren Child "Charlie and Lola: my wobbly tooth must not ever fall out" :smile:
  • 42kgirl
    42kgirl Posts: 692 Member
    Check out this book by Lauren Child "Charlie and Lola: my wobbly tooth must not ever fall out" :smile:
    My kids used to love Charlie and Lola!