Mom's with young kiddos!!!



  • hazev74
    hazev74 Posts: 252 Member
    bump for later...must fire my 10 mth old and 3 yr old boys to bed!! back in a bit...

    phew...ok im 37 and have my 2 little boys and also work a 40 hr week!. i get walks in whenever i can. try to make zumba for an hour once a week..if not theni find some zumba classes on youtube and dance around the kitchen much to the excitement of my little ones!! id love to have more time to exercise so i try to include it in every day things. like jogging on the spot while holding my 3 yr old etc...
  • ljdborton
    ljdborton Posts: 51 Member
    Is anyone on here nursing their baby or have nursed while trying to use this program?.....any info or help would be greatly appreciated as I would like to nurse him until he is 1:)
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Oh gosh, I can so relate to what many of you have written here. I'm a SAHM of 4 kids (7 year old b/g twins and 5 year old b/b twins). I don't really like to work out in the mornings so I usually do my workout in the late afternoon or evening.

    Thankfully, my kids like to be active so we usually ride bikes up to the park and then I do walk/jog intervals while they play. Or we play Dance Central on the Kinect.

    But I'm also doing Jillian Michael's Body Revolution which requires I workout to her DVD's at least 30-35 minutes 6 days a week. During that time, I either send the kids out back to jump on the trampoline or they exercise with me.

    I've been really trying to drive home to them that Mommy needs time to take care of herself too. And that 30-35 minutes is MY time...I get them set up with snacks, juice, whatever they need and then I concentrate on my work out.
  • 2kidsandadonut
    2kidsandadonut Posts: 140 Member
    I have a 1yo and a 5yo if I can't get to the gym (usually the hubby takes them but sometimes it is impossible) I get them into my workout. We play 'exercise' and I put a dvd in and the kiddos work out with me. Also, I make all my errands a little more energetic. So when going to the grocery store we 'run' from the farthest parking space (my 1 yo in the cart) and then we circle the store several times. I also have them do yard work with me (put the 1 yo in the pack and play) and the 5 yo helps me find sticks and trash to pick up. When cooking dinner I 'jog' or run in place at the stove so that I get a little cardio in. Just be creative! Working out doesn't have to be the gym. Just find little ways to add a little more and at the end of the day you will be amazed how much it can add up!
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I have an 8 yr old and a 2 yr old. Workout before you go to work, When I worked I woke up early to do that. It's tough at first, but you adjust.
  • Blessedmommy_2x
    Blessedmommy_2x Posts: 419 Member
    I have 2 toddlers and I also work full time... so I know where you are coming from. I honestly have to make the time for my exercises and sometimes I don't have a whole 30 minutes to spend exercising so I break up the workouts when I can.: 10 minutes jogging around the house, 10 minute circuit of body weight exercises, 10 minutes of weight lifting ... every little bit counts and eventually it all adds up. There are MANY days I don't even get a chance to "sit down" until its the kids bedtime. But you know...its worth it to me, its a learning process you have to figure out what works for you and go with it. But in the end it is TOTALLY WORTH IT!

    Feel free to send me a friend request and we can lose this weight together.
  • quiksandy
    quiksandy Posts: 246 Member
    My suggestion...join a gym with good childcare. My gym allows childcare for up to 2 hours each day. I have a 5 yr old and an 8 yr old so mine are older. But I see lots of young ones in there too. I typically workout 5 days a week for an hour each time. My kids actually really enjoy the childcare at the gym because there are tons of activities to do there and, because we go so frequently, they actually have made friends that they count on seeing when they go there.

    When my kids are sick I tend to do Your Shape Fitness workout on our XBOX. Or if the kids need to be involved we play XBOX sports and I actually burn quite a bit of calories doing that (according to my heart rate monitor)

    Just try to make it a priority and do it during your alert hours.
  • Schnuddelbuddel
    Schnuddelbuddel Posts: 472 Member
    Is anyone on here nursing their baby or have nursed while trying to use this program?.....any info or help would be greatly appreciated as I would like to nurse him until he is 1:)
    Congrats on your baby :) He looks very young still :)

    I still nurse (as do many others on here!) and if you're full-time nursing, just add 'breastfeeding' to your food diary. Full time, choose one of the -500 cal options, as you need 500 calories extra per day! Drink TONS of water and ALWAYS have healthy snacks handy. BF makes hungry and thirsty.

    Best of luck!

    Off now to crawl into bed myself. All 4 of mine fast asleep for a change - we were up with them til nearly 3am last night (coughing, vomiting etc - delights of parenting, eh? :laugh: )

    PS: guys, look up or check out blogilates on youtube - great sites to get home-workouts without needing equipment and there are workouts on there that take anything from 12 minutes so don't take that much time. :D
  • jenniferpowell1980
    jenniferpowell1980 Posts: 68 Member
    Im a single mother of 3 with no baby father around and i work full time.

    These are the various ways i get exercise.
    I drop him off to nursery earlier than needed so i can walk or cycle to work.
    We go swimming as a family and although i cant swim because i have to watch little one i tread water the whole time actually burns quite a few calories.
    I take them to National Trust gardens where i can walk while they run around safely without worrying about cars.
    I take them Geocaching, which is basically walking but with a treasure to find at the end, its a world wide thing, look it up at
    I bounce and play on our 14 ft tramoline with my kids and although i dont log this one as its not on there i can feel im burning load of calories and am happy just knowing that im exercising while having fun.
    We go on a 1-4 mile walk on the night time as a family, i get an ice cream for the kids enroute, that always makes them enthusiastic, i also live near a moor with a large rock formation so i make the walk longer so they can rock scramble, which also makes them enthusiastic.
    Me and the kids make obstacle courses round the house and garden and time each other, thats fun.
    We walk to the beach which is a mile away to a bit of rock climbing there and walk back.
    We play against each other on the wii, even my 2 year old can run on the spot with a controller in his hands for Mario Olympics.

    Basically i make sure there is something in it for them so they want to join in, its great knowing im not just improving my health im improving their's too and setting them up for a lifetime of good habits.

    I get the housework done in the early morning while thay are still all in bed, i also delegate a few little jobs to the kids, like when emptying the draining board, i pass the stuff to my 2 year old and he puts it in the cupboards. It all helps. I might ask the older ones to put the washing out or the bins.

    Basically we work as a team, everyone helps in some way and then we go and do fun stuff together and as a active family it usually involves burning calories.

    Baby falls asleep on our family night time walk, if we dont do the walk i struggle to get him to sleep so we try to do it every night so hes in bed for about 7. Me and the older kids will either play a board game or watch netflixs then we all usually go to bed around 10.

    Im quite happy with our life!
  • MUByM
    MUByM Posts: 208
    I'm 23, SAHM and have a 3 y/o boy. I exercise 6 days a week for 1 hour or more. I used to just put my son in a stroller and take off walking and that would be my exercise. Then I started doing things at home like running in my place, the treadmill and jump rope. My son would always be next to me playing with his cars. Then I got into Zumba. I recorded some Zumba on my phone off of YouTube and when I do it I put Netflix on for my son and he stays calm until I finish. Recently I started doing Wii Fitness Plus and he doesn't bother me. He plays his cars or plays his Elmo learning game on his DSi. He cheers me on too. When I finish an exercise he gives me a hug and sayss good job mami. It's so cute. LolI actually made him a profile on there and he plays games too. I know it is very different for you since you work. I would suggest involving your kids in some of your exercises. Maybe run around with them or play hide and seek.

    Sorry if this wasn't helpful! =)
  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    I hear ye.

    I've a 2 and a 3 year old, up at 6am for work so getting up early to exercise would not suit. I go to the gym twice a week and then run outside maybe twice a week too. Work mon-fri also.

    It's sooooo hard to fit it all in. My life is one big stress-ball, clock watching etc. It's frustrating.

    The scales have not moved for me since Jan. I gained 3 lbs which I know was down to muscle gain as I started back lifting weights. It's very disheartening. My mummy tummy has come back a bit which I am very very self-concious of. I'm going back to spin next week as I found it great on so many different levels. I'm determind to get down to my goal weight. Next week is the new week for it. Healthy eating all the way too.
  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    Hi there

    Without viewing your diary I would say are you having enough protein?
    Are you eating your exercise calories?
    Are you mixing up your exercise routines?

    These things might help to budge the scales or measurements
  • monkeymomof3
    monkeymomof3 Posts: 107 Member
    I am almost 34yo and have 3 kids; an 8yo, 5yo, and 2yo...I work full time getting up at 5 am everyday (work by 630)....I count calories and have done a work out (lifting, running, insanity, elliptical, etc) 4-6 days a week since MARCH 2011....I have changed nothing since January and have GAINED 6 lbs....BEFORE I gained 6 I was stuck for 5 months....i am no help :) It SUCKS. But, I did go to my family practice doctor and insist they do blood work, they said I'm normal. Went to my ob and told him he needed to fix me or I'd keep coming back (I like him better than my gp). He told me that I need to read 40/30/30 and watch my carbs....that at "this stage in my life" things process differently....So I have been counting calories AND watching carbs.....and still nothing - though that was only 2 weeks ago and it's "that time of the month"....I am going to UP my protein with my newly lowered carbs, throw in some strength (1-2 days) and stick with 4 days cardio (I can run outside with my 2yo now that it's nice) and hope SOMETHING gives....I am SO CLOSE to goal....and I still just feel so hopeless!!! hopefully someone can help, because I know how you feel!!!!!

    eta: My ob also said to take a b12 supplement and an omega 3 supp(fish, flaxseed, and something else as options)....I DO have more energy but I think it may be mental - or the weather being nicer.....some days though you just HAVE to do it for you.....

    Just curious, do you ever measure?

    No, but my "smaller" size got tight, so went back up to my "too big but still fits ok" sized clothes :) So I'm not even losing inches....and BF% is the same.... :(
  • tishajo
    tishajo Posts: 146 Member
    Bump this!
  • ljdborton
    ljdborton Posts: 51 Member
    You started in Jan/12 and lost 57 pounds!!! great job!!! what are you doing diet and exercise wise? This was so motivating for me ot read!!!! You go momma!!!
  • ljdborton
    ljdborton Posts: 51 Member
    Thank you so much!!!!! he is 4 months old now:) time to getthis mommas bosy back...3 little ones and ready to go:) Thanks again for taking the time to respond to my post I greatly appreciate it!