Look at my food diary, what is wrong?!



  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    If you aren't willing to make the effort to log your food intake, then I'm not willing to make the effort to critique your food for today.

    Yes, I know, some will say that this is rude, and others will say "Thumper! What did your father tell you this morning?", but let's all be real honest about how this process works (especially those who have made a lasting transformation themselves). For every real success story that ends well, it absolutely requires that the person making the change makes a significant commitment to the process. Failing to keep a simple food journal, and on MFP of all places, tells me she is not at that point yet.

    This stuff is not complicated, but it also isn't easy.

    This process is, well, a process. You can use the templates that are out there as a starting point, but from there, you will likely need to make changes to make it work for you. My advice is to start tracking everything that you eat *every day*. Do that for a few weeks. Then, based on that data, and based on the changes you see in your body during that time, you can start tweaking things like the total calories, macro ratios, effects of certain foods, etc. (Personally, I'd strongly consider if eating grains is a good thing.) But until you have that data, you're just guessing.

    (Oh, And a great place to keep this food journal is myfitnesspal.com. :wink: )
  • lisakyle_11
    lisakyle_11 Posts: 420 Member
    When I look at someone's diary I look at 4 things--- in order of importance: Calories, Protein, Fat, Carbohydrates.... You should be concerned with getting more protein in. This will help you maintain your lean body mass as you diet. Don't be afraid to get 100g or more of protein in a day. Don't be afraid of fat either. Just stay within 100 calories +/- of your goal. :smile:

    this^^ great advice.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Sorry, but it looks as if you're not really taking this seriously.

    whoa, rude.

    Haha what a way to motivate somebody!
    I take this very seriously but my eating habits are hard to kick. I joined MFP last year and logged for quite a while but got a new job so ended up giving up! So now I'm back and trying to change my diet :) I agree with most posts though I do need to add more fruit/veg and protein.
    Sorry, that was quite rude wasn't it? I've been working outside in pouring rain and driving hail today and I'm pretty grumpy!

    But really the point I was trying to make was that there's no point in putting in quick add calories, which could be anything, and then asking other members to spend their time evaluating your diary for you!