PINK team ***where is everybody***



  • Euphonasia
    Euphonasia Posts: 136
    This week's weigh-in....241.6! I met my goal for band camp one week early, so I've modified my goal down to 240 (perhaps more than that at my current weight loss). I have lost 28.4 pounds in 2 1/2 months. I know it will eventually slow down, but I'm still excited that I'm seeing results and working hard. Good luck weighing in tomorrow!
  • CarmenSantiago
    CarmenSantiago Posts: 681 Member
    I'm here, I'm here! How is everyone?? Here are my stats!

    start weight: 202
    current weight: 196
    goal weight: 115
    for challenge: 180

    weigh in 6/9: 195.6
    weigh in 6/16: 197
    weigh in 6/30 189.8 YIPEE!!
    weigh in 7/13 188.6 :bigsmile:

    I'm on track to make goal for the challenge. :drinker: Good Luck everyone!!
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