Am I A Gym Snob?



  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Georg - I'm with you on your sister - when I would go after work my hair would be done, make up, etc...

    As for the red face - are you pale skinned? I saw the doc about this in highschool because I would be running track, and would be SO embarassed because my face was beet red, even though I was cardiovasucularly fine! The doc said that very pale / fair skinned people lose heat that way - causing the face to flush, as the blood moves to the surface.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    OH the PERFUME! :mad: :mad: :mad:

    Anyone who wears perfume or cologne or highly scented lotion to the gym should be shot! Nothing like hot stinky flowers to help you when you are breathing hard :noway:

    I put my ipod in my ears and avoid eye contact, I am not at the gym to impress anyone, just myself! :wink:

    My dad is retired and he goes to the gym in the mornings for 2 hours or more and he has a whole group of buddies that are there everyday and they chat it up. So in that case I don't mind the talking because they will get out of your way when you need a machine or set of weights unlike some of the chatty women or gym rats trying to pick up chicks. :happy:
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Georg - I'm with you on your sister - when I would go after work my hair would be done, make up, etc...

    As for the red face - are you pale skinned? I saw the doc about this in highschool because I would be running track, and would be SO embarassed because my face was beet red, even though I was cardiovasucularly fine! The doc said that very pale / fair skinned people lose heat that way - causing the face to flush, as the blood moves to the surface.

    :mad: I am part Irish and everyone on my mothers side of the family get the red face. When I get off the treadmill or back from a run my kids call me DARTH MOMMY :laugh: :laugh:

    for those of you that don't know, darth mal is the red and black striped face guy from star wars.

    Red face is usually just flush from the blood warming up and fair skin plays a big role. It can be embarassing when people walking past you stop to see if you are ok though :blushing: :blushing:
  • mrd232
    mrd232 Posts: 331
    Some of the most obnoxious behavior I've noticed at the gym was from the following people:

    1. Rude moms - I'm not singling out people with young kids, I'm singling out the handful I've seen that don't take advantage of free daycare at the gym or attend at a time where you don't have the kids with you...I used to go to a Y with a very lax policy in regards to age limits in various parts of the gym. These areas should be limited to 14 and older but this was not enforced. I complained several times along with other members and was told, basically, that I was the rude one. Wow. I left the gym after that.

    Rules for tykes:
    - The cardio room is NOT a babysitting service. I am not in charge of your child. YOU ARE.
    - Do NOT allow your 5 year old to operate a treadmill (read: screw around and hog the machine) beside you. It's not cute. It's pretty dangerous, to be honest. Plus, they're hogging an open machine.
    - Don't let your 3 year old meander around the free weights. Someone once had the audacity to allow their kid to play with the Nautilus equipment while the staff wasn't watching. Kid slammed one of his fingers between the weights. Totally shouldn't have happened.

    2. Rude meatheads, guidos, and teenagers in the weight room. Don't get me started on these @$$holes. These guys hog the bench and squat rack doing nothing but patting each other on the butt and making comments about the rest of the weight room. Half the time, the majority of them do no actual weightlifting, but meanwhile continue groping their "brosephs" and talking about all the Jagermeister they'll be drinking later that night. Go home and drink your muscle milk and gloat in your own mirror, morons. And yes, they are the stereotype as depicted in the "my new haircut" video. Spot on.

    3. Guys working out in street clothes. Why did this trend start? This is just stupid. Nice Italian dress shoes, buddy. Now put 'em in the locker room where they belong and find a pair of sneakers. Geez.

    4. People who ignore sign up sheets. This only really applies during peak hours, but I really hated when I reserved spots in a spin class only to find some jerk erased my name. RUDE.

    5. People who yak on cell phones in the sauna. WTF? why bring the stupid thing in the sauna?

    I don't think it's gym snobbery, I think much of it is just common decency.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member

    3. Guys working out in street clothes. Why did this trend start? This is just stupid. Nice Italian dress shoes, buddy. Now put 'em in the locker room where they belong and find a pair of sneakers. Geez.

    I think it's gross when people work out in jeans. It just seems...gross. Even worse are people who workout on machines barefoot!! :noway:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Hahaha - these have been pretty funny... I agree, I think we are really talking common sense and common decency!!

    Working out in jeans? It's like swimming in a three piece suit! Yikes....
  • mrd232
    mrd232 Posts: 331
    There was a dude at the same crazy YMCA that worked out in a wrestling singlet (and nothign else) that looked as though it hadn't been washed since the 1980s.

  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    I have a new found appreciation for the Navy gyms. Guys don't do there to pick up on women because any woman there is probably married so every one there is just wants to work out. I will never complain about the old *kitten* equipment again. or this week...

    P.s. I feel you about the red face. I have slight rosacea but when I work out you would think I fell face first in to a vat of red paint.
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