Are your company benefits tied to your health?



  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    My workplace is going in the opposite direction. People are looked down upon for their food choices, gossiped about, and at the annual health screenings - most people don't go because nosey people gossip about their test results too. No one here cares if we're working on our health and often I feel like I'm the only person that is. They did just instate a policy that we can't use tobacco products and we have to get nicotine tests. That's about all. Our insurance is horrid and they just changed it from a good policy to our current one to save the company money by screwing the workers. Our company also owns an entire building that is empty and when I had people on the healthy bandwagon, we offered to bring exercise equipment to the empty space so we could workout during lunch. We were told no and given some excuse about it being a security risk for us to A). Walk over there {2 blocks away} B). To let multiple people have keys to the buidling C). To be seen out in public shuffling in and out of a random building. So, the space sits there... it's a damn shame too. I could be on a stationary bike or an old elliptical or jumping rope or doing a workout DVD on an old TV..... it makes me sad how unvalued my health is as a worker. They wonder why everyone is sick all the time here. :(
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    We have two plans/programs to choose from for our benefits.

    There are incentives to saving money at local gyms or the YMCA for being an employee where I work.
    Our company offers free smoking cessation programs
    We run "The Biggest Loser" twice a year - anyone can participate. Winning teams get prizes. Winning individual with the highest loss gets even more prizes.

    We get discounts at places like specialty shoe shops if we want jogging/running/workout type footwear.

    For employees who participate in healthy programs that are recognized while using the medical insurance plans here (WW, Nutrisystem, Jenny Craig, or documentation from your physician showing a medical plan you are following and showing good results), you can actually get PAID. we have to submit receipts, documents on a quarterly basis for reimbursement.

    Free health advisement from our Employee-Health department is ALWAYS a good perk.

    Free exercise classes at each campus so everyone has the opportunity to join.

    Free blood pressure clinics at each campus as well as cholesterol and bone scan checks for employees

    EDIT: Right now, there is a 30ft minimum requirement to be away from the building we work at for those who smoke. They are contemplating making it a 100% smoke-free environemnt though which I think wouldnt be fair especially for those who are participating in cessation programs (our winters can get nasty here), so driving away to find a place to smoke will be difficult, but also this is hard to enforce as well.
  • dlw13
    dlw13 Posts: 119 Member
    No, but I wish we did. I don't see why I should pay the same rate as people who are at higher risk.
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 922 Member
    Starting in 2013 my company is offering a premium discount if your BMI is in the healthy range or if it has improved by at least 1 point since last fall. Every fall they offer blood tests and screen for lots of things (confidential), but the discount is based on smoking or not and BMI.

    I can see them wanting to have healthy workers, less sick days, lower premiums from the carriers, etc. I just wish insurance wasn't so tied to employment, but not goverment managed/run. Should be more like car or home insurance that you can buy off the street, but maybe an empoyer group could give a better deal. But that's another soapbox...
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    This sounds awesome! I so wish they did something like that! X
  • fiveferrels
    fiveferrels Posts: 397 Member
    We get like $9 each check for not smoking, nothing else though
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    My workplace is going in the opposite direction. People are looked down upon for their food choices, gossiped about, and at the annual health screenings - most people don't go because nosey people gossip about their test results too. No one here cares if we're working on our health and often I feel like I'm the only person that is. They did just instate a policy that we can't use tobacco products and we have to get nicotine tests. That's about all. Our insurance is horrid and they just changed it from a good policy to our current one to save the company money by screwing the workers. Our company also owns an entire building that is empty and when I had people on the healthy bandwagon, we offered to bring exercise equipment to the empty space so we could workout during lunch. We were told no and given some excuse about it being a security risk for us to A). Walk over there {2 blocks away} B). To let multiple people have keys to the buidling C). To be seen out in public shuffling in and out of a random building. So, the space sits there... it's a damn shame too. I could be on a stationary bike or an old elliptical or jumping rope or doing a workout DVD on an old TV..... it makes me sad how unvalued my health is as a worker. They wonder why everyone is sick all the time here. :(

    I think they would have to carry a liability insurance to set up anything the even appeared to be a corporate sponsored gym.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Our company has incentive and wellness programs. We do a healthmiles thing where you can get a free pedometer and you earn money (gift cards, etc) for milage. You also get points for filling out a health screen. They have on-line personal health consultants and stuff like that. It was all rolled out with our new health care plan two years ago.

    They also used to pay for part of your membership at several local gyms, but now they built a new corporate headquarters that has a fancy gym, so this benefit went away. Since I don't work at corporate HQ, I got screwed.
  • thekarens
    thekarens Posts: 254 Member
    Yes, and I work for a major insurance company and I bet I have worse benefits than 99% of the people on this board. I have to get my life in order because I couldn't afford to get sick with the benefits I have.
  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member
    I am not sure what this means? Is it an American thing, because you don't have healthcare like the UK?

    yes, and yes.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    My company does!

    It's cheaper each month if you're a non smoker.
    And then you can save an additional 20$ a month if you earn enough points.
    We have to earn 50,000 points to qualifiy but a physical is 10k, webinars range from 5k - 25k, my 30 min runs are 500, it stacks up really fast. And there's an added bonus. You can use the points you've earned and redeem gift cards without it deducting from the 50k you need. Gift cards start at 25k (25$) and are earned in 5$ increments after that. So everything I'm doing now, gets me 20$ off for 2013.

    I've already got 115$ in giftcards
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I wish ours was!! It bothers me that our insurance rates keep going up because so many people that work here are overweight and never exercise. And we are a healthcare organization!!
  • cohophysh
    cohophysh Posts: 288
    I wish we did, my company could give a rats butt..."you are here to work, that's all!"
  • amanda52488
    amanda52488 Posts: 260 Member
    Yep, smokers pay higher health insurance. We also have screenings, and if we do such and such we get gift cards@

    And they pay for our gym membership if we go a certain amount of days a month!
  • Annette_rose
    Annette_rose Posts: 427 Member
    I work in a medical facility and we do have benefits if we sign up for what they call "The Wellness Program". Our $55/paycheck insurance is cut $10 per check if we participate.
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    We get extra funds in our Medical Reimbursement Account for doing certain things. Having a healthy BMI, completing wellness assessments, etc.
  • MyTime1985
    MyTime1985 Posts: 456 Member
    I work for BCBS and we have the same incentives with the exception of the BMI. I'm sure that's coming though! They are really great about clinics, patches and meds to stop smoking all for free. A gym at most locations and they'll pay for a gym membership if your office doesn't have one, health screenings, etc. I guess I'm very fortunate.
  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    My work introduced a program like that, but it had a more negative impact b/c it was accompanied by an elimination of several less expensive/ lower deductable health plans and the introduction of the new "consumer based health plans"... In other words, giant deductables and coinsurance limits along w/ higher premiums. While preventative care is covered 100%, the definition of that is fairly loose being that my pre-natal check-ups do not fall into that category...
    We get credit to an MRA if we meet the BMI/ health criteria, but the max is well below the out of pocket expense if you say, I don't know... give birth... yeah, this plan change happened 3 months into my pregnancy.
    Sorry for the rant, but this is something that kills me about big business in general (my place of employment as well as Insurance companies)...
    By itself though, I think it's a great incentive for people to manage and take full responsibility for thier health... I'm just wondering when they're going to stop covering smokers all together though... which is a bit scary even coming from an ex-smoker... but that's an opinion that may stir up too much debate.
  • MyTime1985
    MyTime1985 Posts: 456 Member
    Yes, and I work for a major insurance company and I bet I have worse benefits than 99% of the people on this board. I have to get my life in order because I couldn't afford to get sick with the benefits I have.

    I'm in the same boat!
  • ljnftw
    ljnftw Posts: 81 Member
    Ours does not do so directly (except the smoking thing.)

    They do provide a "discount" if you and your spouse if both on the plan fill out a health assessment. They also provide "tools" to work on your health from free health screenings, to health coaches, to "fitness" programs where you can earn points. Earn enough points and you get the discount.

    However they make it so easy that anyone can get the points without really trying to get healthy.

    Last Fall I took advantage of the free health screening. All my numbers looked great except for my BMI. I feel fine and fit but according to the BMI I am OBESE!!!. I was OK with over weight or pleasantly plump, but not obese.

    I also had a physical and a dental exam this Spring (that was enough to qualify for the discount.) The physical showed the same thing, great health except for the weight (it was actually my doc that told me to use MFP he is on here somewhere.) I signed up for a health coach (after three sessions all over the phone I also had enough points for the discount.) This week I had my fifth session and when she heard my progress and that I was on here she suggested that we end the regular session and I could call when I wanted something.

    And currently we are doing a "Fit For Fun" program. If you complete it you also have enough points to get the discount. All you "need" to do is log in once a week for 4 or 5 weeks and do something (even as easy as flunking a five question quiz on health) and you get your points. If you and your team do well enough you can earn other prizes but none health based.

    They provide a lot of tools if you take the time to use them but you can still get the discount without trying to get better.

    BTW my BMI last Fall was 34.8. Working on my own it was 33.9 one month ago(in six months.) With the help of MFP it is currently 32.5. It appears I have a bit of a journey to go before I apply for a job with Juwaacks employer.