BIRTHDAY HELP....To Indulge or not to Indulge



  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    AJCM, that sounds like an awesome idea. I haven't had breakfast yet, so i think i'll go with that plan... (and opt against the pancakes, lmao)

    Glad that helped - have a GREAT birthday!!!

    I have had "bad" days where I go way over my calories, and I wake up in the morning, thinking "Oh my God, what did I do last night?" - better to wake up knowing no damage was done!

    I am in maintenace, and I work treats in all the time - it's just life, right? And when I've eaten a really clean and light morning, I seem to enjoy the delicious treat even more!!!

    Have a great day - and focus on where you will be next year when you have reached your goal!!!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Incorporating celebrations, holidays, etc are an important part of living our new healthier lives. I agree - enjoy but that doesn't mean you go gorge on cake or drink what you want - maintain self control - you'll still have a great time!

    and Happy Birthday!
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Happy Birthday! My birthday was yesterday, and I ate maintenance calories for the day (enough calories to not gain but not lose either) I had a pizza lunch with friends, and went out for dinner with the hubby. I ate until I was full, and had dessert. I worked out in the morning like I usually do, and didn't feel guilty at all. Eating a little more a few times a year (birthday and Christmas for me!) is not going to set me back too much.

    Enjoy your birthday!