Forgive my student loan!



  • HarrietSabre
    HarrietSabre Posts: 186 Member
    Hello, I'm right-wing and I hate my fellow human beings so much that I want to keep ALL my money to myself instead of helping them out.

    Tax-funded things don't take ALL your "hard-earned" cash. They take a proportion of it dependent on how much you earn.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    I don't have the quote but have to respond to someone who stated 'try to buy a house from scratch without help from parents". I'm not sure what world that person is living in since I don't know anyone who bought a house with help from their parents. All the people I know who bought a house saved their money throughout their 20's and once their career was going nicely and they were able to afford it then went and bought a house with no involvement from parents since by that age when a person can start to afford a house (late 20's and above) your parents should be out of the picture financially unless you have been laid off from work or having some difficult time, hopefully you're not trying to buy a house then.
  • HarrietSabre
    HarrietSabre Posts: 186 Member
    The American experiment, when this nation was created, was based on the question, "Can man rule himself?”

    Let's prove that we indeed can, and not become slaves to a socialist state. That is the crux of this discussion.
    But we are currently well on our way to being slaves of a capitalist state. Keeping the cost of living and advancement above the means of the average citizen creates an class system where movement is possible but rarely attainable.
    The alternative -- a socialist state -- is much better. Gotta love their great results over the last century. :huh:
    I believe the alternative would be somewhere in the middle.
    Where has ceding more authority to centralized gov't provided more opportunities and a better quality of life?

    This "terrible capitalist society" has secured liberties and opportunities for more human beings during the last couple of centuries than any other time in the history of man. It would not have been possible otherwise.

    Not sure where you're going with this, but the Scandinavian countries have extremely high taxes but they also live extremely long lives, have a great natural environment, free education (including Masters degres), great healthcare, low re-offence rates in their prison system AND continually score highest on "happy country" ratings. It's not exactly socialism but high taxes seem to be working out alright for them.
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    Hello, I'm right-wing and I hate my fellow human beings so much that I want to keep ALL my money to myself instead of helping them out.

    Tax-funded things don't take ALL your "hard-earned" cash. They take a proportion of it dependent on how much you earn.
    But how is it fair that almost half of Americans pay NO taxes? How is it fair that the richest 10% pay for 71% of all taxes? The only fair tax is a flat one that everyone pays.

    Also, please remember that the US remains the most generous nation (privately, not the gov't) in the world, thanks to its wealth.
  • Timkoetta
    Timkoetta Posts: 70 Member
    Exactly! I am a single mom who works full time and goes to school full time. I pay for my own education without borrowing and I pay for my son to go to a good private school. It is a lot of hard work and I have to make sacrifices to do it but I will graduate with no student loan debt. I don't expect anyone to pay for my school.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    The American experiment, when this nation was created, was based on the question, "Can man rule himself?”

    Let's prove that we indeed can, and not become slaves to a socialist state. That is the crux of this discussion.
    But we are currently well on our way to being slaves of a capitalist state. Keeping the cost of living and advancement above the means of the average citizen creates an class system where movement is possible but rarely attainable.
    The alternative -- a socialist state -- is much better. Gotta love their great results over the last century. :huh:
    I believe the alternative would be somewhere in the middle.
    Where has ceding more authority to centralized gov't provided more opportunities and a better quality of life?

    This "terrible capitalist society" has secured liberties and opportunities for more human beings during the last couple of centuries than any other time in the history of man. It would not have been possible otherwise.

    not sure who you are quoting with your "terrible capitalist society" but large parts of Europe have a better quality of life than the US.
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    The American experiment, when this nation was created, was based on the question, "Can man rule himself?”

    Let's prove that we indeed can, and not become slaves to a socialist state. That is the crux of this discussion.

    But we are currently well on our way to being slaves of a capitalist state. Keeping the cost of living and advancement above the means of the average citizen creates an class system where movement is possible but rarely attainable.

    Who is keeping the cost of living unattainable for us? Are you personally being held down by some rich guy in NY? Did these rich guys make you not study hard enough, work hard enough, live within your means, or make other bad decisions? Has there been some law passed that I'm unaware of that won't allow you to pursue what you want to do?

    It was capitalism that made America what it is today. Sure we're in a rough spot, but we will and can come out of it if we elect that right people.

    True slavery is having the gov take your money and give it away.
    Slavery is giving the ability to make choices about your destiny over to some "benevolent" gov agency.
    Slavery is having the gov take most of what you earn.

    The gov will never be able to make the world a fair place-never. So why are you so eager to give what liberties we have left over to some clown in office?

    As screwed up as we are, we still have the ability to lead a successful life and become wealthy in this country.
  • wolfi622
    wolfi622 Posts: 206
    I didn't have to borrow a cent. My parent's and I paid the whole bill. If there's loan forgiveness, then I need at least 25 cents on every dollar in tuition and room and board I paid.

    I wouldn't brag about having your parents pay for your college. That's where ENTITLEMENT comes from. Some people actually pay back their parents when they help with college, unless they are rich and wouldn't miss it anyway. Ive seen parents pay for college, then the kids forget they are alive. They live on Social Security and Medicare after selflessly giving their children all they worked for.

    I don't necessarily see that as "bragging." I know people who, between themselves and their parents, work their butts off to pay for college themselves--that doesn't make them rich or entitled. My parents said, "If you work your hardest through school and get as many scholarships as possible, we will pay the rest for college." So I worked HARD to get straight A's so that I could get good scholarships. Does that make me entitled or rich? No, it makes me a hard worker and fortunate.

    It's called "Pay it Forward". We paid for both of our sons' educations. No debt. The payback. They must do the same for their children and make the absolute most of the opportunity they were give.

    Back to the original topic. Student loans should not be "forgiven" by any stretch. Not even partially. You borrow it, you owe it. You were never guaranteed a living. The majority of the risk of taking those is yours (apart from the shared risk of the "guarantee"). But IMO, that doesn't mean the society doesn't have a legitimate role in getting its members educated (not "trained"). That notion is NOT socialism.
  • HolleeERL
    HolleeERL Posts: 313 Member
    As someone who borrowed too much for school I can say without a doubt that I don't need anyone to pay my debt for me. Loan payments are a huge part of my monthly budget and surely my finances would be much easier without that debt, but that's not how personal responsibility works.

    /lucky enough to have a decent job
    //still a crazy amount of debt, but that's on me

    You ROCK, StarkLark!!
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    Hello, I'm right-wing and I hate my fellow human beings so much that I want to keep ALL my money to myself instead of helping them out.

    Tax-funded things don't take ALL your "hard-earned" cash. They take a proportion of it dependent on how much you earn.
    But how is it fair that almost half of Americans pay NO taxes? How is it fair that the richest 10% pay for 71% of all taxes? The only fair tax is a flat one that everyone pays.

    Also, please remember that the US remains the most generous nation (privately, not the gov't) in the world, thanks to its wealth.

    They always quote how they got to pay the majority of the taxes, well it is fair and that is because they have most of the money but that part they never bring up. You're not going to take a resource from someone who has little resource compare to someone who has the majority of it, it doesn't make any since. Next time a person complains on how the rich is paying for the majority of the taxes, please state how much money the rich own in this country and there's your answer.
  • HarrietSabre
    HarrietSabre Posts: 186 Member
    Hello, I'm right-wing and I hate my fellow human beings so much that I want to keep ALL my money to myself instead of helping them out.

    Tax-funded things don't take ALL your "hard-earned" cash. They take a proportion of it dependent on how much you earn.
    But how is it fair that almost half of Americans pay NO taxes? How is it fair that the richest 10% pay for 71% of all taxes? The only fair tax is a flat one that everyone pays.

    Also, please remember that the US remains the most generous nation (privately, not the gov't) in the world, thanks to its wealth.
    If half of Americans aren't earning enough to live on, then I would say it's extremely fair. If you took money from them in your proposed 'flat tax', they might starve to death or lose their homes. If you've got enough money to at least HELP prevent that happening, why wouldn't you?
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I don't have the quote but have to respond to someone who stated 'try to buy a house from scratch without help from parents". I'm not sure what world that person is living in since I don't know anyone who bought a house with help from their parents.

    Yup Yup Yup!
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member

    I normally don't give guys flowers, but since there's no blow job smiley, here....:flowerforyou:

    There's a suggestions forum somewhere on here. Please.


    I shall find it and put in my request, until it's approved ::bjforyou::

    and here i thought i was special:cry:

    You ARE! You were my first....on this thread....that IS special! ::doublebjforyou::

    Day has been officially made
  • lour441
    lour441 Posts: 543 Member
    Hello, I'm right-wing and I hate my fellow human beings so much that I want to keep ALL my money to myself instead of helping them out.

    Tax-funded things don't take ALL your "hard-earned" cash. They take a proportion of it dependent on how much you earn.

    I already work 30% of my day for the government. I would rather cap it right there thanks.
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    ...large parts of Europe have a better quality of life than the US.
    Yeah, their economy is looking super! Let's follow the European model!
  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,261 Member
    I worked and saved for my son's education. I made sure his education came before my retirement! I told him, he better get a good job, because he is my retirement. lol
  • HarrietSabre
    HarrietSabre Posts: 186 Member
    Hello, I'm right-wing and I hate my fellow human beings so much that I want to keep ALL my money to myself instead of helping them out.

    Tax-funded things don't take ALL your "hard-earned" cash. They take a proportion of it dependent on how much you earn.

    I already work 30% of my day for the government. I would rather cap it right there thanks.

    That's fine. I was talking to people who think you should pay nothing.
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    Topic is very interesting considering I have a son going in to college this year... I was surprised to find out that all students attending the 2 colleges we visited are granted a student loan, whether they need it or not - all they need to do is sign the promissory note and they get their check... <---- this should not be the case.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    ...large parts of Europe have a better quality of life than the US.
    Yeah, their economy is looking super! Let's follow the European model!

  • cvanbeek
    cvanbeek Posts: 107
    I am 24 with a college degree I didn't take a out a single loan for college. I have always worked and paid my way through. I was a waitress nothing special but I WORKED. I bought a car had a 4 year loan and I paid it off in just over a year. I bought a car I knew I could pay for and it is still a nice car.