2nd week into this new lifestyle

kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok, well, here I am...
This is the second week of my new lifestyle ( I refuse to call this a diet). I have always said I was on a diet in the past.... With that comes the idea that its temporary. Who wants to be on a diet for life, right?! So, I am calling this my "new lifestyle". Here is a little overview of what I am now doing:
I am sticking to watching my calorie intake and being mindful of where those calories are coming from.
I have (pretty much) given up Coke. Understand, I was a coke addict. Now, I am down to one every couple of days. I am working on giving them up completely.
I am doing cardio 5x/Week and feeling wonderful! I am also easing into strenght training. I have already been doing crunches and squats and such. Now I am really focusing on getting my arms and legs involved. I am drinking tons of water! This alone has be feeling fabulous!! AND I have realized that when I drink a lot of water, I am less hungry.
With these little changes I have already seen inches come off...especially around my middle. That is where I am seeing most of my change. I only lost 2 lbs last week, but hey! That's two pounds, right?
I am eager to see the scale move downward, but I am loving how I feel. It is also very rewarding to get in my workouts. May seem like a small thing to some, but every time I finish a workout, I get this very awesome feeling that I have just accomplished something big.
So, I don't know how many of you are at the beginning of this journey...But I wanted to drop an update of the end of my first week and the beginning of my second week! (:
Anyone else out there where I am?


  • BlueMoon
    BlueMoon Posts: 4 Member
    awesome job, keep it up!!!
  • organicem
    organicem Posts: 16
    Hi!!! :flowerforyou: This is the start of my second week as well... I too have noticed how good drinking water feels... and I am with you on the coke addiction... (even though it is diet... I still feel like I need to quit the habit :laugh: ) I am glad to hear your first week went so well... I lost about 5lbs (probably just water... but no inches so far... hopefully this week I will see some changes!!!) Congrats and keep going strong! :happy:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    I am really LOVING my workout..... I think I could seriously get addicted!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • glandis
    glandis Posts: 89
    I am right there with you! This is also my 2nd week and I too have lost 2 pounds the first week. It has been going good but a challenge for me to fight off the urge to go for the junk food. I have already been going to the gym for a year now so thats a plus for me. I wish you continued success as we go through this weight loss journey.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    I am right there with you! This is also my 2nd week and I too have lost 2 pounds the first week. It has been going good but a challenge for me to fight off the urge to go for the junk food. I have already been going to the gym for a year now so thats a plus for me. I wish you continued success as we go through this weight loss journey.

    Thank you!!
    I have been ok with staying away from junk food....Its just the Coke!!! (:
    But I am proud that I am doing as well as I am doing. Hopefully by July, I will be off the stuff for good :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Good luck to you!!! You're doing awesome!!:drinker:
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Hang in there!!! Baby steps on giving up the coke monster...........
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    This is my second week with MFP too. I'm getting a kick out of it. I like the calorie counting (freakish, I know!) and seeing my workouts on 'paper'. It really motivates me. I've done lifestyle changes in the past and now I've worked up to actually eating right and exercising. It's been a long line of baby steps for me.

    So far I've lost about four inches (from various body parts) and about 5 llbs. I'm not worried about the weight tho- don't really care about that. I just want to fit into my *#& jeans- no way to say that on this webiste :blushing:

    How did you feel when you realized all the calories of the food? I was so shocked! I was eating EVERYTHING low-fat, but didn't think to look at the 'big picture' of those foods. Now I'm eating full fat of foods because they turned out to be healthier- who knew?!

    The sodas were really hard to cut out. It's taken me about a month or two. Now if I want one, I get a diet as a once every few weeks treat. If you would have asked me three months ago if I *ever* would consider a diet soda a treat- I would have died laughing. Then I would have opened up the sixth Dr Pepper for the day.

    *Here's to us reaching our goals!* :drinker:
  • zoink66
    zoink66 Posts: 116 Member
    Now if I want one, I get a diet as a once every few weeks treat. If you would have asked me three months ago if I *ever* would consider a diet soda a treat- I would have died laughing. Then I would have opened up the sixth Dr Pepper for the day.

    So true! I'm down to one Diet Coke per week--and I look forward to it as a treat all week!
  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    This isn't my 2nd week...more like my 10th or so.

    It sounds like you are doing great! Keep positive and keep up the good work!! :flowerforyou:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Hang in there!!! Baby steps on giving up the coke monster...........

    THanks!! :happy:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    This isn't my 2nd week...more like my 10th or so.

    It sounds like you are doing great! Keep positive and keep up the good work!! :flowerforyou:

    Thank you.... I seriously think I may becoming addicted!! (: :laugh:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    2 pounds in a week is great - any loss is a LOSS and you should be proud!

    Exercise is like a drug once you get going isn't it? I never thought I'd be "jonesing" to go for a run but I find myself so disappointed when I don't get to get out and do something.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    2 pounds in a week is great - any loss is a LOSS and you should be proud!

    Exercise is like a drug once you get going isn't it? I never thought I'd be "jonesing" to go for a run but I find myself so disappointed when I don't get to get out and do something.

    Absolutely!!!! I am loving my workouts... I am always looking for something new and exciting...
    I am really wanting to get running into my routine, but I definitely have to work up to it!
  • Meags23
    Meags23 Posts: 98
    Hi kandyjo,

    This is kinda my second week too (I joined the end of last week). I really like this program because I'm a temp worker in the summer, so on days off, I find myself bored and slowly sneaking into the kitchen... haha. But with keeping track of every little thing I eat, it has really opened my eyes to how much bad stuff I was eating!!! Anyway, good luck with keeping away from the Pop. Maybe all of us 2nd week peeps should start our own support team (I saw the pink team, the turbo jammers, the Wii fit people, etc.).

  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    This is my second week as well, and I was thinking the same thing. It would be nice to start a group that started all at the same time. I see all of the other groups that have been going for a while, but even though they are open I am hesitant to jump in. I think that since we are all at the same stage it would be nice to go through this together. We will all most likely encounter hard weeks, and to have a specific group of people to lean on would be wonderful.

    Anyone interested maybe could throw out a name suggestion ( mine is Junebugs, since we all started in June).

    Congrats to everyone who has been sticking with it!
  • vanimami
    vanimami Posts: 433 Member
    It would be my first full week on Wednesday and I am really enjoying this. I always worked out a lot,but never controlled my eating, which is why I'm stuck in my situation. :grumble: Anyways, keeping track of all my food, eating healthy on top of working out is making me feel amazing as well. Seeing stores like yours and hearing everyone else in my same struggles makes me feel like I'm not alone in the way I feel and I can do this, especially if everyone else is.

    So congrats on your 2nd week for staying strong, I know you'll do well! :bigsmile:
  • pcbta
    pcbta Posts: 227
    oooh....I buy a dr. Pepper slurpee every friday...yum. and it totally fits into my calories! no problem.
    even if I went over a little, it would be worth it!

  • Meags23
    Meags23 Posts: 98
    I don't care what we call it, let's start a group of all of us second week peeps. I know I'd love that extra support!!
  • glandis
    glandis Posts: 89
    Go for it I'll be right there with y'all:wink:
  • Rica03
    Rica03 Posts: 214 Member
    I am in also! I am seriously logging everything and it is my second week doing so. I have been a member off and on for a while but now I am dedicated to this! I can't let myself down this time. I always give up within the first week but not this time.
    My biggest addiction especially in the summer is margaritas! I have not had one in almost two weeks, yea me! :bigsmile:
    I lost 3 lbs last week and haven't been on the scale yet this week. I am a little afraid that the number will be the same or I will lose less this week and get discouraged. Hopefully by Monday morning I can over come that fear!

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