OMG!!! What have I let myself become??



  • PiperGabrielle
    PiperGabrielle Posts: 31 Member
    I also wanted to mention that Target has a sale, $9 Workout DVDs, at least where I am. I would check those out. They are a fun, money-saving way to get some exercise and they are reasonable in timing, like a half hour to an hour. You can always pause them and come back too! My favorites are cardio, like dance or Tae Bo!
  • pbajwally
    pbajwally Posts: 210 Member
    The most important thing is don't overwhelm yourself... you will get discouraged and quit. Take one day at a time. I have read all the responses in this thread and every single one of them is spot on: plan ahead, get activity in where you can, include your son! Don't dwell on the things you can't do -- go with what works.

    I have started and failed so many times I've lost count. No one can make you do this - you have to truly want this, and it sounds like you are there! So just take it ONE DAY AT A TIME. Seriously. It sounds so silly and you've heard that phrase a million times, I'm sure... but this is what I tell myself EVERY DAY: Get through today. Track today. Get exercise today. Drink water, today. Love myself, today. Believe that I am making a difference for myself and for my kids, TODAY.

    I said that March 19. So far, so good and now I'm getting at least an hour of exercise a day & the tracking has become habitual... almost comforting. It's a control thing! You find ways to make this work when you realize you want it more than anything. You CAN do this. You WILL do this. Believe in yourself. :smile:
  • JessieArt
    JessieArt Posts: 275 Member
    You can do it! Hang in there!

    Do they have a Farmer's Market near you? We started going every weekend. It's so much cheaper than the grocery store and SO much better tasting. We've been going for a month now. Because we're eating lots of fresh fruits and veggies my kids have lost weight too.

    Walking has also been the biggest tool for me. If I stick to my calories and go for a walk I lose. Walking burns a lot of calories and it's FREE! :)