If Insanity is Not Appropriate for Obese People....



  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    Ok, so I've been seeing people getting all these amazing results on Insanity but I'm currently well over 100lbs overweight and just beginning my fitness routine. I'm not a COMPLETE beginner, but right now I only walk about 1.5 miles and do some calisthenics at home. I do however, have a very strong mind and I know my body will follow with time. I've read that Insanity is not appropriate for obese people... so what fitness routine would be? I like the idea of a structured plan. Any suggestions that have worked?

    if you are obese the only exercise you should be doing is walking at a moderate pace for extended periods of time and the main focus should be on diet to lower body weight
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    I am going to have to disagree with a previous poster; being obese does not mean you are only restricted to walking. Walking is a great form of exercise to start with but there are so many things you can do. Low/No impact is where you are going to want to start just to get yourself going {water aerobics; walking; elliptical; step aerobics; stretches; modified push-ups} if you have access to a gaming system {Wii or Kinects} there are several “games” that can get you going; you can also find “senior” friendly exercises on YouTube; Internet sites or TV.
    You have already started to make the forward direction. Remember you did not walk to this end of the path in a week it is going to take you more than a week to walk back to where you want to be.

    You can do anything you want to do as long as you set your mind and body to it and listen to youir body for cues when to easy up and push forth. Also if you are using a treadmill incline is better than speed for weight loss and endurance.
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    Walking is a great excercise. It can be done at anytime. You can find ways to get walking in your work schedule. Also I have a Wii that I use, There are alot of excercise games for it.
  • I have the same issue. It hurts to do a lot of workouts right now because of so much extra weight. I have been having a lot of success with my tae-bo video or Zumba for Wii. They get me sweating and work my whole body without even realizing it. For my more lazy days I walk or do pilates.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    I am going to have to disagree with a previous poster; being obese does not mean you are only restricted to walking. Walking is a great form of exercise to start with but there are so many things you can do. Low/No impact is where you are going to want to start just to get yourself going {water aerobics; walking; elliptical; step aerobics; stretches; modified push-ups} if you have access to a gaming system {Wii or Kinects} there are several “games” that can get you going; you can also find “senior” friendly exercises on YouTube; Internet sites or TV.
    You have already started to make the forward direction. Remember you did not walk to this end of the path in a week it is going to take you more than a week to walk back to where you want to be.

    You can do anything you want to do as long as you set your mind and body to it and listen to youir body for cues when to easy up and push forth. Also if you are using a treadmill incline is better than speed for weight loss and endurance.

    how do you disagree with me if you start off by agreeing with me...-.-
  • High Intensity Interval Training. I will sprint for 5 minutes on the elliptical, then do strength training for 5 minutes with resistance bands or weights, then sprint for 5 minutes, then do push ups and crunches for 5, etc. etc. I do an hour total, so 30 minutes total on the elliptical and 30 doing strength and calisthenics.

    I wouldn't say this is exactly HIIT. To me, HIIT is doing something like jogging/sprinting...going balls to wall for about a minute, recover for two, and so on. Or on the stair stepper or elliptical.....all out for a minute or two, then recover for two.

    The training you described is more of a circuit type of training....since you aren't staying with the same exercise. Plus, if you're doing 5 minutes of sprinting....then it's probably more so running, than sprinting.

    Okay, sorry for the mistake. It is circuit training that I do with the elliptical. And it is a 5 minute sprint, burning at least 70 calories in 5 minutes (this is what my elliptical machine and my hrm say) isn't running to me. But everyone has their own opinion.

    Regardless, do what you're comfortable with OP!
  • elis_mama
    elis_mama Posts: 308 Member
  • MsTanya77
    MsTanya77 Posts: 357 Member
    Who said Insanity is not for obese people? I was well over 200lbs when I started Insanity. Yes it was tough, but I made it thru 2 rounds of it and lost 20lbs...........
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    I like the Extreme Makeover with Chris Powell, it has great stuff for people who are starting out a lot heavier and a lot more out of shape but it can get really intense as you progress through all the levels and drop all the modifications
  • amanda8o
    amanda8o Posts: 352 Member
    I started Turbo Jam about a month ago and love it,I have over 100lbs to loose and didn't have any problems doing it,great music and it seems more like you're dancing then really working out and some of the workouts are only 20 minutes long,also they include sculpting and toning videos too.
  • Most of Jillian Michaels work out DVDs are a great weight loss tool! I suggest starting with something like the 30 day shred...
  • I second MsColes77 on that one. I have been doing it for about a week and already noticing big changes.

    What I like about Insanity is you keep your heart rate up up up... so for me it really doesn't matter that I need twice as long or more to recover than the folks in the video, because I KNOW I've been exercising at MY max for 40 minutes. Plus I don't need to leave the house.

    If I could suggest anything to keep you more comfortable it would be get a really really good sports bra, or duct tape, or two bras. Also I do find myself having to ice my knees after, but really its only 15 minutes or so, that makes an enormous difference the next day. Make sure you are drinking lots of green tea to keep your inflammation at bay.

    I am just at the beginning of my Insanity journey and I can wholly understand why people swear by it.

    Have a wonderful day :)
  • poshcouture
    poshcouture Posts: 610
    I've got 100 pounds to lose and I've been doing Turbo Fire - I modify when I need to and push it when I can. Every week I feel my body getting stronger and stronger. Just let your body do the talking.
  • brandillyn
    brandillyn Posts: 105 Member
    I'm dong Insanity and I still can't do it all the way through I take my own brakes. But you should just modify the moves, I know if I do some moves I get shin splints and my knee starts to kill, so I just trade it for another move that's easier on my body. This program is definantly not easy. But to me it's completely worth it.
  • lms333
    lms333 Posts: 23 Member
    when i first did insanity i was also like 100 pounds overweight. all that jumping was really hard on my ankles and knees.

    i ended up switching to more low impact exercises like running in the pool, bike, walking, elliptical. i also did HIIT and interval training as much as I could.

    Strength training is also useful.

    I'll try insanity again when I'm 20 pounds out

    This happened to me as well. Hurt my knee pretty badly and that was me modifying things and I still hurt myself. So I strongly agree with above. Improve your stength and endurance first, then move on to Insanity. Best of luck.
  • Bobbiehenderson
    Bobbiehenderson Posts: 18 Member
    To sugarandspice, When I was first stating out I used Leslie Sansone she is amazing it is a walk at home prograhm I lost my first 50lbs with her. She has so many dvds for beginners to advanced. You can find her dvds at walmart and most of them are 10$. You walk anywhere fom one mile in 15min to 5 miles in an hour. Plus it is a lot of fun. Now I am doing Turbo Fire it is a beach body program like insanity if I would of tried that at 240 lbs I would of died. I hope you find something you love to do.
  • jreed1920
    jreed1920 Posts: 123
    I am nearly finished with JM 30 DS and will start Insanity when I finish. The 30 DS has really helped improve my strength and endurance and I feel much more confident in my ability to do Insanity as well as how to make modifications when needed since many of the Insanity exercises are the same/similar to the Shred which does offer modifications.

    I have also been doing C25K but only twice a week as I find it to be much harder on my joints than doing the shred.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred is great for people of any size and any fitness level. The only exception is if you can't jump, it's a little difficult, because she LOVES her jumping jacks! lol. But if you can do some jumping jacks, go for it! I got some crazy good results from it and you can to! :)

    I think that is just the first level. 2nd level has different cardio that I find easier than jumping jacks. I haven't tried level 3 yet so I don't know what the cardio is on that.
  • I am currently on my journey to losing 130 lbs. I am doing insanity! It is HARD! If I can't do it, I try again and again until I can. You will drip in sweat, be sore, be tired, be out of breath--but you will feel the results! I lost 4 lbs last week (week 1) and just starting week 2. I can already feel myself getting stronger and having more endurance. I just make sure that my heart rate is safe (using a monitor). Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't do it. I am sure I look ridiculous at times, and maybe I don't have the perfect form, but I am absolutely POSITIVE that I am getting results! Do what YOU think you can do. :bigsmile:
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
    Power 90, ten minute trainer, possibly P90x or hire a Certified Personal Trainer! Extreme programs like Insanity are not for everyone!