Any of you ladies get rid of some serious back fat?

I'm so sick of my back :( Im worried that even if I reach my goal,,I'm still going to have this gross back fat. If you got rid of it would you mind sharing if you did certain exercises that helped? If you have before and after pics that would be awesome :) I know you have to burn all over body fat and you can't spot reduce, but surely there are some moves that help with the back bulge a little?
Thanks for any encouragement or sharing of your success!


  • danikiz
    danikiz Posts: 12 Member
    I'd say that running and yoga are probably the best for back fat, as running will slim all over and yoga will tone everything back into place.

    When I had a back I loved (pointy shoulder blades, with the line down the middle and everything), I was running around everywhere and doing a lot of stretching.

    I especially like the candlestick and the cobra pose for stretching my back (and tummy) out in different ways.
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    I'd say that running and yoga are probably the best for back fat, as running will slim all over and yoga will tone everything back into place.

    When I had a back I loved (pointy shoulder blades, with the line down the middle and everything), I was running around everywhere and doing a lot of stretching.

    I especially like the candlestick and the cobra pose for stretching my back (and tummy) out in different ways.

    Thanks, I haven't quite been able to work up to a run yet.. But I'm working on that! :) I do think I want to take up yoga a few times a week, but there aren't any classes near me. Do you know of any good DVD's?
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    Like you, I have tons of back fat....So far it seems running is helping it, and lifting weights too
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    This might sound crazy but I've been doing Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred and I already notice a significant difference in my back! I did it for 8 days and took almost 2 weeks off and restarted, so now I am on day 7. The roll that used to sit right under my bra is basically gone and there's another that's smaller than it was when I started. The DVD is basically circuit training, so there's a lot of jumping jacks and other cardio, weight lifting (just small 3-5lb weights - I use 3lb) and different types of crunches. It seriously works!
  • oldy76
    oldy76 Posts: 185 Member
    Agree on the weights. My back fat was nasty but it's ALL gone now!
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    I'd say that running and yoga are probably the best for back fat, as running will slim all over and yoga will tone everything back into place.

    When I had a back I loved (pointy shoulder blades, with the line down the middle and everything), I was running around everywhere and doing a lot of stretching.

    I especially like the candlestick and the cobra pose for stretching my back (and tummy) out in different ways.

    I don't have the back of my dreams yet....I am starting a serious weight lift routine to attain that, but running and yoga did help me lose the extra love handles.......Yay! Good luck!!!
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member

    Thanks! I just started lifting but have no idea which moves to do for the sides of the back
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    Agree on the weights. My back fat was nasty but it's ALL gone now!

    Yay! What moves did you do?
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    This might sound crazy but I've been doing Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred and I already notice a significant difference in my back! I did it for 8 days and took almost 2 weeks off and restarted, so now I am on day 7. The roll that used to sit right under my bra is basically gone and there's another that's smaller than it was when I started. The DVD is basically circuit training, so there's a lot of jumping jacks and other cardio, weight lifting (just small 3-5lb weights - I use 3lb) and different types of crunches. It seriously works!

    Thats so encouraging, because I actually just ordered that to mix up my workouts a little! :)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    The only way you will get rid of back fat is to lower your body fat%.
  • fmbomzo
    fmbomzo Posts: 382 Member
    A good yoga video is the Core Cross Training Yoga video with Rodney Yee. The elliptical will help with that as well. I find the arm motion is a double whammy --- cardio plus toning action.
  • sunnie326
    sunnie326 Posts: 721 Member
    My back is not where I want it to be but I have noticed terrific results with Billy Blanks Tae Bo. I have 5 of his videos and I look forward to my "dates" with Billy! I wish you luck!!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member

    Thanks! I just started lifting but have no idea which moves to do for the sides of the back

    well first of all you need to lower BF% cos you can't spot reduce. But this can defs help tone the back.
    I am doing a Personal Training course and if you would like a new routine, feel free to message me :)
    PS I usually do seated row and DB flyes to help tone my back.
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 811 Member
    You can't spot reduce your body. You'll just have to get rid of fat over all and eventually it'll get there!
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    A good yoga video is the Core Cross Training Yoga video with Rodney Yee. The elliptical will help with that as well. I find the arm motion is a double whammy --- cardio plus toning action.

    Thanks and thanks again because the elliptical is my primary cardio as I have me at home now! :) so that's encouraging
  • SugarNtheRaw
    SugarNtheRaw Posts: 191 Member
    WEIGHTS!!! I've lost a lot of BF, but I wish I had started lifting sooner! Squats and lunges do AMAZING things for your butt as well, but overhead presses, flys and pulls are freaking sweet for killing backwaggle.
  • Be careful doing yoga with a DVD. You might want to wait on that until you can find classes. It's very easy to injure yourself if you aren't doing the moves correctly and you don't have an instructor around to help correct you. I learned this the hard way!

    Also, no 3lb weights with Jillian! That's not going to get you anywhere. Kick it up a notch ;)
  • JesiDM
    JesiDM Posts: 268 Member
    This might sound crazy but I've been doing Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred and I already notice a significant difference in my back! I did it for 8 days and took almost 2 weeks off and restarted, so now I am on day 7. The roll that used to sit right under my bra is basically gone and there's another that's smaller than it was when I started. The DVD is basically circuit training, so there's a lot of jumping jacks and other cardio, weight lifting (just small 3-5lb weights - I use 3lb) and different types of crunches. It seriously works!

    ^^ Def this! This is whats helping me lose my back fat! I just finished 30DS tonight and my mom told me there is a HUGE difference! Good Luck!
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    This might sound crazy but I've been doing Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred and I already notice a significant difference in my back! I did it for 8 days and took almost 2 weeks off and restarted, so now I am on day 7. The roll that used to sit right under my bra is basically gone and there's another that's smaller than it was when I started. The DVD is basically circuit training, so there's a lot of jumping jacks and other cardio, weight lifting (just small 3-5lb weights - I use 3lb) and different types of crunches. It seriously works!

    Thats so encouraging, because I actually just ordered that to mix up my workouts a little! :)

    You'll love it! It's really hard at first, but now I actually look forward to doing it! Seeing results so quickly is really motivating as well!