what do you eat pre and post workout?



  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    are you ment to eat a protein rich snack pre and a carb snack post or is it the other way round ....?

    The Primary Laws of Nutrient Timing

    The First Law of Nutrient Timing is: hitting your daily macronutrient targets is FAR more important than nutrient timing.
    The Second Law of Nutrient Timing is: hitting your daily macronutrient targets is FAR more important than nutrient timing.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Lol I don't know. I just eat when it feeeels right.

    I had a little snack beforehand and then after I ate lunch. *shrug* Both had protein and carbs...
  • NancyMarie13
    NancyMarie13 Posts: 193 Member

    That is all :-)

    Useful info!
    Chocolate milk it is :glasses:
  • Chris_acc_can
    pre-workout, I take a clif bar, it's an energy bar that is well balanced, organic, and has enough carbs to energize your workout. Post workout I take a post recovery formula. It's similar to a protein whey only it has some added benefits. A regular protein when will work. You just want to give your body some carbs and protein to help kick start recovery.
  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    Alan Aragon just posted this over on BB.com. This should put this a lot to rest:

    "Your statement ignores scenarios where a protein-rich preworkout meal is consumed, which in many cases would nullify the need (& thus optimality) of another protein dose within an hour of training. For example, 45 g whey by itself takes 40 minutes for insulin levels to peak, 50 minutes for AA levels to peak, and appx 3 hours for both to return to baseline. Now, add carbs &/or fat to that in your preworkout meal, and you have an even longer appearance curve. Don't get caught up in the hype of the anabolic window. It rarely applies to typical weight training scenarios. Add to this that the majority of long-term studies don't support it (within the context of weight training), then you have insufficient grounds to make the blanket claim that protein dosing within an hour of training is optimal."
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member