do you have a splurge day each week?

if so what is your mind set? Do you eat as much of anything you want? or Do you eat what you like but still try to stay somewhat near your calorie limit?


  • annahiven
    annahiven Posts: 185
    Nope, no splurge day for me. I don't like seeing that I blew my weekly calorie goal because I let it all fly on ONE day. It's depressing as hell to know you ate enough to gain a pound :~(

    So... if I want to splurge, I work it into my daily calories. A bit of peanut butter or a small dessert or something. It keeps me satisfied and I get to do it every day and there's no guilt!
  • petemeep
    petemeep Posts: 62 Member
    Do you focus mainly on you weekly calorie goal or daily goal?.... I've been slightly under my calorie goal most days this week so I'm wondering if it's ok to eat a little over my daily goal tonight if i stay under my weekly goal?
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    I eat mostly what I want and just try to keep my calories in check.
    I expect I will go severely over once a week, and I don't beat myself up about it.
    I'm sure proper planning might prevent this, but meh, it's working so far.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    No splurge day here, but I'm not overly strict on myself. If I go over on occasion, that's fine - as long as it's an active decision.
  • maryduggins
    maryduggins Posts: 219 Member
    I have a cheat every week... it might just be a meal or it might be a day (: yesterday was mine for the week... went to dinner with some friends(:
  • Brinasacat
    Brinasacat Posts: 505 Member
    It's not really a splurge day, but on Thursday's I work 12 hours, don't exercise, and then go to DBF's and he makes dinner. I refuse to dictate what he makes. I always seem go over calories that day, but then I exercise for 2 hours the following morning! It seems to work out in the wash.
  • susanb573
    susanb573 Posts: 111 Member
    Not really but I'm also not super strict ever. If I want something, I have it. I see this is a lifestly change for me and for me personally, it's more about portion control than eliminating foods.
  • FungusTrooper
    FungusTrooper Posts: 227 Member
    I splurge if there's a good reason to. Went out for an ex-work meal the other day, first time I splurged in about 6 weeks.

    I think once a month is more reasonable than once a week - once a week is 1/7 days, that's quite a lot!

    Edit: And also, my "splurge day" was still sensible. I had a steak at TGIFs, but in place of the huge order of fries I would have used to have with it, I decided on the rice and veggies instead. Like others have said, it's more about personality/lifestyle changes than denying yourself food you want.
  • jesuslovesme145
    I do have a splurge day, and maby sometimes more than I should :-/ I just *try* to not eat to much of the things that are high in calorie and generally I might skip snacks later in the day. Not always the brightest, but still learning!
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    I never plan for it. If I eat a ton just because I've decided it's okay for the day, I'm going to wake up the next morning wondering why in the world I did it. But because I stick to the same basic calorie range every day, I don't feel at all guilty on days that I do end up splurging. Like this week, my boyfriend and I decided to go to a bar where his voice teacher's band was playing, ended up drinking a TON of beer and topping it off with a drunken 2AM McDonald's run on the way home. But since it's been forever and a day since we've done anything like that, I didn't feel bad about it (except the resultant hangover) and it didn't keep me from having a great weight loss for the week. But if I did it once a week and called it a "splurge day" you can bet I'd see some negative effects.

    Basically, because I never plan on it happening, it happens very infrequently and doesn't have a significant impact.
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 1,005 Member
    Nope, no splurge day for me. I don't like seeing that I blew my weekly calorie goal because I let it all fly on ONE day. It's depressing as hell to know you ate enough to gain a pound :~(

    So... if I want to splurge, I work it into my daily calories. A bit of peanut butter or a small dessert or something. It keeps me satisfied and I get to do it every day and there's no guilt!

  • CMB1979
    CMB1979 Posts: 588 Member
    No splurge day for me. I've been trying to get as close to my numbers as possible. It's almost a game to me now to see just how close I can get. Splurging will activate my sweet tooth / pizza eye and I'll want more more more more. I don't trust myself enough to splurge right now.

    You need to find everyday "splurge" items that can still fit into a sensible diet and stay within your calorie/nutrition goals.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I have a day once a week (usually Saturday) where I don't log my food. Like this coming week will be either Saturday or Sunday when we go out for my sons birthday dinner. Then the next week is my birthday and we are going to Famous Daves and you bet your *kitten* I will have ribs, bread and all the other goodies. AND I will have cake :drinker:
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    if i splurge, i do it properly and not watch what i eat or drink or care about how much ( but I DO LOG it).

    I dont splurge very often..maybe once every 3=4 weeks but putting a restriction on splurging defeats the object of splurging to begin with.

    this is a lifestyle, not a jail term.
  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    I don't plan for a splurge or cheat day but I had o e yesterday. After 12 months of working hard in the lead up to my son's wedding, I told myself that I could relax on the day and simply enjoy. Well, I relaxed but was so busy that I didn't overeat on the day after all. Instead it was the day after as we cleaned up the leftover sweets, wedding cake etc.

    but today is my new start as I work towards my next goal.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I don't have a specific day. If I feel like having ice cream after dinner on any day, I have it. Or I have chocolate, and any number of "no-nos" if I want them, because I don't like the idea of having a "treat" day. That's not how I plan on eating the rest of my life. I want to be able to eat things I want, when I want, and not feel restricted. The key is learning how to moderate it all, so it works into the daily plan. Some days I go over, and some days I'm well under my goal. I don't worry about it, because in the big picture, I feel more sane.
  • annahiven
    annahiven Posts: 185
    Splurging will activate my sweet tooth / pizza eye and I'll want more more more more. I don't trust myself enough to splurge right now.

    I completely agree. I've worked so hard to get rid of my cravings for fat and sugar. I don't want to bring the cravings back! If I splurged once a week, that craving would always be there.... tugging and demanding, wanting chocolate..... /shudder
  • toasterlisa
    toasterlisa Posts: 100 Member
    Nope, I don't do a splurge day either.

    I will enjoy a treat once or twice a week that WILL push me over my daily calorie limit, but I won't go hog wild on calorie dense food.

    Some people call it a cheat day, but the only person you are cheating on is YOU!

    Here's just one article on Food Addiction.
    Just like other addictions, if you keep eating the foods that make you go "crazy" you'll never break the cycle of eating bad-for-you foods.

    Best wishes on your health and wellness journey,
  • dooley42
    dooley42 Posts: 8
    Yes - Today - Roy Rogers- Cheeseburger, small fry and strawberry shortcake - I just know I have to work out a little longer
  • widmer3
    widmer3 Posts: 94 Member
    One day a week, I'll not go crazy caring about calories, so instead of 1450, I'll usually get up to around 2000 and eat some fries or something I would never otherwise allow myself to have, but I don't go crazy enough to ruin the work I'm doing.