inner thighs?



  • sunnyskyjb
    sunnyskyjb Posts: 258 Member
    bump, thanks
  • iqnas
    iqnas Posts: 445 Member
    Thigh gap is overrated.

    Be healthy. Thighs touching or not touching don't matter.
  • shmemeline
    Perfect exercises! Thanks for the link!
  • 198601
    198601 Posts: 33 Member
    Squats!!! Squats with toes pointed outward - use a cattle bell or small weight! The trainers always have me do these! It helps firm up the inner thigh.
  • PreludetoaKiss
    PreludetoaKiss Posts: 12 Member
    I would urge you to look up Callanetics. Check out her "Quick Legs" video and ignore the bad outfits.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    OBLIGATORY MFP DISCLAIMER: I am just some random chick with an opinion. What follows is said opinion. I do not purport to be RIGHT. But you deserve my honesty. Here goes.

    I vote stop worrying about whether or not your inner thighs touch. You're not a prepubescent doll. You're an adult female. Deal with it and care about things that matter.
  • eso2012
    eso2012 Posts: 337 Member
    Tone - strengthen muscles. Overall fat loss - so you can actually see those muscles!

    Squats tone the overall area. To target inner thighs, lie on your side, contract inner thigh muscles and lift (in good form).

    Also check out Pilates, TRX and other body weight exercises that really focus on core development and using those inner thighs at the same time.

    It is hard to describe the right movements here so be sure you have a good instructor or video or book to follow.

    I don't find the machines in the gym work at all. Using your body weight is sufficient in my experience.
  • MzFreeSpirited
    Squats!!! Squats with toes pointed outward - use a cattle bell or small weight! The trainers always have me do these! It helps firm up the inner thigh.

    yep i agree ;) i can tell a difference in my legs by doing squats :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I vote stop worrying about whether or not your inner thighs touch. You're not a prepubescent doll. You're an adult female. Deal with it and care about things that matter.

    This. As soon as puberty hit, my thighs touched. Didn't matter if I was 103 pounds or 160 pounds.
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    I had a sorority sister who used to wrap duct tape around her upper legs so that her thighs would not touch. It totally worked, but the screaming that came with the removal of the tape hardly made it worthwhile. None of us that heard that horrible tortured screaming will ever be the same.
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    Squats!!! Squats with toes pointed outward - use a cattle bell or small weight! The trainers always have me do these! It helps firm up the inner thigh.

    yep i agree ;) i can tell a difference in my legs by doing squats :)

  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    I've heard having realistic expectations can help.
  • Tzippy7
    Tzippy7 Posts: 344 Member
    depending on how wide your hips are this may not be a healthy possibility. Are you pear or hourglass shaped? If you are than it could happen, your hips are further apart than someone with narrow hips.
  • MzFreeSpirited
    You CANNOT spot reduce any area of the body with exercise.

    You don't really build muscle on calorie deficit.

    You don't "tone" muscle just by doing a few leg exercises.

    Consider working out consistently, staying in consistent calorie deficit, and being patient. If your genetics allow it, your inner thighs will slim down to where you want. If not, then you do the best with what nature gave you.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    THANK YOU :) I will research more on this topic. Its easy to assume that one can tone targeted areas when that is what you see on TV-- commercials to buy products to tone specific areas etc.. heck-- Ive even been to a personal trainer who had me do various exercises to target certain areas of my body.. Trust me i get the point of proper exercise.. i don't think I would have loss 42lbs without it. I work out several days a week. I have just recently started to work on strength training more than cardio because I was advised to do so by a few fitness buffs I know who have successfully toned their bodies. After losing a lot of weight your skin can sag if you do not do toning exercises-- this is from my own experience. My thighs do rub together and I don't like it. In fact the more i lose weight the more sore they become because my skin has begun to sag.

    I have seen a big difference myself in doing squats. Today I implemented resistant bands as well to see if that also helps to build more muscle. While I respect everyone's answer on here I don't agree completely. I am not saying don't work out at all -- just do certain exercises to tone certain parts -- I actually don't even think the original poster was implying that.

    Question for you -- as a fitness trainer can you please explain to me why there are different exercises to work different parts of the body if targeting one area is not possible? Id really like to learn about this. As a Business Anaylst-- I analyze everything and some things have to make sense to me.. and this right here doesn't.. I appreciate your response in advance. I am also gonna send you a private message just in case you dont see this ;)
  • Inebriated
    Inebriated Posts: 271
    depending on how wide your hips are this may not be a healthy possibility. Are you pear or hourglass shaped? If you are than it could happen, your hips are further apart than someone with narrow hips.
    This too.
  • eso2012
    eso2012 Posts: 337 Member
    You CANNOT spot reduce any area of the body with exercise.

    You don't really build muscle on calorie deficit.

    You don't "tone" muscle just by doing a few leg exercises.

    Consider working out consistently, staying in consistent calorie deficit, and being patient. If your genetics allow it, your inner thighs will slim down to where you want. If not, then you do the best with what nature gave you.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I agree with all, except that you can "tone" using specific exercises. Of course it does not involve merely "a few leg exercises" but an understanding of the anatomy and how muscles group work together, then pursue the regime on a consistent basis.

    Perhaps "tone" is a generic and often misundertood term.It's better to call that t muscle building.
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    depending on how wide your hips are this may not be a healthy possibility. Are you pear or hourglass shaped? If you are than it could happen, your hips are further apart than someone with narrow hips.

    If you're built like me with narrow hips and muscular thighs you won't ever have a thigh gap. I didn't have one when I was 16 and weighed 115 and fit a modern size 2. The average woman's pelvis is 11" from hip bone to hip bone. Mine is 9". And I have big thighs from running and cycling. I'd rather have my curves than a thigh gap, anyhow. Plus narrow hips on a woman generally means less risk of knee issues from a larger Q-angle.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Oh, the thigh gap fascination. I still do not get this desire for a gap between thighs. What is the purpose? Is there some serious medical issue people are worried about when it comes to thighs touching that I'm just missing?

    I kinda like my thighs touching. Keeps my hands warm all winter long.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    Squats!!! Squats with toes pointed outward - use a cattle bell or small weight! The trainers always have me do these! It helps firm up the inner thigh.
    You'd firm the thighs up more with heavier weights. Legs are the strongest muscle in the body and using light weights don't really firm them up very well.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    You CANNOT spot reduce any area of the body with exercise.

    You don't really build muscle on calorie deficit.

    You don't "tone" muscle just by doing a few leg exercises.

    Consider working out consistently, staying in consistent calorie deficit, and being patient. If your genetics allow it, your inner thighs will slim down to where you want. If not, then you do the best with what nature gave you.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    THANK YOU :) I will research more on this topic. Its easy to assume that one can tone targeted areas when that is what you see on TV-- commercials to buy products to tone specific areas etc.. heck-- Ive even been to a personal trainer who had me do various exercises to target certain areas of my body.. Trust me i get the point of proper exercise.. i don't think I would have loss 42lbs without it. I work out several days a week. I have just recently started to work on strength training more than cardio because I was advised to do so by a few fitness buffs I know who have successfully toned their bodies. After losing a lot of weight your skin can sag if you do not do toning exercises-- this is from my own experience. My thighs do rub together and I don't like it. In fact the more i lose weight the more sore they become because my skin has begun to sag.

    I have seen a big difference myself in doing squats. Today I implemented resistant bands as well to see if that also helps to build more muscle. While I respect everyone's answer on here I don't agree completely. I am not saying don't work out at all -- just do certain exercises to tone certain parts -- I actually don't even think the original poster was implying that.

    Question for you -- as a fitness trainer can you please explain to me why there are different exercises to work different parts of the body if targeting one area is not possible? Id really like to learn about this. As a Business Anaylst-- I analyze everything and some things have to make sense to me.. and this right here doesn't.. I appreciate your response in advance. I am also gonna send you a private message just in case you dont see this ;)
    You can target a "muscle" to build it, condition it, build endurance, strengthen it, but you can't target a specific area and use exercise to spot reduce the area. To build muscle you need a surplus of calories because to build a muscle, you are actually adding tissue which means you will be adding weight and to add weight you need surplus.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition