Not sure I can do this anymore!



  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Are you eating enough? So many times when we see posts like yours - we find out that the OP isn't eating enough. Not eating enough will stall and stop weight loss. I know it seems odd, but it's true. Make sure you are getting enough NET, not total, calories in a day. When something isn't working, it is time to really evaluate what's going on. Don't be afraid to switch things up and to step outside what may be considered "normal" while trying to figure out what works for YOUR body.

    Good luck!
  • My first places to check (up there with 'is it plugged in?') are:

    1. weighing your food? portion sizes tend to slip.
    2. tracking everything you eat? Whole meals can accidentally slip through the net.

    Cheers, b. :)

    Is it plugged in???

    I weigh all my food, drives me nuts but I know how easy it is to over/under estimate!
    Everything that passes my lips goes into MFP, I'm not a big snacker so that bit is quite easy! I even log ketchup if i have it!
  • jillcwhite
    jillcwhite Posts: 181 Member
    I always hear "are you eating enough?" - I have been to a nutritionist and she thought it was crazy to eat back all the calories you burned. If you have a lite workout add about 100 calories & if you have a heavy workout then add 200 calories.

    That being said I struggle with eating the low calories everyday when working out so much.

    I have been on this site for 2yrs and am not at my goal weight. That being said - I think its great to know how much nutrition is in the food we eat and that can only make us healthier. Not sure quiting will get you the results your looking for either.

    When I am struggling I do something about it buy a heart moniter to know exactly how many calories I burn, go to nutritionist, order new health mag, try new exercise class ect..............

    Good luck and dont give up!
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    My first places to check (up there with 'is it plugged in?') are:

    1. weighing your food? portion sizes tend to slip.
    2. tracking everything you eat? Whole meals can accidentally slip through the net.

    Cheers, b. :)

    Is it plugged in???

    I weigh all my food, drives me nuts but I know how easy it is to over/under estimate!
    Everything that passes my lips goes into MFP, I'm not a big snacker so that bit is quite easy! I even log ketchup if i have it!

    Are you really short? If you're eating a deficit then the science requires that you lose weight. As to that 'not eating enough' stuff, I don't see anyone in ethiopia with difficulty losing weight and they're all on under 1200 cals a day.

    The logic demands that if you are not losing weight, there is no calorie deficit. I'd go back to eating normal maintenance for a month or so, and then have another shot with a bit of renewed vigor. I suspect you're jaded.

    Oh by the way: I lost 5kg in my first week dieting, and then nothing for three more weeks. I think my body was catching up. It changed shape even though it did not lose anything more. I sort of don't sweat it. I think sometimes there's a delayed reaction. Call it water weight, call it hormonal fluxes... but the logic demands that if there is a deficit there is fat loss, no matter what anything including the scales says.

    Ye cannae change the laws of physics, captain.
  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
    Don't give up Tina. Have you tried taking some measurements to see if you have dropped anything? It sometimes takes somebody with a slow metabolism a little while for their body to catch up. Just keep at it, you will get there.

    I've just recently started back at this having gained back some weight. But -- Definitely, take your measurements. I remember i was discouraged like you and fortunately had taken my measurements early on....took them again when I wasn't losing and it was amazing the inches lost~! just keep going, maybe vary your calories thru the week to trick your body. Try googling The Wendy Plan. It's basically taking weight watcher points and reallocating them thru the week............I think if you did this with your calories, it would jump start you again.
  • Ye cannae change the laws of physics, captain.

    This made me smile! :happy:
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    So down today, yet again I weigh in and have lost nothing, 4 weeks in a row... I'm working so hard, counting every calorie that passess my lips! I should be easily losing 2lbs a week... MFP keeps telling me i'll be 89kg in 5 weeks but i've not budged from 95kg since the end of March! 23 days of hard work, determination and for what?


    Change it to 1lb a week, and see if that helps.

    It's better to be set at 1lb and actually lose a lb, than be set at 2lb and lose nothing.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Hey guys, I've not lost any inches either which is why i'm so down! I have a fitbit pedometer that works alongside MFP so I know i'm getting a great picture of my activity levels... Not sure what else I can do. I had 2 days off dieting at the beginning of April when I travelled to see my son in London, just 2 days and I put on 1 pound! I just want to be happy and healthy but not sure I can take much more of all the hard work for no reward! Sure it's a bad day, but they're getting harder to bounce back from...
    And yes, I'm eating more than 1200 calories a day!

    What does your Fit bit say is your average daily calories used for the past 2 weeks?
  • KelliW_runner
    KelliW_runner Posts: 150 Member
    I have a fitbit pedometer that works alongside MFP so I know i'm getting a great picture of my activity levels...

    I have a fitbit and a HRM. I've found fitbit can overestimate calorie burns compared to actual when tracked with HRM. I guess it depends upon your level of fitness and efficiency during exercise.
  • Hey guys, I've not lost any inches either which is why i'm so down! I have a fitbit pedometer that works alongside MFP so I know i'm getting a great picture of my activity levels... Not sure what else I can do. I had 2 days off dieting at the beginning of April when I travelled to see my son in London, just 2 days and I put on 1 pound! I just want to be happy and healthy but not sure I can take much more of all the hard work for no reward! Sure it's a bad day, but they're getting harder to bounce back from...
    And yes, I'm eating more than 1200 calories a day!

    What does your Fit bit say is your average daily calories used for the past 2 weeks?

    17179 burned per week for the last 2 weeks...
  • Wisewoman888
    Wisewoman888 Posts: 72 Member
    See a naturopath. One who does iridology. (Don't be sceptical, it's actually a scientifically based practise) You could have a thyroid problem or need a boost to your pituitary gland. I did! I even went to an endocrinologist who said I wanted to "blame" my weight gain on a gland condition. All I needed to do was lose weight Yeah Right!!!
    I went to see a naturopath who instantly said I have a thyroid condition (underactive) and my pituitary gland needed a kick along. So I'm now taking herbs to do this and I've now started to lose and feel a million times better! Hope that helps!
  • I have a fitbit pedometer that works alongside MFP so I know i'm getting a great picture of my activity levels...

    I have a fitbit and a HRM. I've found fitbit can overestimate calorie burns compared to actual when tracked with HRM. I guess it depends upon your level of fitness and efficiency during exercise.

    I can't use a HRM because I have a pacemaker. I don't tend to eat my fitbit calories.
  • See a naturopath. One who does iridology. (Don't be sceptical, it's actually a scientifically based practise) You could have a thyroid problem or need a boost to your pituitary gland. I did! I even went to an endocrinologist who said I wanted to "blame" my weight gain on a gland condition. All I needed to do was lose weight Yeah Right!!!
    I went to see a naturopath who instantly said I have a thyroid condition (underactive) and my pituitary gland needed a kick along. So I'm now taking herbs to do this and I've now started to lose and feel a million times better! Hope that helps!

    I'm already on treatment for an under active thyroid :ohwell:
  • velsbree
    velsbree Posts: 69
    Thank you for that post. I feel people over estimate the # calories burned and then eat too many calories. I do not eat back my calories burned at the gym. I was stuck at 7 lbs and I cleaned up my diet and stuck to the 1200 cals and the scale has been moving
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Hey guys, I've not lost any inches either which is why i'm so down! I have a fitbit pedometer that works alongside MFP so I know i'm getting a great picture of my activity levels... Not sure what else I can do. I had 2 days off dieting at the beginning of April when I travelled to see my son in London, just 2 days and I put on 1 pound! I just want to be happy and healthy but not sure I can take much more of all the hard work for no reward! Sure it's a bad day, but they're getting harder to bounce back from...
    And yes, I'm eating more than 1200 calories a day!

    What does your Fit bit say is your average daily calories used for the past 2 weeks?

    17179 burned per week for the last 2 weeks...

    That's 2500 calories a day your body is using - how many calories are you actually eating?

    A defict of 20% would have you eating 2000 daily and still losing weight.

    If you are eating less than 1700 a day, you have a 50% deficit, which is too aggressive.
  • Hey guys, I've not lost any inches either which is why i'm so down! I have a fitbit pedometer that works alongside MFP so I know i'm getting a great picture of my activity levels... Not sure what else I can do. I had 2 days off dieting at the beginning of April when I travelled to see my son in London, just 2 days and I put on 1 pound! I just want to be happy and healthy but not sure I can take much more of all the hard work for no reward! Sure it's a bad day, but they're getting harder to bounce back from...
    And yes, I'm eating more than 1200 calories a day!

    What does your Fit bit say is your average daily calories used for the past 2 weeks?

    17179 burned per week for the last 2 weeks...

    That's 2500 calories a day your body is using - how many calories are you actually eating?

    A defict of 20% would have you eating 2000 daily and still losing weight.

    If you are eating less than 1700 a day, you have a 50% deficit, which is too aggressive.

    I don't eat that many calories a day! Maybe about 1200-1400 unless it's a day I've been out and had a few drinks... Maybe that's the problem then?
  • vanderandkarl
    vanderandkarl Posts: 87 Member
    So down today, yet again I weigh in and have lost nothing, 4 weeks in a row... I'm working so hard, counting every calorie that passess my lips! I should be easily losing 2lbs a week... MFP keeps telling me i'll be 89kg in 5 weeks but i've not budged from 95kg since the end of March! 23 days of hard work, determination and for what?


    look at how far you have come if in doubt think of it this way you have so far lost 24 pounds = a 3-gallon tub of super premium ice cream

    do not give you YOU WILL GET THERE IN THE END some of us like the scenic route x

    please feel free to add me

    the rest of the list is here
  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
    Not sure what else I can do. I had 2 days off dieting at the beginning of April when I travelled to see my son in London, just 2 days and I put on 1 pound! I just want to be happy and healthy but not sure I can take much more of all the hard work for no reward!

    I certainly understand how you feel. Completely.

    BUT - if we let go of our addiction to the scale, you ARE rewarding yourself - with healthy, good for your body, food. You ARE meeting your goals. AND - IF you stop, you'll undo all you've done. Just like your 2 days off your program. don't give up. You've done great! Just don't put so much emphasis on the scale. keep treating your body right.
  • TinaLTaylor79
    TinaLTaylor79 Posts: 140 Member
    Also, make sure your NET on your home pg is 1200 or can show that you ate over 1200 on your food diary, but with the workout cals added to that you need to keep a check on ur NET...It does not do the math for you on the diary. Its hard, i know...i was 215 to start and i am 131 now...took me about 1 1/2 yrs to reach my goal..but i made it and there were times that i stayed the same weight for like 5 or 6 months during this process...but i never stopped..just re-evaluated what i was doing and tried different things. As long as you are eating enough to go along with your workouts, never under eating, and watch that you are not filling your cals with empty cals..such as high fats ect...proper amounts of sleep and just dont give will get there!!!!!!!!!!!