What do you squat?

This is mainly directed at female but men can input.

So I started Stronglifts 5X5 in hopes of some strength and definition. I went t the gym yesterday morning and was able to do the 5X5 at 85 pounds. I weigh 138 right now. I was very excited, it sounds like a strong weight to me. I did not try to see my one rep max or anything.
So I get home and tell my husband about all my lifts. (deadlift, bench, and squat yesterday) He didn't seem impressed with 85 pounds. Apparently I should be able to do by bodyweight no problem. That just seems weird to me.
So what do you squat? Does he mean I should be able to do my bodyweight as a one rep? What do you guys think?


  • magnusvv
    magnusvv Posts: 1
    My wife, who weighs 113 lbs, squats 135x10. Myself I weigh 184 and I squat 405x4. We don't go for one rep maxes but we do lift with intensity. Heavier lifting comes with practice, skill and slowly strengthening the tendons, joints and muscles. Just make sure to use good form always.
  • TxAlpha
    TxAlpha Posts: 180 Member
    I'm think that for your body weight 85 is a good starting point, and in the next two or three weekd you should be able to add more. Muscles work off memory and the more success you have at mastering a weight on a lift the better you result when you increase your weight. If you feel like if was a good lift and you could have done more sets easily than you should increase it a little, but don't over do it if this is your first go round with squats.....
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    Here is a nice chart for you


    use this for 1 rep max


    Edit: and make sure you are breaking parallel with your squat. I see many men who squat their body weight or more, but don't come even close to parallel.
  • Doreen_Murray
    Doreen_Murray Posts: 396 Member
    Love this program because you progress so quickly! I'm comfortably at 95 and want to go up, but just keeping with the program's tracking since my upper body needs to strengthen (bench press in particular) more. Love overhead press days because it gets my heart rate up and burns more cals! So much fun and most progress seen from this program than any other I've tried.
  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member
    Not enough.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Not enough.

    You should still tell everyone. ^ This guy is "rather strong".
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    Not enough.

    You should still tell everyone. ^ This guy is "rather strong".

    Half of what Phrak does
  • amandacochran15
    Not enough.

    I'm not sure what not enough is supposed to mean in response to my post. But I am obviously not trying to compete in competitions or strongman ****.. so?
    I'll add that it's not my first time squatting. But it's my first time with this program and actually trying.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I think bodyweight it certainly something to aim for, but for a woman it's not something that should be expected right away! I don't think your husband realises how much easier men have it!

    My profile pic is me squatting 154. I did that for 3 reps, but I'm not sure whether the last 2 were deep enough, so I only count it as 1. I was 150lbs at the time (January) I could also do 10 reps on 132.

    I've been "cutting" since then to lose fat, so my strength went down a little. Currently I can do 3 reps on 132lbs and 7 reps on 110lbs. I'm definitely going a lot deeper on my squats now though, so it doesn't bother me as much. I used to just go to parallel, now I go not quite ATG, but almost. I now weight 144lbs.
  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member
    Not enough.

    I'm not sure what not enough is supposed to mean in response to my post. But I am obviously not trying to compete in competitions or strongman ****.. so?
    I'll add that it's not my first time squatting. But it's my first time with this program and actually trying.

    I am just being coy, you simply asked what do you squat? I simply said not enough (wishing i could squat more). But an exact figure would be 666lb at my last meet. And hoping for mid 800's at my next one.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    an exact figure would be 666lb at my last meet. And hoping for mid 800's at my next one.

    ^ LOL.

    That's impressive as hell man.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Not enough.

    I'm not sure what not enough is supposed to mean in response to my post. But I am obviously not trying to compete in competitions or strongman ****.. so?
    I'll add that it's not my first time squatting. But it's my first time with this program and actually trying.

    He was I think referring to the fact that what he squats is "not enough" in his eyes.

    I have the same mentality. I can be satisfied with what I squat, as in I'm not doing badly, and I set little goals, but I will never get to a point and say "That's it, I've reached my goal" I don't have a final goal, just to get as strong as I can (and not get fat in the process!)
  • Doreen_Murray
    Doreen_Murray Posts: 396 Member
    Not enough.

    I'm not sure what not enough is supposed to mean in response to my post. But I am obviously not trying to compete in competitions or strongman ****.. so?
    I'll add that it's not my first time squatting. But it's my first time with this program and actually trying.

    I am just being coy, you simply asked what do you squat? I simply said not enough (wishing i could squat more). But an exact figure would be 666lb at my last meet. And hoping for mid 800's at my next one.

    DANG! Rock on! That is awesome.
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    I am short and muscular, I was blessed genetically with a large proportion of muscle for a female, and thick quads. I build muscle as easily as other women add fat. That being said, I am just getting back into heavy lifting, and am squatting around 225 pounds at 150 pounds body weight. This is rather low for me, I've competed and successfully squatted (below parallel) 325 pounds in the past. It's been my experience that a woman serious about squatting can outsquat almost any man in the gym, because we have the hips and lower body potential for it. I have definitely outsquatted men my own weight in competition, and most men heavier than I who were fit but not competitors. You outta see the looks on the guys' faces when "tiny little" size 6 me rolls up to that squat bar and crushes it. Sometimes I'll do it just to watch their mouths drop open. LOL
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    5'4" 145 - I squat 150 - 175 for 10 X 3. I think my max was 185 and my hip flexor hurt so I didn't try heavier.

    However...the point of weight lifting is what is heavy for YOU. If 85 was pretty easy, try 95 next time. If that's easy, go for 105. You get the point.

    "Not enough" simply means that you should continue to push yourself, as hard and as heavy as you can.
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    Just putting this out there - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/4601-stronglifts-5x5-for-women

    I'm currently doing the same program, increasing weight when I feel like I can go heavier, but it only matters what feels heavy for you and allows you to still keep good form.
  • Doreen_Murray
    Doreen_Murray Posts: 396 Member
    I am short and muscular, I was blessed genetically with a large proportion of muscle for a female, and thick quads. I build muscle as easily as other women add fat. That being said, I am just getting back into heavy lifting, and am squatting around 225 pounds at 150 pounds body weight. This is rather low for me, I've competed and successfully squatted (below parallel) 325 pounds in the past. It's been my experience that a woman serious about squatting can outsquat almost any man in the gym, because we have the hips and lower body potential for it. I have definitely outsquatted men my own weight in competition, and most men heavier than I who were fit but not competitors. You outta see the looks on the guys' faces when "tiny little" size 6 me rolls up to that squat bar and crushes it. Sometimes I'll do it just to watch their mouths drop open. LOL
    Love it! That's a lot of weight for a "size 6" girly! Impressive.
  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member
    Just putting this out there - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/4601-stronglifts-5x5-for-women

    I'm currently doing the same program, increasing weight when I feel like I can go heavier, but it only matters what feels heavy for you and allows you to still keep good form.

    x2 because I'm all for shameless self promotion. :bigsmile:
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    5'2"/115lbs and my heaviest squat so far has been 240#'s - 1x8.

    When I do my squats I start light and then end strong.

    It's kind of fun to see the guys at the gym look at me like "Yeah right!" and when I bang them out with my husband standing there giving me encouragement the looks on their faces change to "Holy *kitten*!" LOL!
  • Flippiefloppies
    With proper form 155x6. I got up to 185x 3 reps but I don't think the form was proper. I didn't go down as far as you are supposed to. *kitten* TO GRASS!

    148LBS/ 5'7"