Carbs/Sugar don't make you fat.



  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Eating too much.....(more than your maintenance) regardless of macronutrient composition makes you fat. Just had to throw this out there.

    Techincally no because it's calorie in/out. But ever try to actually eat enough salad to get fat? VS donuts and potato chips?
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    Eating too much.....(more than your maintenance) regardless of macronutrient composition makes you fat. Just had to throw this out there.
    Do yourself a favor and google "Insulin Resistance"! Carbs and sugar ABSOLUTELY DO make some people fat! Just had to throw THAT out there:)
    This would make sense, except high protein and high fat diets also contribute to insulin resistance.

    Insulin resistance is a symptom of obesity, and there are hundreds, if not thousands of causes for it, it's not just sugar and carbs.

    Oh, and that link came from a Google search for Insulin Resistance. So, if you're going to tell other people to google it, you may want to take your own advice.

    Devils Advocate here:

    rats =/= humans
  • silkandsugar
    Theoretically yes but they do mess with your metabolism and can make things more difficult.
  • greasygriddle_wechnage
    Everyone’s body tolerates different foods differently. I can NOT eat the pastas, breads, and starchy things like potatoes. Just because it makes me gain weight and bloat and so on, I will not say that everyone needs to not eat them. Everyone is different and needs to find out what works for them. Don’t be ignorant!!!

    i just have to comment, as this is so painful to read. guess what, the population as we know it, is like a bell curve, we are all on it, and i KNOW, everyone wants to believe that they are some sort of unique individual who processes food and energy so much more differently then the rest of us. guess what, we are all more ALIKE, than different..... :embarassed:
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Eating too much.....(more than your maintenance) regardless of macronutrient composition makes you fat. Just had to throw this out there.

    Techincally no because it's calorie in/out. But ever try to actually eat enough salad to get fat? VS donuts and potato chips?

    This isn't the point Im arguing......I 100% agree its harder to overeat cals eating protein than carbs...It's a struggle for me to eat 500 cals of chicken breast.........Not at all to eat 500 cals of ice cream.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member

    Devils Advocate here:

    rats =/= humans

    Agree on this point. I hate these tests. As much as they indicate this are not factual based on human results. They don't have the same digestive and endocrine systems. Similar, not the same.
  • stum_ble
    stum_ble Posts: 3
    omg this changes ~*~EVERYTHING~*~
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    Eating too much.....(more than your maintenance) regardless of macronutrient composition makes you fat. Just had to throw this out there.

    Techincally no because it's calorie in/out. But ever try to actually eat enough salad to get fat? VS donuts and potato chips?

    UH, that's what ALOT of people do. When I worked at a restaurant I saw sooo many obese women come in and order salads thinking they were "being good"....unfortunately at our restaurant, our salads were the most calorie laden things on the menu (bacon, dressings, cheese, etc. etc. etc. ETC.).

    Calorie intake is THE ONLY thing that matters with losing weight.
    Sure, monitoring things like protien, sugars, processed food are important to BEING HEALTHY, but do not necessarily have to do with losing weight.

    Fat is made of calories, NOT carbs/sugar.:grumble:
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    This isn't the point Im arguing......I 100% agree its harder to overeat cals eating protein than carbs...It's a struggle for me to eat 500 cals of chicken breast.........Not at all to eat 500 cals of ice cream.

    I inhale 500 cals of ice cream just walking into Cold Stone....

    Damn, now I want ice cream.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    In before potential s**t storm

    You said
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Eating too much.....(more than your maintenance) regardless of macronutrient composition makes you fat. Just had to throw this out there.
    Do yourself a favor and google "Insulin Resistance"! Carbs and sugar ABSOLUTELY DO make some people fat! Just had to throw THAT out there:)
    This would make sense, except high protein and high fat diets also contribute to insulin resistance.

    Insulin resistance is a symptom of obesity, and there are hundreds, if not thousands of causes for it, it's not just sugar and carbs.

    Oh, and that link came from a Google search for Insulin Resistance. So, if you're going to tell other people to google it, you may want to take your own advice.

    Devils Advocate here:

    rats =/= humans
    True, but feeding humans a diet to intentionally cause insulin resistance is kind of unethical. A quick perusal of pubmed uncovered several studies that showed very similar blood markers in diabetic and insulin resistant humans compared to the insulin resistant rats that were fed the high protein/high fat diet. While correlation =/= causation, that does give me enough evidence to comfortably state that insulin resistance is not just the fault of ZOMG! CARBS AND EVIL SUGAR MONSTERS!
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Eating too much.....(more than your maintenance) regardless of macronutrient composition makes you fat. Just had to throw this out there.

    Techincally no because it's calorie in/out. But ever try to actually eat enough salad to get fat? VS donuts and potato chips?

    This isn't the point Im arguing......I 100% agree its harder to overeat cals eating protein than carbs...It's a struggle for me to eat 500 cals of chicken breast.........Not at all to eat 500 cals of ice cream.

    Eating 500 calories of chicken will proably make you feel fuller than eating 500 caloires of ice cream. It's not the 500 calories eaten, it's how many calories you eat until you decide not to eat anymore. Eating a plate full of broccali is more filling than a plate of chips. So in the end one eats 850 calories of chips before quitting vs 500 calories of veggies.
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    Eating too much.....(more than your maintenance) regardless of macronutrient composition makes you fat. Just had to throw this out there.

    no but it won't make you healthy either. I want to be HEALTHY too.....don't you?
  • MIchelleH2027
    MIchelleH2027 Posts: 1,239 Member
    Everyone’s body tolerates different foods differently. I can NOT eat the pastas, breads, and starchy things like potatoes. Just because it makes me gain weight and bloat and so on, I will not say that everyone needs to not eat them. Everyone is different and needs to find out what works for them. Don’t be ignorant!!!

    i just have to comment, as this is so painful to read. guess what, the population as we know it, is like a bell curve, we are all on it, and i KNOW, everyone wants to believe that they are some sort of unique individual who processes food and energy so much more differently then the rest of us. guess what, we are all more ALIKE, than different..... :embarassed:

    ??? Um okay. Then weight loss should be a snap, there should be a one size fits all plan and BAM done deal. Get real.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Eating too much.....(more than your maintenance) regardless of macronutrient composition makes you fat. Just had to throw this out there.

    well sorry, but I have proved that wrong. my Dr. backed up the findings and took them to a world wide convention on insulin resistance. hate to be the one to bust your arrogance, but not everyone is equal but enjoy your little world where you know everything.

    A. Your "evidence" is anecdotal. You're only talking about your own experiences. Not any data or studies that relate to anyone. You've proven nothing.

    B. What doctor? What convention? Before you claim to have successfully refuted the notion that eating too much makes a person gain weight you may want to provide at least SOME information.

    But if you all just want to go on insisting that it's all the fault of bread you can carry on. Tonight's pasta night for me, which I'll enjoy with a smile, as I have at least twice a week while staying under my calories and losing 85lbs.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Omg I solved it!

    Eating makes you fat
    Sedentary lifestyles make you fat
    Eating can also help you loose weight
    I lost a lot of weight on a sedentary lifestyle

    All those statements are contradicting and true.

    The longest lived people (Okinawan) ate a lot of grains and weighed on average 94 pounds.
    A obese friend of mine went paleo, ate allot of food, and lost a ton of weight and now looks fantastic and runs triathalons.

    Why are people so obsessed with what is better? You can get to where you want with both.
  • suttercm
    suttercm Posts: 189 Member
    Eating too much.....(more than your maintenance) regardless of macronutrient composition makes you fat. Just had to throw this out there.

    no but it won't make you healthy either. I want to be HEALTHY too.....don't you?

    No, they just want to start an argument!
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    We are saying the same thing here just in a different way....I struggle to eat 500 cals worth of chicken breasts...Thats like 3 large breasts and I am stuffed......If I ate ice cream till I was stuffed I could put away several thousand cals.

    Eating too much.....(more than your maintenance) regardless of macronutrient composition makes you fat. Just had to throw this out there.

    Techincally no because it's calorie in/out. But ever try to actually eat enough salad to get fat? VS donuts and potato chips?

    This isn't the point Im arguing......I 100% agree its harder to overeat cals eating protein than carbs...It's a struggle for me to eat 500 cals of chicken breast.........Not at all to eat 500 cals of ice cream.

    Eating 500 calories of chicken will proably make you feel fuller than eating 500 caloires of ice cream. It's not the 500 calories eaten, it's how many calories you eat until you decide not to eat anymore. Eating a plate full of broccali is more filling than a plate of chips. So in the end one eats 850 calories of chips before quitting vs 500 calories of veggies.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    Eating too much.....(more than your maintenance) regardless of macronutrient composition makes you fat. Just had to throw this out there.

    Sadly this is how it works on this site
