What does your exercise routine look like?



  • merilewa
    merilewa Posts: 19 Member
    Which one? LOL I have two or three that I alternate. Mostly the same two, though.

    Mon, Wed, Fri:
    10 minutes Eliptical--2 min forward at level 10, 2 min backward at level 12, 2 min sprint at level 3, repeat first two
    Leg press--2 sets of 15 @ 220lbs
    Leg extension--2 sets of 15 @ 50lbs
    Leg curl--2 sets of 15 @ 50lbs
    Hip abductor--2 sets of 15 @ 80lbs
    Hip adductor--2 sets of 15 @ 80lbs
    10 minutes--Wave glider at level 5 (like a stair climber, but a side to side skating motion instead of up and down)
    Lower back extension--2 sets of 15 @ 80lbs
    Chest press--2 sets of 15 @ 60lbs
    Shoulder press--2 sets of 15 @ 40lbs
    Reverse fly--2 sets of 15 @ 60lbs
    Lat pulldown--2 sets of 15 @ 70lbs
    Bicep curl--2 sets of 15 @ 45lbs
    Tricep extension--2 sets of 15 @ 65lbs
    16 minutes eliptical--2 min forward @ level 10, 2 min backward @ level 12, 2 min sprint @ level 3, repeat cycles for next 10 min

    Would really like to switch to a more comprehensive free weight program, but I'm completely lost when it comes to working with free weights. :frown: :embarassed:

    Tues, Thurs, Sat:
    Walk/run in park for 25-45 minutes
    3-4 hill sprints
    About 15 minute of various core and leg strengthening exercises using a swiss ball
    I love your idea of alternating different workouts. I might try that. I bet that would definitely help jump start if at a plateau. I do not go to gym during warmer months...just walk,. I have free weights and ankle weights that I can use for toning. I need to start adding that today.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    mine looks good. i take classes in the am and 2 on sunday.
  • Phoenix_Angel
    Week 1
    Alternate between chest/tri, back/bi, shoulders/legs 3 exercises per body part, 3 sets, 12 reps (except legs = 25 reps) each exercise and body part to completion with high impact (jumping rope or similar)
    in between each set

    Week 2
    alternate between chest/back, bi/tri/shoulders, legs same reps & sets but 4 exercises per body part. Circuit style (no breaks)

    Abs 2 days on, 1 day off - 4 sets 25 reps circuit style plus 2 isolated exercises 3x each

    Stretching daily 20 mins

    Walking for relaxation sporadically

    Goals: increase upper body mass to compensate for higher body fat in the midsection and wait patiently for my fat to fall off thighs and belly
    And of course..... A healthy diet ;)

    I change up my routines like it's going out of style but hey... I have no plateau issues and the results are much faster than anticipated.
  • usc2626
    usc2626 Posts: 186
    I do "A Simple beginner's Routine" by All Pro from Bodybuilding.com. It's a simple beginners weight lifting routine that both men and women cane do. It's three days a week on a 5 week cycle. Don't let the begenners part fool ya it will work you especially late in the cycle. It is made up of mostly compound movements. If you also think it's not for you because it'a says beginners you might be wrong, by All Pro's deffinition if you can't bench 1.5x and squat 2x your body weight then you are considered a beginner. Here is the link to the full workout:

  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    My new routine as of last week is:

    -Run 4-5 times a week
    -Strength Train 3-4 times a week
  • AbbyHoopi
    AbbyHoopi Posts: 48
    What kind of lifting routine do you have? I am trying to start into lifting more rather than just running all the time. I'd love some pointers!:)
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    I am constantly changing up my routine just to keep my body in check. I have stuck to this routine though.

    Mon am - Biceps and Back
    Mon pm - Cardio (running, plyometrics, elyptical anything)

    Tues - Abs / a quick run or Core Synergistics

    Wed am - Shoulders and Triceps
    Wed pm - Cardio (running, plyometrics, elyptical anything)

    Thurs - Core Work

    Fri am - Chest and Legs

    Sat - Yoga or run

    Sun - Yoga or Rest day
  • TriciaZ944
    TriciaZ944 Posts: 317 Member
    What kind of lifting routine do you have? I am trying to start into lifting more rather than just running all the time. I'd love some pointers!:)

    I would suggest getting the book new rules of lifting for women.
  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member
    Just doing some crazy 2-a-day split as follows.

    Monday - Legs am, Bench pm
    Tuesday - Shoulders am, Off in the pm
    Wednesday - Chest am, Squat/DL pm
    Thursday - Back am, Power yoga
    Friday - Biceps am, Bench pm
    Saturday - Squats
  • AbbyHoopi
    AbbyHoopi Posts: 48
    Mon- weight lifting
    Tues-interval trianing (either spinning or running)
    Wed-weight lifting
    Thurs - either body combat or interval training
    Fri-weight lifting

    Im following hte New Rules of Lifting for Women program so I do the exercises from the book on my lift days.

    I'd love to hear more about this... I am trying to get back into lifting more instead of only running.
  • KaseyWolf
    KaseyWolf Posts: 122 Member
    Still using the pool 90% of the time.

    4-5 days a week, aqua jog for 65 min (get some good fast dance cardio, get those knees up, arms pumping and move in that pool!)
    Crunches 3 days a week
    Modified chin ups 3 days a week (there is a handicap ramp that leads down to the pool. Grab the top rail and do chin ups, up out of the water)
    Use resistance bands, water "weights" and exercise tubes in the water for various exercises for chest, arms, legs.

    I've been pleasantly surprised in the increase in cardio fitness, endurance and weight loss I've had from doing this without killing my joints in the process! Also I'm able to do more flexibility in the pool than I could on land. I am looking forward to being able to go running out of the pool when I won't kill my knees.
  • Squiggs67
    Squiggs67 Posts: 178
    I walk fast for 30 - 50 minutes 6 mornings a week, I bike everyday between 5 and 20 km each time and I have a physical job. I'm definitely tired by the end of the day!!
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Mon-Lower (squats)
    Tue-Upper (bench, row)
    Thu-Lower (Deads)
    Friday-Upper (Chin-ups, OHP)
  • brentrhodes
    brentrhodes Posts: 139
    Mine look like a fat lady huffing and puffing with a red face.

    Ha! Awesome. There are several of those workouts going on in my gym. lol!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    CharLean Xtreme every other day. In the days between I do either Turbo Fire HIIT 30 Class, Zumba for 60 minutes or Brisk Walk 4 miles. Depends on how I feel.
  • Testosterone
    Testosterone Posts: 236 Member
    4 day split. 5 days a week.
    Day1-Chest & Biceps
    Day2-Back (lats, traps, rhomboids)

    you should put legs between chest and back and give your upper body a rest between major compounds.
  • Testosterone
    Testosterone Posts: 236 Member
    What kind of lifting routine do you have? I am trying to start into lifting more rather than just running all the time. I'd love some pointers!:)

    I just posted it haha
  • sweetybird09
    sweetybird09 Posts: 70 Member
    Monday: Stationary bike 30-50 mins and Pilates class
    Tuesday: Day off
    Wednesday: Treadmill aquafit class for an hour
    Thursday: Stationary bike 30- 50 mins and Pilates class
    Friday: Treadmill and aquafit class
    Saturday: 90 min walk
    Sunday: Day off

    Do you think I need to add some strength training to my routine, like weights?
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    My lifting days are MWF....They are pretty much the same.....I change up the workouts but the muscle groups stay the same It's pretty much as follows...give an example of ways I would mix it up for bench press.....each day I do a different variant.

    1) Bench Press (flat barbell, incline barbell, flat dumbbell, incline dumbbell)
    2) Overhead Press
    3) Pullups
    4) Dips
    5) Bent Over Row
    6) Curls
    7) Squats
    8) Deadlifts
    9) Lunges

    So for me it looks like this

    M- weights & 20 Min HIIT
    T - Coach Soccer (maybe cardio or take dog for long walk)
    W - weights & 20 min HIIT
    T - Maybe cardio or take dog for long walk
    F - Weights & 20 min HIIT

    I play soccer once a week on Friday or saturday and just try to do some active things over the weekend.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Day 1-7 - Do whatever you can, but do at least 60 minutes.