Don't you hate it when...



  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    Here's another one!!!!

    I hate it when ..... it takes me a WHOLE YEAR to lose 25 stupid pounds, and it took my DBF3 months to lose the same amount!!! :explode: :angry: :explode: :angry: GRRRRRR!!
  • sinisme
    sinisme Posts: 148 Member
    Here's another one!!!!

    I hate it when ..... it takes me a WHOLE YEAR to lose 25 stupid pounds, and it took my DBF3 months to lose the same amount!!! :explode: :angry: :explode: :angry: GRRRRRR!!

    :devil: OMG.. that is the worst!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I hate it when I go walking or jogging and realize I didn't charge my Ipod and I left it on...
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,304 Member
    LOL, never had that one happen, but I have done this one:

    Don't you hate it when you grab all your stuff, get to the gym, change get all ready, then Woo Hoo, find an open Tredmill (or eliptical, or bike...etc.) Hit power on your ipod and.... nothing. DAMN IT! I forgot to charge the ipod!

    Ugh. This happened yesterday! It was torture to even get 30mins in on the elliptical. I had to give up and do a full body strength session instead of cardio...

    Don't you hate it when you go to try a new recipe for something that sounds GREAT and you swear you have all of the ingredients except one, stop at the store to get it (on the way home from the gym) and get home only to find out you are missing something else. This happened yesterday too.:grumble:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Don't you hate it when your hubby takes your truck to go jog... wear a sweatsuit.. forgets a towel... gets your seat all wet.. then you go to sit down and end up with sweat all over your butt? eeew:grumble:

    LOL! The joys of a 2 car household!

    Don't you hate it when you're wife (husband) comes home from the gym and gives you a big wet sweaty hug, and you didn't realize they were working out till you're in full embrace. Ugh! Nasty.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Ohh, another good one.

    Don't you hate it when you're browsing MFP and your boss walks over?

  • sinisme
    sinisme Posts: 148 Member
    Don't you hate it when your hubby takes your truck to go jog... wear a sweatsuit.. forgets a towel... gets your seat all wet.. then you go to sit down and end up with sweat all over your butt? eeew:grumble:

    LOL! The joys of a 2 car household!

    Don't you hate it when you're wife (husband) comes home from the gym and gives you a big wet sweaty hug, and you didn't realize they were working out till you're in full embrace. Ugh! Nasty.

    LMAO!!! My husband calls it a "sweaty hug" and he chases my daughter around threatening to hug her! GOOD TIMES!
  • Sarandipity
    Sarandipity Posts: 1,560
    You pack an extra pair of shoes to wear later and when you go to change into them you realize they are not the same shoes, and worse yet, they are for the same foot! :laugh:
  • sinisme
    sinisme Posts: 148 Member
    Don't you hate it when you've found a really good parking spot.. only to realize the reason it's not taken is because it's basically a bird's toilet.... *sigh*..
  • Sarandipity
    Sarandipity Posts: 1,560
    Don't you hate it when your hubby takes your truck to go jog... wear a sweatsuit.. forgets a towel... gets your seat all wet.. then you go to sit down and end up with sweat all over your butt? eeew:grumble:

    LOL! The joys of a 2 car household!

    Don't you hate it when you're wife (husband) comes home from the gym and gives you a big wet sweaty hug, and you didn't realize they were working out till you're in full embrace. Ugh! Nasty.

    I have to agree with you there, my BF is a cyclist and often will cycle to meet me dripping in sweat. (he is the type that tries to beat the cars :laugh: ) But what can you do? Especially when we only see eachother every couple of months, I live with the sweaty hug.:smile:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Don't you hate it when.....

    you find a red sock in the bottom of the washer after you washed the pinks.

    you are in the grocery lane and the person in front of you is almost done checking out and then they have to run back to get one more item.

    you finally get all the kids down for a nap and the phone rings and it is a telemarketer.

    you wake-up ready for a long morning walk and your plantar faciitis is so bad you can barely walk.

    someone puts empty containers back in the pantry or fridge.

    someone uses the last of the toilet paper and doesn't replace the roll.

    people will share their opinion with you but not give you a chance to share yours.

    I will stop there for now...but I could go on and on.
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,304 Member
    Don't you hate it when you've found a really good parking spot.. only to realize the reason it's not taken is because it's basically a bird's toilet.... *sigh*..

    I usually don't find that one out until it's too late...

    Don't you hate it when you get to the gym and have to decide if whatever you forgot to bring is essential or not...I've worked out without socks, in the t-shirt i wore to work and in the Converse I wore to work, but turned around and went back home when I forgot my sports bra. :blushing:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Don't you hate it when.....

    you find a red sock in the bottom of the washer after you washed the pinks.

    you are in the grocery lane and the person in front of you is almost done checking out and then they have to run back to get one more item.

    you finally get all the kids down for a nap and the phone rings and it is a telemarketer.

    you wake-up ready for a long morning walk and your plantar faciitis is so bad you can barely walk.

    someone puts empty containers back in the pantry or fridge.

    someone uses the last of the toilet paper and doesn't replace the roll.

    people will share their opinion with you but not give you a chance to share yours.

    I will stop there for now...but I could go on and on.

    LOL! wow! Annoyed much? :tongue:
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Don't you hate it when you make a "quick" trip to the store for some essential item, wind up with a whole cart-load instead, get home, unpack it all, and realize you forgot the one item you made the trip for in the first place.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    These don't happen everyday...

    and most I really don't hate it, I just get annoyed. but the telemarketers I really hate their phone calls not the person doing the call its just the fact they are calling to sell me something I don't need and if I did need it I would not order from stranger on the phone.

    I am really pretty easy going but some days...:grumble:
    also some of these are things I am trying to train my kids to remember like sorting their own laundry into the right baskets, replacing the toilet paper, taking care of empty containers.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Don't you hate it when you make a "quick" trip to the store for some essential item, wind up with a whole cart-load instead, get home, unpack it all, and realize you forgot the one item you made the trip for in the first place.

    LOL! I did that last weekend! I was talking to myself ALL the way back to Home Depot!
  • sinisme
    sinisme Posts: 148 Member
    Or when your boss leaves .. and you are planning on sneaking out early as well.. only to have him come back and ruin your plans! :laugh:
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Or when your boss leaves .. and you are planning on sneaking out early as well.. only to have him come back and ruin your plans! :laugh:

    Uh-oh! My boss left early today, and I was planning on doing just that... maybe I should change my plans. :laugh:
  • dimplzz
    dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
    Don't you hate it when you go tanning, get in your room, all the way undressed and the bed won't turn on. Now you have to put all your clothes back on to go out and tell em to flip the switch....???

    I have done at least half of the stuff that others have mentioned. :laugh:
    I want an IPod for working out. :cry: I should really go invest in one... I workout in silence and it sucks....
  • dimplzz
    dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
    Don't you hate it when....

    you forget your sunroof and windows open and it starts pouring rain that afternoon. :grumble: (just happened)

    or when you used the rest of your bar of soap the day before and then forget to grab a new one right away. You are done washing your hair and go to grab your bar of soap and its not there.... :explode:
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