Detox and cleanses



  • rcharlee
    rcharlee Posts: 182 Member
    Are you measuring body fat percentage? Are you changing body composition (losing fat but gaining lean mass). It really is near impossible that for 2 solid months of eating at a caloric deficit that you have not lost a single pound of weight.

    Mind making your diary public so we can have a look and maybe give some feedback?

    No I'm not measuring body fat percentage, and I do think I'm gaining muscle because I have dropped a pant size and in 2 weeks lost 1/2 inch off both my waist and hips. I can also see that in pictures that I do look slimmer, but my weight just won't change.

    How do I make my diary public?
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    It's in the, if you are losing inches, you have to keep a solid perspective on what you are experiencing.

    For example, I am 400lbs, much of that is already muscle, and I am aiming to be around 285 (yes, almost 300lbs is considered healthy for me by my doctor for my height/body composition).

    I am lifting weights along with cardio and a caloric deficit to preserve as much lean mass as possible while losing fat. I WILL have moments where I do not lose "weight" but I lose fat.

    You have to keep perspective of that or else you will discourage yourself for no reason.
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    I'm Starting one Wednesday by Garden of Life called the Raw detox/Cleanse. I do them every 4 months to clean out the toxins and liver. I ususally drop a couple of pounds but I don't really rely on them for weight loss just for detoxing my body.

    Snake. Oil.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I second the comments that detoxes/cleanses are basically silly.

    OP: What has your average calorie intake been (not your net, your total calorie intake average) over the past 2 months and what is your total change in weight?
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    Thnks for sharing the diary.

    So your caloric intake looks fine most days in my opinion. Play with your nutrient intake a bit (I am a pure meat loving carnivore and I am experimenting with most eating vegetarian except for fish). Try some new stuff though, whole grains like quinoa are awesome (complete protein), good fiber, carbs, filling etc.

    Now, I think your honesty is badass with logging it all but chill on the beer (this is coming from someone who can drink like a fish). That is your one and true only detox you can probably do for yourself, but I saw much of that was only this past week anyway. Drink even more water.

    Try new things with your carb and protein intake and I think you may see a difference. Take in more protein, it won't hurt you even if it says you are over what you should have). Complex carbs are the way to go, quinoa, steel cut oats, sweet potatoes, strawberries, cracked wheat, almonds etc. You will feel better because those are very nutrient dense items to eat.

    You look healthy, so experiment with your diet but keep it fun.

    Now a note, I mention the alcohol intake but I am someone who doesn't dig "cheat days", but that is for me. I enjoy a good drink though so maybe try things like vodka, enjoy sipping straight whiskey etc? If you want to get your drink on it's a good way to go. All things in moderation etc.
  • season0508
    Maybe you should lower your calorie intake some... Just do 1200... I feel the BMR thing they give is a little on the high side.. What I do is eat 1200 cals a day.. I work out 5 days a week burning between 400 and 600 calories depending on the day and I eat back half of those calories, and im not at all starving. It is working for me 100 percent.
  • rcharlee
    rcharlee Posts: 182 Member
    I second the comments that detoxes/cleanses are basically silly.

    OP: What has your average calorie intake been (not your net, your total calorie intake average) over the past 2 months and what is your total change in weight?

    Well that's a little tricky, cuz I was breastfeeding until 2 weeks or so into March. So Through that point I'd say 1800, and after that around 1500-1600. I haven't lost any weight since the beginning of March. Between January and March I lost 14lbs though.
  • stovallsh
    Whoever says cleanses are bunk just don't know what they're talking about. I had a TON of inflammation in my knee. Had an xray - negative. Had an MRI - negative. Tried ultrasound with a PT - negative. Did an Isagenix cleanse - no more pain, no more swelling and felt totally great. Also lost 8 lbs of fat, water, and muscle.

    Everybody's body is different, so keep mixing things up to find what works for you. Good luck!
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    Whoever says cleanses are bunk just don't know what they're talking about. I had a TON of inflammation in my knee. Had an xray - negative. Had an MRI - negative. Tried ultrasound with a PT - negative. Did an Isagenix cleanse - no more pain, no more swelling and felt totally great. Also lost 8 lbs of fat, water, and muscle.

    Everybody's body is different, so keep mixing things up to find what works for you. Good luck!

    I'm sorry, but no. You cannot defy physics, you cannot defy biology. You are not a wizard, Harry.

    Changing your diet can make you feel better, can make you healthier, but there is no "toxin cleansing" unless you are smoking, drinking excessively, or doing black tar heroin then stop. That is cleansing. Drinking a mixture of generally nutrient dense, healthy foods will make you feel pretty good, but won't do that much unless you are also removing unhealthy elements you forcibly introduce.

    That's not cleansing, that's being smart.
  • stovallsh
    Perhaps chris1816 needs a little refresher course in biochemistry :laugh:
  • rcharlee
    rcharlee Posts: 182 Member
    Thnks for sharing the diary.

    So your caloric intake looks fine most days in my opinion. Play with your nutrient intake a bit (I am a pure meat loving carnivore and I am experimenting with most eating vegetarian except for fish). Try some new stuff though, whole grains like quinoa are awesome (complete protein), good fiber, carbs, filling etc.

    Now, I think your honesty is badass with logging it all but chill on the beer (this is coming from someone who can drink like a fish). That is your one and true only detox you can probably do for yourself, but I saw much of that was only this past week anyway. Drink even more water.

    Try new things with your carb and protein intake and I think you may see a difference. Take in more protein, it won't hurt you even if it says you are over what you should have). Complex carbs are the way to go, quinoa, steel cut oats, sweet potatoes, strawberries, cracked wheat, almonds etc. You will feel better because those are very nutrient dense items to eat.

    You look healthy, so experiment with your diet but keep it fun.

    Now a note, I mention the alcohol intake but I am someone who doesn't dig "cheat days", but that is for me. I enjoy a good drink though so maybe try things like vodka, enjoy sipping straight whiskey etc? If you want to get your drink on it's a good way to go. All things in moderation etc.

    Thanks for the advice! My drinking over the last week or so has been out of control; it's that whole feeling like I'm not getting anywhere, so I said F it and went overboard.
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    I know that feeling, hey I was proud of myself for not going bonkers over holidays and spring. My stress comes from a high stress job and I have a well stocked bar at home.

    So enjoy the beers (seriously, hope you did, life is meant to be enjoyed). But lets play experiment.

    I noticed you live in Ft Worth so close to the same haunt. Explore some different options at Costco, they sell much of what I buy.

    Black bean burgers are surprisingly awesome, they sell those there.

    Quinoa quinoa quinoa, more flavorful than brown rice and much healthier (if you haven't noticed I love it).

    Costco sells North Dallas Honey Co stuff in this area, which if you like honey in the mornings is awesome. Raw honey has a much better nutritional profile than basic processed stuff (and can also help a bit with allergies via basic immunitherapy).

    They sell an "antioxident blend" of fruit in the frozen section that is awesome for home made smoothies. I'm a berry slut so I love this stuff, though I've been on a fresh strawberry kick lately.

    If you like sushi, try sashimi, especially tuna and salmon (good fats, protein heavy, no getting filled on rice)

    Grats on losing what you have lost so far (seriously, much badassery there), ignore the cleanse nonsense and keep at it!
  • LiveLifeLogically
    LiveLifeLogically Posts: 41 Member
    See, this is why I want to to the body cleanse...NOT for weight loss, but just to cleanse my body of unwanted toxins.
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    Perhaps chris1816 needs a little refresher course in biochemistry :laugh:

    No, seriously.

    Toxin cleansing is a biological function of your liver and kidneys. You cannot supercharge this, you cannot force it. If you drink a bunch of acai juice, guess what, your kidneys still have to work just as hard as if you drank nothing but water. There are foods that keep these organs healthy yes, and contribute to general wellness, but to tell people to buy into cleanses is misleading and unkind.
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    See, this is why I want to to the body cleanse...NOT for weight loss, but just to cleanse my body of unwanted toxins.

    Did you not read my response there that explained that cleansing as it is generally marketed is snake oil?

    Eat healthy, you won't have toxins to "cleanse".
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    Actually humor me; what toxins do you feel you need to cleanse, specifically?
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    Perhaps chris1816 needs a little refresher course in biochemistry :laugh:

    Actually, I think Chris1816 was spot on. Completely right, you cannot defy bloody science. It just doesn't work that way. I'm not sure what you meant by you had an X-ray and MRI and they were both negative, they're not really positive or negative tests, and not only that, but they only tell part of the story. Not everything shows up on them, they are designed to be tools in the box of medical science. Used in conjunction with medical knowledge, and medical precedence, one can then make an informed and sound judgment.

    Cleanses are bunk, period. You can argue till the cows come home against that, but in the end, it's like faith healing. The body is capable of doing so much, and sometimes the placebo effect is extraordinary great.
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    See, this is why I want to to the body cleanse...NOT for weight loss, but just to cleanse my body of unwanted toxins.

    Which toxins do you mean?

    Why in the world don't people understand the human body already has a "toxin cleansing system?" what do you think your fecal matter and urine is?
  • rcharlee
    rcharlee Posts: 182 Member
    I know that feeling, hey I was proud of myself for not going bonkers over holidays and spring. My stress comes from a high stress job and I have a well stocked bar at home.

    So enjoy the beers (seriously, hope you did, life is meant to be enjoyed). But lets play experiment.

    I noticed you live in Ft Worth so close to the same haunt. Explore some different options at Costco, they sell much of what I buy.

    Black bean burgers are surprisingly awesome, they sell those there.

    Quinoa quinoa quinoa, more flavorful than brown rice and much healthier (if you haven't noticed I love it).

    Costco sells North Dallas Honey Co stuff in this area, which if you like honey in the mornings is awesome. Raw honey has a much better nutritional profile than basic processed stuff (and can also help a bit with allergies via basic immunitherapy).

    They sell an "antioxident blend" of fruit in the frozen section that is awesome for home made smoothies. I'm a berry slut so I love this stuff, though I've been on a fresh strawberry kick lately.

    If you like sushi, try sashimi, especially tuna and salmon (good fats, protein heavy, no getting filled on rice)

    Grats on losing what you have lost so far (seriously, much badassery there), ignore the cleanse nonsense and keep at it!

    Costco and Central Market are my best friends! I eat a lot of fish, and chicken so bulk is great from Costco. I did have unprocessed honey from McKinney for awhile, but burned through that. I like the floral taste in raw honey. I did however just buy the kirkland's brand. I've never tried quinoa, but would like to. The show Chopped has me a bit scared of it though. The judges always complain about people under cooking it, and I seriously just figured out how to not under cook rice!

    Now with sashimi, I will eat salmon, but texture wise it's hard for me to rock the others. I'm a sucker for rice!

    I'm feeling better about not trying another cleanse at this point; I've seen some helpful advice, and I'm getting my confidence back.
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    Go on with your bad self, etc.