Someone explain to me why I'm gaining weight? :P

My food diary is open, at my height (5'8) and weight I don't think I should be gaining, and I'm even more active than my exercise diary shows. :P I'm confused and upset. This isn't just some daily fluctuation, I've been steadily gaining (now at 7 pounds) over the last month and a half. It's not muscle I gained an inch everywhere. Not TOM either, and I don't eat fastfood all the time or spend my daily 1000-1800 on a pound of cake or ice cream. I don't seem to be doing anything wrong but I'm getting bigger. x_x

Edit: also, the past three days aren't good representations of how I normally eat, you can skip those...


  • uglyhobo
    uglyhobo Posts: 108 Member
    Well a lot of people overestimate the calories the burn from exercise and sometimes underestimate the amounts of food they are eating when entering in to their diary.
  • AmoreCouture
    AmoreCouture Posts: 255 Member
    You're not watching your sodium which can cause water retention if you're going over daily. :)
  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    Hm I'll consider the sodium bit, but this isn't water retention it's a steady gain for sure.
    And I definitely don't underestimate what I eat, I purposefully underestimate exercise calories but I *always* overestimate what I eat, to be on the safe side. I don't always finish every bite.
  • Le_Joy
    Le_Joy Posts: 593 Member
    I don't see many fruits and vegetables. Also why all the quick add calories? I think that makes it easier to under estimate and makes it hard to get a clear view of what you are eating.
  • Trucker40
    You are not eating enough. If you don't eat enough your body will go into starvation mode. You seem to eat very light. Eat all of the calories...hard I know, but you have to do it.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    My food diary is open, at my height (5'8) and weight I don't think I should be gaining, and I'm even more active than my exercise diary shows. :P I'm confused and upset. This isn't just some daily fluctuation, I've been steadily gaining (now at 7 pounds) over the last month and a half. It's not muscle I gained an inch everywhere. Not TOM either, and I don't eat fastfood all the time or spend my daily 1000-1800 on a pound of cake or ice cream. I don't seem to be doing anything wrong but I'm getting bigger. x_x

    Were you doing any exercise at all prior to this change in lifestyle of eating/exercising?

    As your muscle is used for cardio, it has to store more energy, 500 cal of glucose/water stored weigh 1 lb. But that would only account for about 3 lbs worth, that's about it.

    MFP - Tools - BMR Calc - what is your estimated BMR?

    What is your amount of exercise days, and calories burned, and estimated by what?

    You have some days down at 900/700 in last 2 months, but you also have plenty of days that appear to be correctly eating back calories.

    To literally gain 7 lbs of fat over 6 wks would mean eating your normal daily goal, your exercise calories, your daily activity calories, and an additional 583 calories each and every day. Have you been logging everything or estimating all those quick calories correctly? I doubt you could reach actually eating that much extra though.
  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    Are you serious or is this just a joke?

    If you are serious then it is 100% obvious that you are not making healthy choices. You are filling up withe empty calories. Research eating a balanced diet and start making healthy choices and you will lose.

    If this is a joke then you are getting the attention you want!
  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    The quick add calories is just the past few days, I had a lot of things my grandma cooked I had to eat and it's foreign food with no real equivalent here.

    As for prior exercise, I used to be a figure skater. I don't exercise as much as I used to but more than most people. My BMR is 1,382 calories. I log everything I eat, and I'm fairly sure the quick adds from those couple days are within 100 calories of actual, I'm a scientist I understand error lol. I wonder if my metabolism is really messed up. :/

    And um, I said 1) disregard the past few days. I don't think my eating choices are poor enough to be a joke, I'm a teenager still so I should technically have a higher metabolism, and I eat healthier than most college students around me...
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    You are very inconsistent.

    Pick a calorie goal 1600-1800 daily.
    Eat that every day.
    For carbs think colorful vegs, at least 2 cups.
    Eat 2 fruit a day.
    Fill in the rest with healthy fats and Protein.
    Work out 3 times a week and dont kill yourself while cutting calories.
  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    Try a minimum of 5 servings of fruit and vegetables to start.

    Try taking sugar and processed foods completely out of your diet.

    Just making these changes alone without adding exercise will get you on the track to losing.
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    i check your diary i don't see anything out of the ordinary, just like the other respondents here, is this a joke?

    Maybe I can share my experience with you, I also gain weight and feels that i'm getting bigger too, that's during the first 2 months, during that time, i'm having problems cutting down my carb and to think that i strip off chicken skin too and avoid saturated fat. I still gain wait and becomes bigger.

    It takes time for me to become adjusted and able to have the discipline to cut carbs and sugar, and it took me 3 months here before feeling comfortable and notice the positive change. to give you an idea of what i eat, here's my diary password: hedge. hope this helps
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 639 Member
    Skipping the past three days.... I still see you eat a high amount carbs and sugar. Try mainly get your carbs/sugar from fruits and vegetables.. and whole grain (but only 1-2 servings of whole grain per day).

    Fresh fruits are fine... but when you eat canned, that adds a ton of unnecessary sugar. Also, I am seeing a lot of thing like breakfast cereal, clif bars (granola), tortillas, each day.

    If you want to lose weight try to get at least 1g of protein per lb of lean body mass. Adjust your nutrients to 40% carbs and 30% fat/protein. Right now you get a majority of your calories from carbohydrates and don't appear to be getting nearly enough protein.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    The quick add calories is just the past few days, I had a lot of things my grandma cooked I had to eat and it's foreign food with no real equivalent here.

    As for prior exercise, I used to be a figure skater. I don't exercise as much as I used to but more than most people. My BMR is 1,382 calories. I log everything I eat, and I'm fairly sure the quick adds from those couple days are within 100 calories of actual, I'm a scientist I understand error lol. I wonder if my metabolism is really messed up. :/

    And um, I said 1) disregard the past few days. I don't think my eating choices are poor enough to be a joke, I'm a teenager still so I should technically have a higher metabolism, and I eat healthier than most college students around me...

    Unless you've been netting below that 1382 by decent amount on constant basis, I wouldn't think metabolism messed up, perhaps a tad slower than needed. actually who needs slower during weight loss!
    But it's not being helped with goal around 1200, which means it's just slowed down to what it's getting.

    That inconsistency would tend to agree with slow metabolism though, meaning so slow that whatever you NET on avg is almost maintenance level, and the big days of eating are actually surplus to that, so stored.

    But I think also seeing energy stores increased is part of it.

    I'd suggest set daily goal to 1400 manually, and if workout calories is based on HRM, eat them all back since you are good at that. NET 1400 daily for a couple weeks.
    Only weigh the day after rest day, so no fluctuations based on energy stores going up and down with intense workouts, and fluid levels can balance out again. Less false weight gain or loss.
  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    Thanks msliu, I know I don't get enough protein so I bought some shakes. To put things in perspective I am in college and my choices are often restricted to what the dining hall offers, I can't just go and buy and cook my own food I don't have that option sometimes, that's what's with all the tortillas. The only sort of veggies our dining halls offer are soaked in oil. *eyeroll* It's awful.

    To all the people asking if this is a joke, that's really not necessary. I'm eating an average of around 1600 and still gaining so it's a valid question.
  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    The question had to be asked unfortunately. When looking at your food diary it is 100% obvious why you are not losing weight.

    I know it's beyond your control, but I find it very disappointing that in this day and age your college cafeteria is actually allowed to serve such unhealthy choices and not have any healthy options. Are there not any laws in place for persons with special dietary needs. How would a diabetic or celiac survive? Would they just not be able to go to college because they couldn't eat the food served there?
  • lgtahoe
    lgtahoe Posts: 96
    Try cutting back on your sugar -- it's over every day. Lose the sweets, change to a whole grain cereal or oatmeal in the morning. I have a friend who just dropped 8 lbs in a few weeks just by cutting sugar out of his diet.
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 639 Member
    Thanks msliu, I know I don't get enough protein so I bought some shakes. To put things in perspective I am in college and my choices are often restricted to what the dining hall offers, I can't just go and buy and cook my own food I don't have that option sometimes, that's what's with all the tortillas. The only sort of veggies our dining halls offer are soaked in oil. *eyeroll* It's awful.

    To all the people asking if this is a joke, that's really not necessary. I'm eating an average of around 1600 and still gaining so it's a valid question.

    Good thing you got the protein shakes... its a great start. Maybe you can start replacing those for cereal bars for breakfast (mix them with lowfat milk or water) and have a piece of fruit. That will easily bump up your protein in a healthy manner.

    Also- I totally remember college options and feel for you. Try this- when you go for dinner or lunch, load up on veggies (like 2x or 3x what you would normally get) and skip the breads, or get the bread and only eat a little. Then also load up on the meats (protein). If you learn to fill up on meat and veggies... you almost wont even crave the bread after a few days. I understand what you mean about the veggies being soaked in oil... but we all need a little fat in our diets. From what I recall, you were mainly way over on carbs/sugar but not protein or fats. Remember that fat doesn't make you fat, so there is no harm in eating a little. I try to stick around 30-45 g per day. :)
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Thanks msliu, I know I don't get enough protein so I bought some shakes. To put things in perspective I am in college and my choices are often restricted to what the dining hall offers, I can't just go and buy and cook my own food I don't have that option sometimes, that's what's with all the tortillas. The only sort of veggies our dining halls offer are soaked in oil. *eyeroll* It's awful.

    To all the people asking if this is a joke, that's really not necessary. I'm eating an average of around 1600 and still gaining so it's a valid question.

    Can you post for me your:

    Body Fat%
    And how often you work out?
  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    Age 19
    Height 5'8
    Weight normally 120, recently went to 126
    Body Fat% unsure, online tests say anywhere between 18 and 28
    And how often you work out? I'm on my feet all day, walk literally miles between classes, and sports/gym 3-5 times a week.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Age 19
    Height 5'8
    Weight normally 120, recently went to 126
    Body Fat% unsure, online tests say anywhere between 18 and 28
    And how often you work out? I'm on my feet all day, walk literally miles between classes, and sports/gym 3-5 times a week.

    First off you are underweight so no need to lose any.

    BMR 1327
    TDEE 2057

    Perfect weight 145

    Eat 2200 daily and lift weights at the campus gym 3 times a week for about 20 mins-45mins.
    Dont worry about cardio because you do that running around to classes.
    You probably think you are overweight because of the body fat.
    You just need to recomposition it to lean tissue.

    Your lean mass is quite low for your height so I would definitely eat about 2200-2500 daily for the next 2 weeks to fix your metabolism.
    Eat meat as well as 2 cups veg and 2 fruit a day.
    Alarming isnt it?!

    PS: losing anymore weight now may screw up your hormones even more.
    you gaining fat is a side effect of a hormonal imbalance from being underweight and eating too few calories.
    So eat.