Ur thoughs on a daily ice cream cone as a snack



  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Skinny Cow Ice Cream products are my favorite! I eat them all the time and had no problem losing weight. :)
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Not a good idea because it spikes your bloodsugar level and will make you crave more sweats.

    I don't crave sweats ever.

    If it fits into your daily goal and you enjoy it, I see absolutely no problems.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    it depends on the ice cream, I personally would say no, maybe try for 1-2 a week.
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    Not a good idea because it spikes your bloodsugar level and will make you crave more sweats.

    I don't crave sweats ever.

    If it fits into your daily goal and you enjoy it, I see absolutely no problems.
    Sweats are too salty for my taste. I prefer boogers.
  • CMB1979
    CMB1979 Posts: 588 Member
    No problem at all. I try to avoid it because it triggers more cravings for me. However, I still sometimes get my Caramel Macchiato when I have a craving as long as there is room in the calorie/nutrition count.
  • RachFace1000
    RachFace1000 Posts: 154 Member
    Instead of ice cream I eat Kemps Fat-free (no sugar added) vanilla frozen yogurt. It's really good for you and definitely cures my sweets craving. It's actually really good with a eighth of a cup up granola too as odd as that might sound. Or add some light maple syrup. Idk. Whatever floats your boat. They have many flavors that are healthy and delicious!
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 562 Member
    Hell Yes! I'm having an ice cream cone tonight! As long as it fits in my calories I haven't had a problem yet! And it makes it easier to keep in my new lifestyle rather than calling it a diet and making certain foods taboo :-)
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I wouldn't have it every day, simply because (for me anyway) a big part of losing weight was training my palate and body to adapt to healthy foods. The more junk food I ate, the more I wanted it, making it harder to stick to my diet. I started replacing my post-dinner sweet cravings with fruit, and my desire to eat cookies, ice cream, etc went away and now I crave fruit more than I do unhealthy snacks. So while you could probably lose weight eating ice cream every day and staying under your calories, I'm not sure it's the most sustainable way to eat to lose weight and keep it off.

    That being said, there's nothing wrong with enjoying some ice cream now and then. If you want a healthy substitute, try banana ice cream. Just freeze some sliced up bananas and run them through the food processor. You can add cocoa powder, peanut butter, chocolate chips. etc. Same consistency as ice cream, but much healthier since it's fruit based.
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    If you're within a healthy caloric range, losing weight, and not diabetic, I don't see why not. Eating sweets doesn't make me crave more--unless it's my grandma's peach cobbler. I just can't have a little bit of that stuff.
  • trinitrate
    trinitrate Posts: 219 Member
    Krogers / Frys has a low carb low sugar vanilla that is only 100 cals per .5 cups and is very creamy. Slice a couple strawberries with it almost nightly with good steady progress.

    Tied mixing it into a protein shake tonight and that worked well too... made a thick filling chocolate shake!

    Take care of your nutrients first but if there is still room go for it.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I have no issue with ice cream per se, but the whole point of the 1200 calorie minimum is to be able to get all the basic nutrients you need from your food- vitamins, minerals, fiber, as well as the macronutrients. I suspect at 1200 cals or less whatever calories you're spending on ice cream and the cone could be spent on something more nutritionally significant. I wouldn't really count ice cream as dairy for nutrition purposes- it generally is not fortified with vitamins A and D like the milk you drink, and it contains approximately a third of the calcium as milk- so it would be a mistake to consider it a replacement for milk.
  • Feel_the_Waltz
    Feel_the_Waltz Posts: 29 Member
    I wouldn't have it every day, simply because (for me anyway) a big part of losing weight was training my palate and body to adapt to healthy foods. The more junk food I ate, the more I wanted it, making it harder to stick to my diet. I started replacing my post-dinner sweet cravings with fruit, and my desire to eat cookies, ice cream, etc went away and now I crave fruit more than I do unhealthy snacks. So while you could probably lose weight eating ice cream every day and staying under your calories, I'm not sure it's the most sustainable way to eat to lose weight and keep it off.

    That being said, there's nothing wrong with enjoying some ice cream now and then. If you want a healthy substitute, try banana ice cream. Just freeze some sliced up bananas and run them through the food processor. You can add cocoa powder, peanut butter, chocolate chips. etc. Same consistency as ice cream, but much healthier since it's fruit based.

    Great advice! For me, however, having ice cream every day kinda ruined it for me. Too much of a good thing makes it less special, but it was a good way to reward myself during my first weeks. Now I crave anything that's healthy AND delicious. Otherwise it's just a waste (quite literally).
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Skinny cow ice cream sandwiches are only 150 calories. I have one nearly every day on warm days and I don't go over.
  • kym117
    kym117 Posts: 315 Member
    I don't see any problem with it as long as it fits nicely with your food diary, some people have cheat days I couldn't do that I would find it difficult to get back on track so I like to fit in a treat every day, funsize milky way or weight watchers belgian chocolate eclair. I like a mini milk ice lolly and they are 30 calories and give me an ice cream fix :wink:
  • Summer5555
    Summer5555 Posts: 104 Member
    Not a good idea because it spikes your bloodsugar level and will make you crave more sweats.

    I don't crave sweats ever.

    If it fits into your daily goal and you enjoy it, I see absolutely no problems.
    Sweats are too salty for my taste. I prefer boogers.

    Funniest thing I've read today!!!
  • melodymist
    melodymist Posts: 43 Member
    I wouldn't have it every day, simply because (for me anyway) a big part of losing weight was training my palate and body to adapt to healthy foods. The more junk food I ate, the more I wanted it, making it harder to stick to my diet. I started replacing my post-dinner sweet cravings with fruit, and my desire to eat cookies, ice cream, etc went away and now I crave fruit more than I do unhealthy snacks. So while you could probably lose weight eating ice cream every day and staying under your calories, I'm not sure it's the most sustainable way to eat to lose weight and keep it off.

    That being said, there's nothing wrong with enjoying some ice cream now and then. If you want a healthy substitute, try banana ice cream. Just freeze some sliced up bananas and run them through the food processor. You can add cocoa powder, peanut butter, chocolate chips. etc. Same consistency as ice cream, but much healthier since it's fruit based.

    Great advice! For me, however, having ice cream every day kinda ruined it for me. Too much of a good thing makes it less special, but it was a good way to reward myself during my first weeks. Now I crave anything that's healthy AND delicious. Otherwise it's just a waste (quite literally).

    I have to agree.
  • silkandsugar
    I do this too. I have one treat a day and an ice cream cone is definitely something I go for every now and then!
  • Fit4Evolution
    Fit4Evolution Posts: 375 Member
    I wouldn't have it every day, simply because (for me anyway) a big part of losing weight was training my palate and body to adapt to healthy foods. The more junk food I ate, the more I wanted it, making it harder to stick to my diet. I started replacing my post-dinner sweet cravings with fruit, and my desire to eat cookies, ice cream, etc went away and now I crave fruit more than I do unhealthy snacks. So while you could probably lose weight eating ice cream every day and staying under your calories, I'm not sure it's the most sustainable way to eat to lose weight and keep it off.

    That being said, there's nothing wrong with enjoying some ice cream now and then. If you want a healthy substitute, try banana ice cream. Just freeze some sliced up bananas and run them through the food processor. You can add cocoa powder, peanut butter, chocolate chips. etc. Same consistency as ice cream, but much healthier since it's fruit based.

    Great advice! For me, however, having ice cream every day kinda ruined it for me. Too much of a good thing makes it less special, but it was a good way to reward myself during my first weeks. Now I crave anything that's healthy AND delicious. Otherwise it's just a waste (quite literally).

    I have to agree.
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    I think theres nothing wrong with it if you are eating healthy most of the time. If i were you I would challenge myself to go without for a week or so, just because if you HAVE to have it every day you are not in control, the ice cream is.

    If its just your snack of choice, enjoy!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I think its fine, as long as that's your only junk food for the day. I try to limit myself to one treat :)

    And 1200 is supposed to be the absolute lowest you eat. Not the highest. But I'm sure you've already heard that. All I can say is if you slow down your metabolism too much, maybe the ice cream WILL have to go.