YouTube: Be Fit in 90...wanna join me?



  • embclark
    embclark Posts: 186 Member
    I am currently doing The 30 Day Shred. I will be done it on May 16th. So I have marked May 17th on my calendar for Day 1!
  • aross999
    aross999 Posts: 59 Member
    I am currently doing The 30 Day Shred. I will be done it on May 16th. So I have marked May 17th on my calendar for Day 1!

    Yay! Come back and post when you do start!
  • aross999
    aross999 Posts: 59 Member
    Day 3 - rest day. I had every intention of getting up this morning and doing one of my 10 minute sparkpeople cardio workouts (also free on YouTube - I love using them to just get my blood flowing in the AM) but sleep won. Then, of course, there were chips and dip in the breakroom (huge weakness!) but I'm still on board for the day.

    See you tomorrow with an update on Day 4!
  • maiibeloved41
    Day 3 - rest day. I had every intention of getting up this morning and doing one of my 10 minute sparkpeople cardio workouts (also free on YouTube - I love using them to just get my blood flowing in the AM) but sleep won. Then, of course, there were chips and dip in the breakroom (huge weakness!) but I'm still on board for the day.

    See you tomorrow with an update on Day 4!

    I like Nicole of SparkPeople, don't let her sweet face fool you, she's a killer! I love her jump rope routine, I combine that with the Cardio MMA (befitin90) to really get the heart pumping
  • aross999
    aross999 Posts: 59 Member
    Day 3 - rest day. I had every intention of getting up this morning and doing one of my 10 minute sparkpeople cardio workouts (also free on YouTube - I love using them to just get my blood flowing in the AM) but sleep won. Then, of course, there were chips and dip in the breakroom (huge weakness!) but I'm still on board for the day.

    See you tomorrow with an update on Day 4!

    I like Nicole of SparkPeople, don't let her sweet face fool you, she's a killer! I love her jump rope routine, I combine that with the Cardio MMA (befitin90) to really get the heart pumping

    I love NIcole's workouts. They are short and to the point but still a great way to get the blood pumping! I plan to keep doing one of those everyday along with BeFit, because I feel like I'm at a point where I need more cardio than the befit workouts offer.
  • aross999
    aross999 Posts: 59 Member
    Day 4 is done!

    Warm up: Same (for the first 30 days apparently)
    Strength: Ripped Abs and Arms (this one is new to me and is the last new one I'll see until day 31). First rotation: Bent rows, bicep curls, tricep kickbacks, lateral abs. Repeat. Second rotation: Single arm pullover, skull crushers, L-sit ups, hammer curls. Repeat. This one wasn't quite as fast paced as the others but I really enjoyed the motions.

    Cardio: Fat burning cardio from day 1

    Stretch: Sports stretch and flexibility - a new stretch for us. Hubs had an easier time with this than the others. He's not very flexible and this one doesn't require much down and up type movements.

    Day 5 tomorrow: no cardio, just double strength. Looking forward to it!
  • aross999
    aross999 Posts: 59 Member
    Today was Day 7. I bought a Polar FT4 over the weekend and was so excited to see my actual burn today! Day 7 is the warm up, fat burning cardio, cardio mma and sports stretch. I burned 269 calories. Had I estimated like I normally do, I would have gotten.....(drumroll) 275.

    At first, I was a little bummed. You know, when you think you've found a solution (that doesn't involve giving up alcohol or something crazy like that...) and then it's not quite the case? But then I thought about it. I broke down each exercise segment with how many I burned versus my estimate. There is a pretty significant difference on some of them.

    Warm up - Guess: 27, Actual: 25
    Fat Burn - Guess: 110, Actual: 85
    Cardio MMA - Guess: 111, Actual: 93
    Stretch - Guess: 27, Actual 66

    I have been logging the cardio mma as kickboxing, which is the same way I log turbo jam/fire. The difference there is enough to make it clear I've been overestimating - especially on my big 40+ minute turbo fire days.

    Anywho, I just thought maybe someone would be interested. Excuse the rambling. On another happy note, I'm down 2 pounds this week, as well as one inch overall and 1% body fat. Yay BeFit in 90!
  • veganxfemme
    veganxfemme Posts: 13
    Wow what a help! The way I was logging it I was estimating it to be about 150 Calais burned! I was waaaay off!
  • veganxfemme
    veganxfemme Posts: 13
    Stupid autocorrect...
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    I am checking this out! Sounds good. I do Wii but would like something else to do as well to tone. Thanks!
  • vahine03
    vahine03 Posts: 214 Member
    Bump :)
  • connie3408
    connie3408 Posts: 18
    Not quite ready for this yet...but soon !!
  • kak2m4
    kak2m4 Posts: 167 Member
    I'm so excited about this, thanks for sharing! I would love to join you!
  • aross999
    aross999 Posts: 59 Member
    Welcome newcomers! I hope you give it a shot and tell us how it goes.

    Today was Day 8. I burned 261 calories according to the hrm. Breakdown: Warm up: 25, Chest/Legs and Buns 72, Cardio MMA 91, Yoga 73.

    Nice! I was down another pound and a half this morning. I don't get my hopes up until I see a weight for three days consecutively, but if it's accurate, it'll put me down 4 pounds since I started befit in 90 last wednesday!
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    I just started today....Day 1 down! I have to admit, it kicked my booty a little bit, but totally doable! Looking forward to Day 2 tomorrow!
  • aross999
    aross999 Posts: 59 Member
    I just started today....Day 1 down! I have to admit, it kicked my booty a little bit, but totally doable! Looking forward to Day 2 tomorrow!

    Yay! Glad you're onboard! We are on day 10, which is a rest. I'm thankful for that because I think I'm coming down with something.

    I hope you enjoy it. I'm already seeing great results to motivate me forward!
  • DetLadyT
    DetLadyT Posts: 1
    Ok so I'm super late in seeing this thread, but my fiancé and I are joining the party!! Tomorrow we start!! :smile:
  • bunny1006
    bunny1006 Posts: 325 Member
  • cokolina
    cokolina Posts: 48
    How is everyone doin?
    ROGUES2 Posts: 7 Member
    Just saw this and about to start. What have I let myself in for. Wish me luck