Why am I always freezing!?!



  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    I used to be freezing cold ALL the time. I always ached for a hot bath and wore layers upon layers. I went to see an accupunturist for something else and mentioned this. She had me make this "tea" every night. I swear to God within a week I noticed a change. And, now I don't even need a sweater half the time. LOL:

    * Buy some fresh ginger. It's super cheap and good for you. It lasts about 2 weeks left out on the counter.
    * Cut off a thin medallion of the ginger. Stick it in a mug with about a tsp of honey.
    * Add hot water. Enjoy.

    Apparently, it boosts your immune and your metabolism too.

    That's interesting because that is a Chinese Medicine remedy that I use to bring down a fever. It really works, but tastes nasty in my opinion. Only, I've never tried just sticking the ginger and pouring hot water over it. I always boil a few slices of fresh ginger on the stove.
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Seems weird that you had a change. I'm always cold, but I've been that way for years, no matter what my weight or calorie intake (and trust me, I get plenty). No thyroid issues here either. I might try that ginger tea though! It's worth a shot.

    Good luck figuring this out. I'd say, try more calories and if that doesn't help, see your doctor.

    All the best,
  • flobee76
    flobee76 Posts: 67 Member
    I would definitely get to the Dr. about it. Have your thyroid checked, your Vit. D levels and your iron levels, at the very minimum.
  • HauteT
    HauteT Posts: 16 Member
    Same here! I've lost almost 70 #'s and I feel like I cannot get warm. I was always the one that would shock people I shook hands with due to the warmth of my hands. I'm glad it is getting warmer!
  • diddyh
    diddyh Posts: 131 Member
    I'm just the opposite. I am usually the one freezing all the time. I literally heat up a rice bag and carry it around with me all the time, especially in the winter time. Now that I workout regularly, I am warm. It must be increasing my circulation. I love it!