protein powder absorption...I guess?



  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

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    I have done my best to clean up this thread, and leave it up given the OP has legit questions. We can all answer with our opinions.

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    MFP Moderator
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I use Now Sports Pea Protein. I pay about $18 for a 2lb tub (27 scoops)

    Per Scoop:
    130 cals
    2g fat
    1g carb

    It doesn't have any flavors, but I am OK with that, since I usually mix mine with skim milk and a fruit of some kind. I use mostly for the considerably lower amount of carbs and it's pretty cheap in comparison to most other powders. It digests super easy and gives my an energy kick pretty quickly after drinking, I use it post workout.

    Each scoop is 33 grams, and I usually get mine off of Amazon. There is also a health food store where I live that sells it, in case I forget to order before I run out. I also forgot to mention there is 28 grams of protein per scoop.

    (Sorry, I didn't think to mention the scoop size.)
    Thanks! And no problem, most people aren't. How much protein is in each scoop?
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Note: It would be nice that those giving the scoop info to give the size of the scoop as they can be different sizes (usually it's listed in grams). Also, it'd be nice to know where you bought yours :)

    ON Gold Standard 100% - 'serving' is a rounded scoop = 29.4g
    Calories: 120
    Fat: 1g
    Carbs: 3g
    Protein: 24g
    For the vanilla ice cream one. The extreme milk chocolate one has 130g - Fat is 1.5g, Carbs are 4g and protein is 24g

    I got mine from GNC (sorry! - they were on sale) but I think a lot of folks get theirs from Amazon
    Ow I had no idea you could get this at gnc, I'll have to keep an eye on sales ;) thanks!
  • ElPumaMex
    ElPumaMex Posts: 367 Member

    A quick reminder of the Forum Guidelines here:

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    I have done my best to clean up this thread, and leave it up given the OP has legit questions. We can all answer with our opinions.

    Thank You,
    MFP Moderator

    Excellent !! The MFP auditing system works :happy:
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Excellent !! The MFP auditing system works :happy:
    Agreed! I'm quite glad this thread was still here when I came back to check something! :flowerforyou:
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Protein powder, I've never bought any, have little knowledge about it aside from the few pages on Google that I looked at. I've been thinking about adding it to my diet but have some questions. I'd appreciate it if anyone is able to answer any of these questions or point me in the right direction, thanks!

    0. Can anyone suggest any readings or things to Google? Things to look for/avoid?

    1. Ever buy a container of protein and regret it? Why?

    2. I've heard people complain about things not 'blending' well or get to frothy. Is frothy bad? What types of protein blend into other foods (I hear whey isolate is best?)?

    3. I know there's whey, casein, egg, hemp, and soy (can someone tell me the benefits/faults?). And that there's different 'types' of whey (isolate, cold something or other...). But no mention on different 'types' for the others. I've also heard people talking about certain types of whey absorbing into the body better then others. Which type(s) are better? Why? When I look at a ingredient list, what should I look for/avoid?

    4. Flavors...Couldn't I just buy plain and add cocoa powder? Is this a bad idea? I don't plan on drinking it straight. Is there any flavored ones that do not add a ton of sugar? My sugars tend to run high already. I don't need it to taste fantastic but I also don't want to gag.

    5. How do I know if a protein is 'complete'?

    6. And what is this isolate, concentrate, cold-filtration, Cross Flow Micro filtration (CFM®) ultra filtration (UF), micro filtration (MF), reverse osmosis (RO), dynamic membrane filtration (DMF), ion exchange chromatography, (IEC), electro-ultrafiltration (EU), radial flow chromatography (RFC) and nano filtration (NF) stuff about?

    Thanks guys!

    1. Yes, because it wasnt quality protein and was filled with a bunch of filler crap therfore expensive in terms of how much protein i was buying... *cough* muscle milk *cough*

    2. stir it well and you wont have problems... better yet put it into a blender if u really want it smooth

    3. blah blah blah.. its a bunch of crap usually marketing ploys to get you to buy different products.. purchase whey protein because its the cheapest out of all the proteins and the absorbtion rate doesnt even matter if its hydrolized, isolate, concentrate er whatever the body will get it.. however amino acid profile is important you want ur proteins comming from complete proteins such as all of those supplements you listed and whole foods including eggs, meats, dairy... and dont really count proteins from nuts and vegetables as much. there is also BV value which is how good the body absorbs the protein and eggs i think is the highest BV value which is good followed by whey and then other animal meats

    4. do whatever you want.. just find a protein you like and is cheap and stick with it.

    5. if it has all of the essential amino acids.. there is a list online you can look it up but basically all protein supplements are complete proteins if they are derived from whey, caesin, egg, or soy

    6. its all bullsh-t trying to get you to buy their products and overprice the stuff.. i used to work at a gnc and i would sell the most overpriced stuff to people just so i could hit numbers and make some commission. the stuff is all the same just get the cheapest one or better yet eat whole foods.

    Great response. I've used a few. Optimum Nutrition, Body Fortress, Myofusion. The best nutritionals of the 3 were ON and Myofusion. ON is an isolate and Myofusion is a concentrate. I use Myofusion for 2 reasons. It's less expensive (SB Muscle at around $38 for 5 lbs) and it has good texture when mixed with water. I like the flavor of ON but it's thin when mixed with water, better with milk. Both have great amino acids and some BCAAs and are manufatured to high standards.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Great response. I've used a few. Optimum Nutrition, Body Fortress, Myofusion. The best nutritionals of the 3 were ON and Myofusion. ON is an isolate and Myofusion is a concentrate. I use Myofusion for 2 reasons. It's less expensive (SB Muscle at around $38 for 5 lbs) and it has good texture when mixed with water. I like the flavor of ON but it's thin when mixed with water, better with milk. Both have great amino acids and some BCAAs and are manufatured to high standards.

    Thanks! Of all the reviews I've done online people seem to like the isolate texture better, nice to know not everyone thinks so.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    What does everyone think of kaizen? Their ingredient list looked pretty awesome.

    Is denatured protein good or bad?
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    elite and Syntrax - why so much salt?
    ON - why all the big words in the ingredient stuffs :| And why so expensive even though i found a bottle on sale for 20 dollars in town.
    Ultra ISO Whey - You look suspiciously close to ON
    whey Cool - Why the Proprietary everythings?
    Jillian Michaels - you look awfully gimic-e, and come in such a small small small bottle
    myofusion - why so many cals and such big scoops? all the added stuffs?

    I found Kaizen naturals....anyone try this or know of it? What do you think?