Can someone review my food diary?



  • skinnysoonsima
    skinnysoonsima Posts: 55 Member
    Thank you guys so much for all the help. I'm really grateful. Friend me maybe?

    I'll go adjust my macros right away, thank you.\

    And I'll be 18 in like 9 months. I don't think it'll make too much of a difference to be honest.
  • mccarol1956
    mccarol1956 Posts: 422 Member
    This site is for poeople 18 and over.

    REALLY? This is all you have to add....nice!

    Her age is not the topic.. get over it.
  • mccarol1956
    mccarol1956 Posts: 422 Member
    If you are exercising as you say, you need to log it and also eat the calories back that it gives you. An important goal when losing is to get healthy and you will not stay healthy if you do not eat your goals.. you need to net greater than 1200.
  • skinnysoonsima
    skinnysoonsima Posts: 55 Member
    Will do. The thing is, I like to leave some calorie wiggle room, because I do measure what I eat, but not EXACTLY so I leave room for it to go up and down a bit.
  • skinnysoonsima
    skinnysoonsima Posts: 55 Member
    Can someone look at today? I feel like it's got more vegs and protein and less carbs. I'm planning on having something with the canned beans in my house and having an apple and maybe an orange later, but I still have a lot of protein left.

    Any ideas how to up the protein a bit? I'd have some PB but I've hit my fat for the day already.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    Can someone look at today? I feel like it's got more vegs and protein and less carbs. I'm planning on having something with the canned beans in my house and having an apple and maybe an orange later, but I still have a lot of protein left.

    Any ideas how to up the protein a bit? I'd have some PB but I've hit my fat for the day already.

    to get protein without fat you're looking at things like lean meat (chicken / turkey breast), fish, fat free greek yogurt, protein shakes etc.
    I find it helps to plan my day in advance, then I can see which meal combinations work best to hit my macros, then add different snacks depending what i need to make up.

    what did you set your macros to? 120g protein seems VERY high on a 1200 calorie allowance you probably dont need that much, i get just a bit more than that for 1950 cals!!
    generally 1g protein per lb of lean body mass (you will need to get your body fat % checked for this). Based on your weight and say 30% body fat your protein would be around 90g.
    0.35g fat per lb of total body weight.
    Rest can be made up as you wish from carbs / protein / fat.
  • skinnysoonsima
    skinnysoonsima Posts: 55 Member
    Alright, thank you :)
  • Pinkgirl319
    Pinkgirl319 Posts: 80 Member
    I think you seem to be eating enough but you eat A Lot of carbs! You are over your recommended carb intake almost every day and their recommended intake is pretty high. Replace nutritionally empty baguettes with fruits and vegetables.