SeaCliff Steppers

Welcome Sea Cliff

Welcome to mfp, this is a great site roam around check out your tab's. and don't forget to do your dairy for food and exercise. :happy:
O.K. so there's allot going on recipe broad's games and team's and club's . If you would like to post on a club or a team that is different from our's. It is alway's nice to ask. Some team's don't mind at all but some have you wait until there is an opening there on a mission if it where.
Also you can introduce yourself to the whole site at once that's is up to you.
You can find a weight loss ticker in tools and post it with your name when you post. If not that's fine also.
There are allot of nice wonderful people here some have lost over 200 pounds and some have lost 10 . Also some are here to just cheer us on. So no matter how much you want to lose we are all here for the same reason a heathy life.
Take time look around and ask any one if you have a question. I forgot one thing people are allowed to post with us also. They will see us as a team but if they choose they can leave a messege..
When everyone is here and ready maybe MS. O I mean Elaine can give us a summer kick off :happy:


  • oconnore
    oconnore Posts: 20
    Hi Mary,
    Nice Job!!
    We have several people intersted in joining.....even some new to our "Loser" group!
    Just a reminder.....Weigh-In this Wednesday, so send down to the gym anyone interested.
    Remind them to bring down $10.00 for the pot!
    See you tomorrow!
    Thanks again for getting this set up, your AWESOME!!
  • pmw211
    pmw211 Posts: 6
    Count me in
  • MPJS
    MPJS Posts: 465
    Hi all
    None of the girls wanted to join but they know about the site
    So I hope to see more happy face's here.:happy:
    Here's to a great loss for everyone
  • mmma05
    mmma05 Posts: 4
    Hi Ladies,

    I'm determined to follow your lead over the summer.....

  • MPJS
    MPJS Posts: 465
    Hi Margie check this site out it's great. I love the recipe link mmm good. Everyone have a great weekend and hope to see more people soon
  • oconnore
    oconnore Posts: 20
    Hi Margie,
    Good to see you here!
    Once you are on the site....and are settled in begin your exercise program.
    Bike, swim, hit a tennis ball, walk, kayaak....then add some weights(resistance training) or exercise bands every other day. You WILL see the weight start to come off!
    exercise tv is a great web site for exercise ideas...check it out!
  • oconnore
    oconnore Posts: 20
    Hi Mary,
    How are you doing since I saw you last???
  • MPJS
    MPJS Posts: 465
    HI Thanks for asking I am ok I hope your starting off your summer good.
    By the way I can't believe how many cal. you can brun just by swimming what a wonderful thing:happy:
    I hope your doing well also It would be nice to see more smiling face on here:happy:
    I hope everyone has a great monday:flowerforyou:
  • oconnore
    oconnore Posts: 20
    swimming is one of the best exercises because you work so many muscles and it is non weight bearing. Plus it cools you off! Keep it up!!
    Have you looked at exercise tv yet on the internet??
  • MPJS
    MPJS Posts: 465
    HI Eileen
    Yes the pool is great . I have been doing so squats and lunges in the pool also . It's allot of fun plus the swimming. I think I will look for a pool during the winter time.
    I am having a hard time with the food, I have skipped a meal or two which I know will slow me down so . I said this is it no more come clean with online group ( the club) and they set me start.
    I thank you so much for this web site it has been wonderful and I have made so many friends in my shoe's
    I hope your enjoying your sumer I see you got a ticker. I love it Look at the weight go. By The way 23lb your up to holy cow . Way to go for you:happy:
    I hope everyone is well and hope to see more people check in
    Pat and Margie how is it going .
    Well have a great night:flowerforyou:
  • oconnore
    oconnore Posts: 20
    Have you checked out the YMCA? It has a great pool, fitness center, awesome programs for adults and kids. it even has a Fit Kid program for pre-tyeens and teens.
    I love swimming, it works the whole body and no stress on the joints! I usually swim 2x/week at the ymca but I also have a pool at home that I use in the summer!
    Have you checked out exercise tv yet? on the internet? You can get some different ideas on exercises to do. Keep up the good work and keep your eye on the prize!
  • MPJS
    MPJS Posts: 465
    Hi Eileen I think we are the only's on here:happy:
    I don't have a ymca near my house . IT is in glen cove and It take's me 30 min. to get there. so I am looking near me.
    Yes I love the swimming I was wondering you swim all year long I think that's cool.
    IThe execrise tv is so cool and I tried some of the biggest loser which is way harder then I thought so I am trying. Still having a hard time with the food I am getting bored of eating the same thing all the time. So I asked the girls on my thread for help and they have been wonderful
    So I will do what you said keep my eye's on the prize. I also made sure I can use my niece's lap top while we are away this way I can stay on track.
    Well i hope your getting som sun. This rain has to go.
    take care and thank you for all your help You have been so wonderful:flowerforyou:
  • oconnore
    oconnore Posts: 20
    I think you are far we are the only ones on here! We have about 15 people in the "summer losers", and I sent everyone the info on the school web site. probably very busy, vacations ect.
    I love this site and it is fun keeping in touch with you.
    What town do you live in??
    Check out for some great diet recipe ideas!
    Talk soon,
  • MPJS
    MPJS Posts: 465
    Hi Eileen
    Yes this site is great. MY address is bethpage But we are more plainedge. and we have no ymca so I asking around.
    Thanks for the info I will look it up. Have you checked out the recipes spot on here it is pretty good
    But that's what I need I am getting bored of eating the same thing. So any recipe somthing new would be good.
    Have a very happy 4th of july
  • oconnore
    oconnore Posts: 20
    There is a Balleys Fitness in Levittown near you that has a pool, JCC YMCA in Plainview,L.A. Fitness in Farmingdale, New York Sports Club in Hicksville, Farmingdale College, Hofstra and CW Post all offer swimming and fitness programs that you can join. I belong to the YMCA in Bayshore.
    Hope this helps!
    Happy 4th of July!
  • pmw211
    pmw211 Posts: 6
    Hi Mary, Eileen and Margie,

    Summer is off to a flying start here in Bayville. I finish at Home Fries at 6:30 a.m. and don't have to start at Little People till 9:30 or 10 depending on the day so with that in mind I go for a walk every morning around Bayville. Today I walked down to Ransom beach and turned around and continued to the other end of town. I haven't clock it yet but I think it might be around 3 or 4 miles. I love this place... As long as the weather continues to cooperate, I plan on making this my daily routine. This week I hope to start taking the kids to the pool and that will really put my bed time to around 8. I hope you all are good and I hope to talk to you soon...

    :wink: Pat
  • MPJS
    MPJS Posts: 465
    Hi Pat Your picture looks great. A big wow for the walking. That's allot of step's. It sounds like bayville is a wonderful place. I hope for all of us the weather stay's nice.
    thank you Eileen I had no idea that many place's had pools around here. I have lived here coming on 6 years now and I still feel like I just moved here. I will take time to look at all the places and see which one will be the best cost for me. I need it come this winter. I love the pool I found a website which shows you how to do execrise in the pool and I got a video on the was. Also congrats on your loss . Another pound that great .:glasses:
    Hey Margie What you been up to
    I hope everyone has a very happy 4th:happy:
  • pmw211
    pmw211 Posts: 6
    Dear Mary, Eileen and Margie, I can not believe it , but I drove the route that I have been walking today ,and one route I take is 5 1/2 miles and the other is 3 1/2 miles. I guess I lost track when I was walking. Hopefully all this walking will turn into some weight loss. I hope everyone enjoys their week. Swimming sounds great Mary, keep it up. I too went swimming today but it was in the sound. A little chilly but it still felt great. Take care. Pat:glasses:
  • oconnore
    oconnore Posts: 20
    Hi All,
    Pat I am so excited you are on!!!
    I am also happy you have some time to yourself after Home Fries to walk, swim or whatever!
    Awesome job on the walking...5 1/2 miles?? That's amazing! Bayville must be beautiful now! I don't know about swimming in the sound is still too cold to even get in my pool!!!
    How is the weight loss going?

    I know alot of the Plainedge area because my partner Kathy grew up there and her mom and brother still live there!
    You have some time to check everything out!

    How did everyone do with the Fourth of July B-B-Q's??

  • MPJS
    MPJS Posts: 465
    Hi everyone
    Pat you are doing great with the walking wow
    Eileen That's great thank you for the info. It's great to have someone that know's the area because sometimes I am clueless. BUt your right I have time. By the way I am sure Kathy knows right where I live I am on florence road right behind the bar and carvel So I can get drunk and fat all at once:laugh: only Joking.
    I did great at the bbq on the 4 but todat we had another and I did have this cake thing with fruit in it Did not go over cal. so I think all and all it was good
    How was yours did you have fun and your pool is still to cold That's bad. try the solar circles they work great.
    How was everyone else bbq
    Well everyone have a great night