SeaCliff Steppers



  • mmma05
    mmma05 Posts: 4
    :smile: I am here, but a bit crazed....we have had company just about EVERY day since school has been much for exercise and eating healthy.

    Anyway, today I am without a car and company, so after cleaning and some paperwork, I'm going in the pool for a swim. Ahhhh, it's already 12...I'd better get going...

    I'm so proud of you all...keep up the great work!!:flowerforyou:

    :heart: love to you all!!!! Happy summer!!!!

  • oconnore
    oconnore Posts: 20
    Hey Maarge,Pat, Mary

    How is your summer going so far Marge
    You sound busy
    Went to the Titanic exhibit in nyc today
    Very cool
    Great muscle fitness class at ymca last night
    Just 2 of us in class
    Like having a personal trainer for 1 hour
  • MPJS
    MPJS Posts: 465
    Hi Pat , Eileen, Margie
    I hope your all enjoying this beautiful day we are having.
    Eileen that sounds great !
    So I got 2 more day and where off for are big trip to disney So excitied I think I more so then the kids:laugh: .
    I hope you all have a wonderful day and way to walk Pat and Margie The swimming is so execrise so you are doing it:happy:
    have a wonderful day:glasses:
  • oconnore
    oconnore Posts: 20
    Have a wonderful time in Disney...try to wear your pedometer, you will be surprised how many steps you will walk!
    Remember to keep your eye on the prize, eat alot of fruits, salads, vegetables. Stay away from sugars, pasts and breads. With that being said.....treat yourself 2-3x to something you really want to eat, just try to plan for it. The rest of the day eat light, or plan to eat lighter the next day. Also if possible try to use a the exercise bands and do some strength training.
    Most important.....HAVE FUN WITH YOUR FAMILY!!!!
  • mmma05
    mmma05 Posts: 4
    :smile: favorite place in the entire world!!!! You will have a wonderful time. It's going to be HOT, so drink water, water, water!!! Don't miss the stunt driver show at Disney Studios. It's great and the kids will love it!!!

    We ususally stay at a Disney hotel. If you do, this is how we get the most in with the children. We grab a quick breakfast at the cafeteria, then right into the park. Usually the one that was open late the night before because it's empty. Around lunch and the hotttest time of the day, we head back to the hotel and swim. Then freshen up and back to the parks around dinner. Hit all the rides while people are at dinner.

    If you are at the Magic Kingdom for the fireworks, stand on the bridge that leads to Tomorrowland. Tinkerbell will come out of one of the castle towers and fly right over head. She's a real person and it is soooooo cool. She goes from the top of the castle to behind Tomorowland!

    Like Eileen says, where your pedometer! You WILL walk A LOT!!!!!!

    Have fun!!!!
  • MPJS
    MPJS Posts: 465
    Hi Ladies
    I have not taken the pedometer yet. I still be wearing it expect swimming of course but thank you for your help I need it. I am worried about the food. we are leaving friday night and driving so I did the healty snacks That we talked about Eileen and I thought I would bring the bands with me. and I do have a goal of walking this summer I hope to reach at least 20,000 steps in a day of course.
    Thank you for all your help and Margie I well be going to the fireworks But we are staying at some villa my sister got. Which is good I can have breakfast there instead of eating out every morning.
    Well I hope every has a wonderful day and I will be checking in on friday before we leave
  • MPJS
    MPJS Posts: 465
    Hi everyone
    Well I am off and wanted to drop in and say have a great weekend and enjoy the week I will try to check in once or twice next week.
    So take care and hope your all doing wonderful:flowerforyou:
  • oconnore
    oconnore Posts: 20
    Have fun Mary!
    Don'r will do great.....just be "mindful" of what you are eating, and "treat yourself" so you don't feel like you are missing out!

    Hey are things going with you?
    What are you up to???
  • jiminy
    jiminy Posts: 2
    Hey -- It's Karen --- i just signed on for the first time. Mary - Thanks for getting this going. I feel like it has been months since we have been in school. Walking everywhere - especially in Southampton and with my puppy at home... a great stress reliever. Speaking of stress, Sara -almost 14 -- decided to have a boyfriend and become a "skater girl "all in one week. I had hoped I wouldn't get into this stuff until Eliana went to college. Oh well! The stress has not effected my eating.
    Back to me--- Today is my first day at the gym since school has ended. Walking is not enough. Eating well is not enough. Also, when I am at home I realize I don't drink as much water as when I am at school. I am getting on the scale today. I should have been doing it every Wednesday. I don't think I lost or gained. Sounds like everyone is having a good summer. Enjoy your time. TTYL
  • oconnore
    oconnore Posts: 20
    Hi Karen,
    Great to hear from you!
    You know Sara will always keep you on your toes...that is her JOB!!!
    Back to you.... I am proud of you for getting refocused and realizing you need to do more!
    Summer is the best time to try something new to rev your metabolism. Try playing tennis with the kids, go for a swim, kayaking or.....get to the gym and do strength traing 3x/week, just don't forget you need the cardio too!
    Stay in touch, let us know how you are doing!
  • MPJS
    MPJS Posts: 465
    Hi evryone
    karen so glad to see you dropped in I have no idea about teenagers yet ahg! but good luck. I know it scare's me.
    I am useing my nieces lap top to drop in and say hi. we got off to a roguh strat my wonderful sister who gave us the trip on the way donw got real sick and we ended up in the er in maryland it was nuts but long story short we got to disney . and starting to have fun. I am trying to stay on track i want to lose or stay the same at least but I have skipped some meals and snacks and for me which thank god to Eileen taught me for my body skipping meals is bad for me. But we we where stuck in this hotel for 2 days waiting for sis to recover we went to the heath room and pool it was great and I am so glad I started this before coming here evryone is saying they are tried of walking and there legs hurt and feet and so on even the kids:laugh: but I am the one that is saying lets do more it's so great I out last my 16 year old neice:laugh: what a gift I thank you all for it with out you I would not be saying that at all I woould be ranting just like them thank you:flowerforyou:
    I hope you are all well adn enjoying your summer and I well talk to evryone when I get back home
    hope all is well with you all
  • oconnore
    oconnore Posts: 20
    So good to hear that you are enjoying Disney...sorry to hear about your sister though!
    Hope all is well with her!
    That is wonderful that you continue to work out while you are in Disney and that you have the most stamina!
    It is all about quality of life and feeling good to do the things that make you happy! I looks like you are "walking " down that road of happiness and well being! I am soooo proud of you!!

    All is well with me. I was away for a few days to visit my sister in Massachusetts and see my niece's new baby boy...he is adorable! Working out, having fun kayaaking, biking and swimming and just enjoying the time with my family!
  • pmw211
    pmw211 Posts: 6
    Hi All,

    Sorry I haven't been in touch in a while. I ahve been really busy with work and I was recuited by my Pastor to help paint classrooms in the school, so as all of you are aware, that thing called Catholic Guilt, I couldn't say no. The painting lasted a full week and now that we are finished, it's back to walking each mornning and hopefully biking. I am doing ok , weight wise, lost a little so far.
  • mmma05
    mmma05 Posts: 4
    :happy: I'm back from vacation and determined to get my act together....anyone want to walk around town let me know....I need a push!

    Mary, I hope your sister is well!:flowerforyou:

    Janice and I are taking yoga on Wednesday's at Yoga Flow....good for flexibility, but I don't think I'm burning many calories.

    Love to all:heart:
  • pmw211
    pmw211 Posts: 6
    Dear All,

    I am finally back on track after a aweek of painting at my church. It felt soooooooooooo good this morning to go for a nice long 4 mile walk along the water. Now I am ready to go and face those kids at the day care . Hope everyone is well....:drinker: keep making sure you drink plenty of water............
  • MPJS
    MPJS Posts: 465
    Hi everyone
    I am back from the worst and best vaction from disney my sister is doing better. We are not sure of what caused it we think it was her insulin I spelled that wrong. any way she doing better and on vaction we got to go to al the parks allot of wakling I did reach my 22,201 steps which was great. I di execrise and strenght train. But I made bad food chioces and ate only once a day old habbits came back and I took on 3 lbs so not good. But I am going food shopping today and are going to get bakc to eating right for lunch There's no food for breakfast agh!
    I am so glad your all doing good Margie so how was your vaction I hope it was great.
    Pat you rock from painting to walking. wow And I am sorry to say I know all to well about the guilt. It at least the the classroom's well look great .
    Eileen congrats on the new member in your family he sounds so cute. What did they name him.
    that's great your enjoying your time off you should.
    Well my ticker might not post since I made it gain weight. but I am sure I can lose this by next weigh in.. On a mission.
    I hope everyone has a great day.Margie I am not coming to Sea Cliff but I will walk here and think of you . have a great day:flowerforyou:
  • oconnore
    oconnore Posts: 20
    Hi Everyone,
    Glad to hear Mary and Marge made it back from vacation and pat has rejoined us!
    Mary....proud of you for exercising and walking so much, now get back to eating 5-6x/day, especially breakfast! are such a good catholic girl! Happy to hear you are back in your routine and walking.
    Marge, how is your diet and exercise routine going now that you are back from vacation??
    Yoga is awesome for flexibility and strength(I did some today at the Y), but you need to do some cardio to drop the lbs. Swimming in your nice pool, walking, biking are great...try to keep yourself moving for 45 minutes!
    All is well with me, going back to the ymca for a swim tonight. Plan to be around Sea Cliff tomorrow to meet with the new principal, Adam.
  • MPJS
    MPJS Posts: 465
    Hi everyone
    just stopping by to say hi and trying to get back on track.
    I hope everyone is well and doing good.:flowerforyou: and enjoying there friday. I am off for a walk
    Eileen I hope all goes with the the Adam I hear he is very nice.
    take care Mary
  • MPJS
    MPJS Posts: 465
    Hi Again I almost forgot
    Prevention is giving away 2 execrise dvd's all you pay is for the shipping. If you google prevention magazine you have to llok for it underg general diet it come's up. Just thought I would let everyone know.
    have a great day
  • oconnore
    oconnore Posts: 20
    I saw that...Prevention is an awesome magazine. I just got a subscription, and will look into the dvd's.
    My new favorite thing is GOWEARFIT management system. It is an armband tracking device similar to what they wear on Biggest Loser. It tracks your movements throughout the day and night such as exercise, steps (like a pedometer) and sleep efficiency. It has an online program that you use to track your food consumption and it tracks your calories burned throughout the day against calories taken in.
    I love it because of all the visuals and it is very acurate on how much I move or work out during the day and calories burned. Ultimately that is what it is about....calories you take in and calories you burn!! is a little expensive but a great tool for me!