Weight loss sabotage- do you hide your eating?



  • tropaze
    tropaze Posts: 317 Member
    It's mind over matter. I don't mind because they don't matter, at least not where my food/diet is concerned. They never commented when I was stuffing my face with all kinds of crap, now that I'm eating food and practicing portion control they don't need to comment on it either. When they do I simply tell them, "Yes, yes I am measuring my food." If I feel particularly snarky, I ask them if they want to measure theirs as well and offer to look up calorie content (mostly reserved for the truly obnoxious).
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    If your personality is the right type you could just get into it by asking them lots of questions in return "yes, I'm eating salad, what are you eating? Why is it that weird colour? Do those foods really go together?" I have no problem at all with people commenting on what I eat but then I feel perfectly free to comment on everyone else's meals too.

    My one piece of advice would be to answer questions if asked (honestly and not defensively) but don't let it become a major topic of conversation. If someone keeps referring to what you're eating point out it gets pretty boring having the same conversation about salad every day.
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    If it were me, I wouldn't say anything unless they say something first. For example, if they DO make a comment about you eating smaller portion sizes, just say 'Oh I'm just trying to eat a bit more healthily' and leave it at that. If you say something like 'I'm trying to lose weight', it could open up a lecture from them about how you don't need to, if they are that way inclined, whereas making a general comment about overall health gives them less to go with. They may well not say anything though, so I wouldn't say anything unless they do first.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Quite frankly, it's NONE of their business. You do what makes you feel good about yourself. If you need to weigh or measure out your food, then do it. If they are your friends, they'll support you.


    Agree!!! Plus, most people eat portions that are way to large !!!!! You are doing what is right, not them.
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    I don't know what is worse, the people/your friends commenting on your weight loss or when your friends don't comment at all, even after having lost 24 lbs. But even so, occasionally the comments would come up with my friends & when we'd go out I'm the kind of person who would never leave anything on my plate (to get my money's worth haha) and I would just a burger & fries without thinking twice.... So when I started ordering different things, leaving things on my plate, generally just eating healthier they'd ask and make a joke out of it "Are you on a diet or something?" and laugh... and then they'd get serious and ask "what diet are you doing" --- I kept everything very personal & just said "I am just trying to make better / healthier choices where I can and eating slightly smaller portion sizes". I figure they don't REALLY care about me & my weight loss etc. so I don't have to tell them everything I am doing! I didn't tell them about MFP and I never had a scale out for weighing my food etc. in front of them --- they key is for me, not to make it obvious, it's none of their business what I do with my body & put in my mouth.

    Just ignore them and keep going, the only person you've got to worry about is yourself! :smile: Oh && try and surround yourself with positive people! I had a group of great friends from university also doing MFP and it's been very successful! xx
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    If someone is not supportive or judges you it means this to me:

    They are jealous of you
    They want to be you
    They are intimidated by you.

    I mean why else would they do that? They are suppose to have your back, not talk behind it. You are the one who is going to reap the reward for your efforts. Don't let them take that away from you.

    Sorry for editing. I needed to fix grammar
  • MzVonda
    MzVonda Posts: 87
    My family (not my immediate) but my family always makes fun of me, at any gathering, that is the first thing they do is make fun of my size....not caring how that makes me feel on the inside, hurting and crying while grinning and bearing it....but as you get older it gets eaiser to ignore the idoits that have no heart....keep pressing thru rather you eat good some days and have set backs on other days, just take one day at a time, and you will see in no time at all the weight is gone because you decided to make healthier choices and then you will see WHO LAUGH LAST!!! Keep doing your thing baby doll, we here on MFP.com GOT YOUR BACK!!!!!! ~~smilez~~~ :smile:
  • kimmianne89
    kimmianne89 Posts: 428 Member
    I have always kept it secret, until this time. It is so easy to fail when no one knows you are even trying, It also made it difficult and I wwould be embarrassed if I exercised when anyone was home, and if anyone commented on me being careful what I was eating i'd make a point of eating something bad to prove it.... stupid I know lol. So this time everyone knows and I do my exercise when people are home and I will keep going because I will NOT let myself fail ... Alot of my family are even asking for my help for them to lose weight and get healthy :)
  • rosalang
    rosalang Posts: 49 Member
    i have a number of so called friends that in the past, when i have said i was trying to loose weight would offer me a biscuit or bring round a cake which of course you cant refuse. i am quite shy and dont like to offend!!! now at the age of 62 i still have the same problem and i have like you decided not to tell those friends that sabatage my good work. when they tell me i am looking ill and not to loose any more weight i just agree and wonder if they really are friends at all. i am really enjoying my dieting and looking after myself and excercising a bit more. i am really happy with how i have done even though i have about 20lbs more to loose.
    keep it to yourself it will be our little secret. what fun!!!!
  • jenniferg83
    jenniferg83 Posts: 278 Member
    Sometimes i get a hard time for eating healthy. People like to pick fun. Especially those who aren't eating healthy. You know what i've learned? "who cares" :) This is your life you are making healthier, this is your body that will keep changing for the better, this is your journey. I've done this since August 2010 and people now just know i eat healthy. It's been hard but worth it. Put your head up girl and no need to hide what you are eating! :) Be proud that you are strong and willing to change your life :) Who knows, maybe you will inspire others to do the same

    MY husband thinks it's funny when i measure stuff like my wine lol I laugh and keep doing it. :)

    edited to add the husband part
  • samf36
    samf36 Posts: 369 Member
    Quite frankly, it's NONE of their business. You do what makes you feel good about yourself. If you need to weigh or measure out your food, then do it. If they are your friends, they'll support you.

    I agree. If they ask why just " why do you need to know?" or " Why are you eating what you are eating" or " my that is a personal question". Just play it back on them.
  • debzeeU2
    debzeeU2 Posts: 99 Member
    I would never hide what I eat because I am sabotaging myself two times- once by eating the food and secondly by acknowledging it. I try to allow myself at least one cheat snack or meal per week. Allowing myself to see the extra calories I consumed helps me to decide whether if it really is worth repeating in the future. So that way if I endulge in pizza or whatever I consider bad one day, it will be a long time if I ever do that again.
  • debzeeU2
    debzeeU2 Posts: 99 Member
    Oh, I misread this topic. I just saw the subject line so replied. I am at work so unable to spend time reading everything on here at times.
    Well due to the topic, I agree that people should not judge others by what you eat. I like to view food diary on this site but it's only because I like to get new ideas for meals or snacks.
    Unless you ask for opinions, I don't think anyone should offer unless they really have good intentions. Nutrition, Dieting, Healthy lifetstyle, whatever you want to call it, will always be a touchy subject. People will always judge whether you are trying to eat the right way or if you're not.
  • Mission2Me
    Mission2Me Posts: 208 Member
    I understand how that can be. I think you should just do what you have been doing. jump right in. if they have something to say, address it right then and move on. but If you want to ease into it bring your own meals for a bit. already portioned out so you dont have to do it in front of them. they can see what you are eating without knowing you have to do certain portions, measuring and things like that. then eat with them some. I think in the end they wont make a big deal about it if you stick to your guns and dont waiver from your usual path. If they offer something you dont eat. do not eat it. once they see you are strong enough that they can not break you I dont think it will be that big of a deal. GOOD LUCK!! dont worry about a thing.
  • gertudejekyl
    gertudejekyl Posts: 386 Member
    I understand completely. Sometimes you just need to protect your privacy. You can make up some story about intestinal problems or thinking you might have an allergy so you are cutting out certain foods. It is your business, but it is easier to avoid comments if you make up a brief, uninteresting story (lie).