Any one else struggle with Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred?



  • seebeachrun
    seebeachrun Posts: 221 Member
    I just kept telling myself it was almost over. You only have to do pushups during part 1 for a minute. It kills my knees! I slow down and focus on trying to make each one count because if you use the right posture you will gain strength and be able to do it.

    I almost quit at least twice during the first stage of the 30 day shred but I just kept saying motivating things and thinking of how hot I want to look in a bikini for my FI's birthday party on Memorial Day weekend.

    If you have to, just tell yourself that you have to get through the next workout. Each one is no more than 30-60 seconds. I count to ten over and over in my head and tell myself to hold out another ten seconds, another ten seconds, etc....
  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    Totally agree with the others
    Modify, go at your own pace and you will get fast and stronger ... one thing that kills me is the jump rope jumping ... and push up of course. I do modified and not really sure how far i go down but i feel it and it is doing something as your body has not been doing it before so anything new will be hard.
    remember that you were doing anything before so you need to start into it slowly too. If you go too hard then you might hurt yourself/ pull something but at the samae time you need to push your body. As Jillian says if you are feeling it keep going as this is the time you will be getting most benefit. Go that little bit longer and push your body. If you want results you gotta do the work.
  • Tracey0013
    Tracey0013 Posts: 154 Member
    I have been working on and off on level one for about a month now. It does get easier but as other have said take it at your own pace. You will get there! I started only being able to do 5 push ups and the last couple were really weak. Now I can do around 12 per time they do them so a total of around 24 :) Where I die is the skip rope jumping! My calf muscles tighten up and threaten to cramp! I mix my workouts up one day I will go walking and another I will do a tape (I have a few )

    Good luck with it :) and if you want another friend send me a request! :)
  • michellelhartwig
    michellelhartwig Posts: 498 Member
    Today is day 5-when I get home....I really struggle with lunges and push ups....and jumping jacks and the likes....But I do what I can do...
  • jreed1920
    jreed1920 Posts: 123
    Heck yeah I struggled to get through Day 1. I couldn't keep up on anything. Today I finished Day 27 and thought to myself "huh, this seems to be going by really quickly today" so just keep with it and do as much as you can. I did it straight through 10 days per level no breaks. I think taking breaks in between would have been much harder. The days I was sore I actually felt better after doing the workout. I have spent my 27 days following Anita but upped my weights from 3-lbs on Day 1 to 8-lbs by Workout 2 and beyond.
  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    I completed it, 30 workouts in 30 days, but I was going at my own pace, pushing with only as much intensity as I thought I could handle, and I would pause the video and rest at first after each circuit, and later on only once about halfway through, because I have asthma and I would experience difficulty breathing if I tried to finish without pausing.
    NICOLED73 Posts: 183
    You are a workout newbie! Don't expect to be able to do everything right off the bat. Just because it says "30" day shred doesn't mean you have to do it in 30 days. Take 50 if you need to...or whatever.
    I have a hard time with the strength part of level one too! And I am not a workout newbie at all. I still have to take that "5 second" rest that she says you can take....
    Keep at it and keep that determination. You can do it!!
  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 523 Member
    The first few times I did it, I couldn't comlete it and I certainly couldn't keep up with her. Once I slowed down a bit and did the pushups at my own pace (yeah, I don't get as many done as her, but I am still doing them the whole time), I found that I COULD do them.

    Stick with it, if you don't do the same amount of reps, but you're doing them the whole time, THAT IS GREAT!
  • monalissanne
    monalissanne Posts: 159 Member
    I'll do my pushups up against the wall since I can't do them right and the modified ones are pointless if my butt is still up in the air. I modify a bunch. Anytime I feel like I can't go on, I keep on moving and just change what I need to. For example, when I can't lift my arms in the air anymore for the side lunges, instead of quitting, I keep doing the side lunges and do bicep curls instead.
  • bayertablets
    bayertablets Posts: 213 Member
    How I have to do the push ups at first is to use the wall. It's still push ups, just modified to what I can do right now. I do 3-5 on the floor, then move to the wall. I can't do the jumping jacks like they do either because of bad knees, but I modify to what I can do and keep moving. Just use it as a what you can, and modify what you can't.


    I started out with wall pushups and felt like my arms were going to fall off after two, but I still pushed myself to touch my nose to the wall. A few days later, I moved to the side of the couch for the pushups, and eventually down to the floor. Don't slack on the upper body workouts because Level 2 will definitely kick your butt with all the plank moves.

    I was ~360 lbs when I started 30DS. I modified a lot, but gave 100% in those modified moves. You can do it!!!
  • mmouse4899
    mmouse4899 Posts: 1 Member
    Just keep will get there!!! It is tough for the first week even maybe the first two but you will get there. This video helped me lose almost 30lbs!! I used to have a gym membership and spent an hour there four times a week and did not do anything close to what this video does for me.

    Keep going and you will see a difference plus once you get there, it's only 20 minutes!!! Good luck!!
    NICOLED73 Posts: 183
    I'll do my pushups up against the wall since I can't do them right and the modified ones are pointless if my butt is still up in the air. I modify a bunch. Anytime I feel like I can't go on, I keep on moving and just change what I need to. For example, when I can't lift my arms in the air anymore for the side lunges, instead of quitting, I keep doing the side lunges and do bicep curls instead.

    Those side lunges are the hardest part of level one for me. My arms are screaming!!! But I do the same as you!
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 530 Member
    Did you do them modified?? The only part of level 1 that I really had a hard time with were the side lunges with raised arms (circuit 3).

    OMGosh me least when they are there I know I am almost done. LOL

    But, yes, OP, we all have struggled with it...especially at the beginning...just stick with it, keep when she is doing pushups and you can't do them, get up and do punches or grab your weights and do bicep curls or something else till that part is done....try them until you cannot...eventually, you will get strong enough to do them!!!!

    Good luck and happy shredding :)
  • grainne_eire
    Did you do them modified?? The only part of level 1 that I really had a hard time with were the side lunges with raised arms (circuit 3).

    Those raised arms are a killer! And they look so friggin easy! I wouldn't class myself as fit but I have built serious endurance in the last 3 months and ran my first 5k at the weekend, yet doing 2mins of those arm raises kills me. You'd think with arms the size of mine (they're my biggest problem area) that I'd be able to keep up. Nope! Glad I'm not the only one!
  • andream1976
    andream1976 Posts: 77 Member
    Just keep moving! This is what I tell myself every time I have to do those blasted jumping jacks. :bigsmile: I figure as long as I'm moving around, the heart rate stays up and the calories keep burning. And if it makes you feel any better, I can't do a push up either. I have to modify and I probably will always have to modify.
  • negative187
    The move I struggled with was the static lunge on level one. I pushed through until day seven, but this move killed me. Seriously, my body just does not move that way! I found that out when I heard my hip go. Eeesssh, I could barely walk for days. After several weeks off, keeping just to horse riding as I can't be without that, I'm planning on starting again.

    Hopefully this time my dodgy hip will hold out!
  • hadesflame
    hadesflame Posts: 95 Member
    So glad someone else is having the same problem as me! I'm not alone! lol
    I had to modify the pushups even more. I had a knee injury and when I do pushups I have my hips on the floor as well and lift just my upper body. I was still only able to do about 5 minutes. So you're not the only one. I had severe knee pain the next day so I couldn't do much of anything. I plan on trying it again this weekend and hopefully I'll be able to get a little further. I've been using my pedals at work to get some cardio too. Best of luck to you! Here's hoping we'll get thru it soon! :drinker:
  • summercj1978
    I started out doing Jillian's 30 Day Shred after my 2nd child. It was hard! There were a lot of the moves I couldn't do, but I kept at it and got stronger. :) Just keep with it, don't give up! :) I've moved on to Insanity now and it's kicking my butt!!!!!! lol
  • kimfifield
    I started it on Monday and I barely made it through the first level. Keep at it. A friend of mine got into it and lost 20 lb in a matter of 4 months. It is a little difficult at first but you can do it. Do your own pace!
  • trini14
    trini14 Posts: 110 Member
    Have you thought about modifying the modification? Say doing them on a wall first?

    That's what I had to do. Nothing wrong with that :)