Any one else struggle with Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred?



  • mmouse4899
    mmouse4899 Posts: 1 Member
    Just keep will get there!!! It is tough for the first week even maybe the first two but you will get there. This video helped me lose almost 30lbs!! I used to have a gym membership and spent an hour there four times a week and did not do anything close to what this video does for me.

    Keep going and you will see a difference plus once you get there, it's only 20 minutes!!! Good luck!!
    NICOLED73 Posts: 183
    I'll do my pushups up against the wall since I can't do them right and the modified ones are pointless if my butt is still up in the air. I modify a bunch. Anytime I feel like I can't go on, I keep on moving and just change what I need to. For example, when I can't lift my arms in the air anymore for the side lunges, instead of quitting, I keep doing the side lunges and do bicep curls instead.

    Those side lunges are the hardest part of level one for me. My arms are screaming!!! But I do the same as you!
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 526 Member
    Did you do them modified?? The only part of level 1 that I really had a hard time with were the side lunges with raised arms (circuit 3).

    OMGosh me least when they are there I know I am almost done. LOL

    But, yes, OP, we all have struggled with it...especially at the beginning...just stick with it, keep when she is doing pushups and you can't do them, get up and do punches or grab your weights and do bicep curls or something else till that part is done....try them until you cannot...eventually, you will get strong enough to do them!!!!

    Good luck and happy shredding :)
  • Did you do them modified?? The only part of level 1 that I really had a hard time with were the side lunges with raised arms (circuit 3).

    Those raised arms are a killer! And they look so friggin easy! I wouldn't class myself as fit but I have built serious endurance in the last 3 months and ran my first 5k at the weekend, yet doing 2mins of those arm raises kills me. You'd think with arms the size of mine (they're my biggest problem area) that I'd be able to keep up. Nope! Glad I'm not the only one!
  • andream1976
    andream1976 Posts: 77 Member
    Just keep moving! This is what I tell myself every time I have to do those blasted jumping jacks. :bigsmile: I figure as long as I'm moving around, the heart rate stays up and the calories keep burning. And if it makes you feel any better, I can't do a push up either. I have to modify and I probably will always have to modify.
  • The move I struggled with was the static lunge on level one. I pushed through until day seven, but this move killed me. Seriously, my body just does not move that way! I found that out when I heard my hip go. Eeesssh, I could barely walk for days. After several weeks off, keeping just to horse riding as I can't be without that, I'm planning on starting again.

    Hopefully this time my dodgy hip will hold out!
  • hadesflame
    hadesflame Posts: 93 Member
    So glad someone else is having the same problem as me! I'm not alone! lol
    I had to modify the pushups even more. I had a knee injury and when I do pushups I have my hips on the floor as well and lift just my upper body. I was still only able to do about 5 minutes. So you're not the only one. I had severe knee pain the next day so I couldn't do much of anything. I plan on trying it again this weekend and hopefully I'll be able to get a little further. I've been using my pedals at work to get some cardio too. Best of luck to you! Here's hoping we'll get thru it soon! :drinker:
  • I started out doing Jillian's 30 Day Shred after my 2nd child. It was hard! There were a lot of the moves I couldn't do, but I kept at it and got stronger. :) Just keep with it, don't give up! :) I've moved on to Insanity now and it's kicking my butt!!!!!! lol
  • I started it on Monday and I barely made it through the first level. Keep at it. A friend of mine got into it and lost 20 lb in a matter of 4 months. It is a little difficult at first but you can do it. Do your own pace!
  • trini14
    trini14 Posts: 110 Member
    Have you thought about modifying the modification? Say doing them on a wall first?

    That's what I had to do. Nothing wrong with that :)
  • hersheythecat
    hersheythecat Posts: 117 Member
    Have you thought about modifying the modification? Say doing them on a wall first?

    This is what I was going to recommend. I did them on a door frame. The farther out your feet are from the door frame the more weight you are essentially lifting. I think the goal is to start little and build from there.
  • LisaJ2904
    LisaJ2904 Posts: 157 Member
    I actually vomited the first day I tried this. It does NOT get easier ...YOU will just get better xx keep at it and good luck xx
  • vichm
    vichm Posts: 174 Member
    keep with it and stay focussed. I did this backin Feb and at the time I could not do full pushups so started on modified on the knees. By level 3 I could manage a few full pushups and felt great as this was an aim I had set myself while losing weight.

    It is tough and you feel you'll never be able to level up but trust me from experience you will and will feel great for sticking with it.
  • princessdracos
    princessdracos Posts: 125 Member
    Last night was my day 2 of level 1. The first day was awful...I couldn't do much of some of it, and I felt like vomiting afterwards. The soreness yesterday wasn't too bad, so I decided to try it again, and I kept up better! I'm so glad I tried fact, I'm excited to do my third day now.

    One thing that has helped me was doing the workout barefoot. It's probably not recommended, but it worked much better for me. Also, I use a thick foam mat because I have laminate floors, and I've found that just by moving to the mat, I can do more/better jumping jacks and butt kicks. It's very important to be careful...tripping would be BAD!

    Hang in there, and keep trying. That's my plan!
  • drift
    drift Posts: 143 Member
    Yes, it's brutal! I have to modify the cardio, and I'm relatively fit. Am still on level one and have fitted the dvd in in 6 times over 10 days but have already logged an inch off my waist so it's worth hanging in there.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    With any exercise program, there are going to be people who find it hard, and certain moves that many people struggle with. I don't remember much about when I did 30DS (it was a while back) but there are several things I've tried before and really struggled with!

    The most important thing is that (aside from if you have injured yourself) you keep going. Over time it will get easier, you've just got to push through it, and you'll get stronger/fitter.
  • fruitloop2
    fruitloop2 Posts: 437 Member
    I did the video today for the first time too. Holy crap! It doesn't look that hard to just watch it but man, when you actually do it it's hard! I was sweating my butt off by the end and my legs were so shaky when i had to walk up the stairs. The lunges and weights are hard and I had to stop a couple of times during the jumping jacks and jump rope. It hurts my knees a bit but I made it through it. It's almost harder than using my treadmill, my legs definately hurt more, lol.
  • littlesis412
    littlesis412 Posts: 314 Member
    Yep, about died. Every time I did it I was determined that I would at least finish and do what I could. At first I had to stop every few seconds but I gradually built up until I can almost make it through without stopping. I haven't finished the challenge yet but I'm working on it. And if you struggle with push ups, trying doing a plank. When I can't go down anymore, I'll try to at least hold the position so those muscles get some workout.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I started in January with 30DS. I could only do a few of the modifieds, but every day I did a little better, until I could finally do a few non modified, then I build up from there. There are some things in that DVD that just hurt, so I substituted another move instead. As long as you keep moving best you can, you will see results. After 30DS I got 6 week 6 pack and banish fat, boost metabolism. I rotate both of those now, and there are still some things I cannot do well. I just do a very few of the move to however many they are doing, or I will throw in a different one.
  • sam45890
    sam45890 Posts: 43 Member
    I started 30 day shred at the end of january and have been doing it about 3 times per week, alternating with swimming and zumba. I couldn't do it every day because it caused me severe knee problems but I started level 3 this week and am so glad i kept at it. After first day of level 1 i could barely move and i had to do modified pushups and found it all really hard.

    I've been on each level for about 1 month by which time they felt easier and I was getting bored of the moves. Level 3 is a true killer but I can actually do a few pushups now and can really see a big difference in ny body shape. Don't push too hard and get injured. Concentrate on good form, especially in the squats so you don't damage your knees. Do it at your pace and don't give up. It will be worth it! (My knees are fine now, i think level 2 strengthened my leg muscles so my knees aren't under so much strain.) Good luck!
  • jenniejengin
    jenniejengin Posts: 784 Member
    I have yet to start it. I got this one and Ripped in 30 and have not tried either.
  • angng
    angng Posts: 137 Member
    You'll get there. Just start where you are.

    Some of the exercises I have to do with no weights at all (and the people here who laugh about Barbie weights? Well. . .that's where I am for some exercises right now, and I'm NOT EVEN THERE for others like the anterior raises). I take some breathers at level 2 and still go back to level 1 and just blast through it (I DIED during level 1 for the first few days). I find the cardio SUPER easy now and I could barely do it for my first 3-4 days.

    So yeah. There's no time limit for you to move up levels, etc. Just keep at it!
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    I have been doing it now for over 30 days and at first it was very hard but every day it did get better. Still some days it is hard with the push ups but l do not care l will do 10 then do the rest on my knees so you just do want you can and you will get stronger. First couple of days l was so sore in the muscles but that got better too.

    I will do it everyday and jog everyday, some days l will be doing level 1, 2 & 3 but now l have seen it is why to hard on my body so l am staying with just level 1 for awhile.

    Keep it up it is worth it, l have seen a big change in my body with shape and love looking at myself in the mirror now..

    Good luck
  • jenniejengin
    jenniejengin Posts: 784 Member
    I just decided the hell with it and just do the 30 day shred for the first time and boy did it kick me in the butt. I have never sweated like that for any exercise routine in my life. Whoa.
  • jenniejengin
    jenniejengin Posts: 784 Member
    I have been doing it now for over 30 days and at first it was very hard but every day it did get better. Still some days it is hard with the push ups but l do not care l will do 10 then do the rest on my knees so you just do want you can and you will get stronger. First couple of days l was so sore in the muscles but that got better too.

    I will do it everyday and jog everyday, some days l will be doing level 1, 2 & 3 but now l have seen it is why to hard on my body so l am staying with just level 1 for awhile.

    Keep it up it is worth it, l have seen a big change in my body with shape and love looking at myself in the mirror now..

    Good luck

  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    You HAVE to modify to suit your current fitness level. Do as much as you can but don't push so hard that you exhaust yourself before you're done!

    The next time will get easier and the next easier and so on until you can do the full thing without struggling!

    I struggled hard core when I started this program but by the end of the program I was doing really well. :) You can too!
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I struggled because of the didn't go away after day 4 and after a while, I just got bored with it :-(
  • Getting2KnowMe
    Getting2KnowMe Posts: 28 Member
    I'll admit, I started on Sunday and every day since then I've had to 'give up' at some point. When that happens, I slow down, try my own modified version, take a few seconds to stretch, do something to keep moving. I have seen progress from day 1 through day 3, which is the day that I'm on... I'll do day 4 tonight because I was too sore this morning to do it like I would normally do. (I overdid it yesterday!)

    But I'm going to try again tonight after lots of water and rest and even if it's hard, I'll do any and everything that I can because at some point it will get easier, I'll work up to it.
  • gailmelanie
    gailmelanie Posts: 210 Member
    I don't struggle, but no doubt it's difficult. Just keep going and it will get easier. When it does, then you need to move on to more challenging exercise. I also recommend doing a different workout every day to keep from getting bored and giving up, as well as to keep your body guessing and building lean muscle each time you work out. And pat yourself on the back every time you work out! Yes doing some of it is better than doing nothing at all, but keep challenging yourself. Eventually you will realize you're not breaking a sweat and getting out of breath like you used to. Then you can celebrate by getting an even harder workout video and be smug that you accomplished that.
  • bestdaysahead
    bestdaysahead Posts: 90 Member
    Jumping jacks are my downfall. I started doing them modified and as I am doing them she yells out that if she has 450 pound people doing them, than you can do them too! Talk about feeling victimized! I only got through the first week and then I guess I got bored. I should start it again though.
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