What's your biggest health/weigh loss tip?



  • sar123bear
    1. Keep on going.
    2. Log everything religiously.
    3. Make notes in your diary about your day if you were feeling hungry or if you felt satisfied, etc.
    4. Listen to your body when you get feelings of hunger and EAT at least a 100 calorie snack.
    5. If you're going to cheat, try to keep it within your maintenance calories for the day instead of trying to eat at a deficit.
    6. Before reaching for something "bad" just ask yourself if you're willing to eat something healthy. If the answer is yes, you're likely hungry and not just bored.
    7. Clean up the diet by making small changes weekly and get enough to eat.
    8. Balance and moderation.
    9. Lift heavy weights.
    10. When changing anything, keep all other things as constant as possible to gauge if what you're changing is working - and give it ample time to show if it's working.
    11. Measure your success in various ways: Take progress photos, measurements, weights, body fat %.
    12. Drink milk or chocolate milk as your post-workout drink (w/in 2 hours of your workout).
  • fitbydons
    fitbydons Posts: 19
    My tips:

    Eat fresh healthy foods 90% of the time
    Cut OUT all processed foods (I follow Paleo 90% of the time and find this works for me)
    Move your body at least 2-3 times a week - mixing between strength and cardio work
    Nutrition is KEY to making ANY changes to your body - 70% nutrition, 30% gym
    REST, RECOVER allow your body to adapt to changes and exercise
    Take a good multivitamin, fish oil and protein powder, yes pay for the good stuff, this is your health we are talking about
    Invest in a good massage therapist to help with those tight muscles
  • HealthFreak1967
    HealthFreak1967 Posts: 116 Member
    do some sort of excercise, whenever, whereever! It all counts. I park farther from the mall, when I am downstairs I go all the way upstairs to use that bathroom and vice versa. Whenever I use the bathroom, at home or at work, I do 5 squats and 5 lunges. I try to fit it in whenever I can get a minute. It really has helped. Stand on one leg to brush your teeth, do some fast feet for a few minutes when waiting. Absolutely anything you can think of!!

    lol your squat/lunge routine reminds me of what I do, every time I use the restroom I squat instead of sitting on the toilet- mostly because i'm a germ-a-phobe, but it's good for your legs/bum if you add it all up!! ;D
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    DRINK MORE WATER!! its like the easiest thing you can do and it works wonders for the body.. a gallon minimum a day is optimal. 8 cups is not nearly enough try to make water your only beverage you consume
  • fitbydons
    fitbydons Posts: 19
    Oh and my biggest tip, I tell my clients this ALL the time:

    DO NOT HAVE A CHEAT DAY! You don't deserve something BAD for all the HARD work you have done, get that out of your HEAD! You don't need junk food as a reward....

    Have a relaxed meal once a week, something that you know you like and wouldn't mind a splurge on, a whole cheat day and eating whatever you like WILL undo all the good work you have put in with eating and training.

    Mine is a good steak, mash and a glass of red wine! Or cake if it is a birthday but I do love the steak combo!

    Use nice things as rewards, massages, movies, a new book/dvd....

  • chumee2
    chumee2 Posts: 1 Member
    Keep moving. Don't stop. If you're exhausted out of your mind, move slowly, but just keep moving. Oh! And cut sugar completely.
  • kprangernix07
    kprangernix07 Posts: 124 Member
    Ditch as much processed food as possible.

    LOL except bacon? jk :)

    THIS! I could never give up meat candy <3
  • MogwaisGrandma
    MogwaisGrandma Posts: 196 Member
    A bit boring as already said but exercise is what has changed me the most.

    Once I have done some I feel so much better in myself. I could even go as far as being proud of myself for it. Regular exercise is some what of a new concept to me. Before it was trying to go 3 times a week and failing. Now it is an attempt every day to do some and the high stays as the days mount up.
  • JulieDerda
    JulieDerda Posts: 163
    1. Eat more veggies
    2. Eat more Fruit
    3. Do CArdio
    4. Lift Weights
    5. Dont Drink so much alcohol. *once a week tops! :drinker:
    6. Give yourself rewards (like new shoes/pants) when you hit a goal Weight.
    7. Don't Starve yourself. If you're hungry eat! **choose foods wisely
    8. Dont overeat ;) *duh :laugh: :embarassed:
    9. Track your foods *after a while U will prob get used to what certain foods are and wont have to worry about every tiny calorie.
    10. Instead of goin to gym work out @ home
    11. Have a Cheat day
    Most importantly DONT GIVE UP & have FUN w/ it!!! Dont act like its a chore but a lifestyle change for the new better you.

    by cheat day i mean cheat meal ;) or in all a day where your still aware of the calories you eat but not tracking like normal
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    1. Eat more veggies
    2. Eat more Fruit
    3. Do CArdio
    4. Lift Weights
    5. Dont Drink so much alcohol. *once a week tops! :drinker:
    6. Give yourself rewards (like new shoes/pants) when you hit a goal Weight.
    7. Don't Starve yourself. If you're hungry eat! **choose foods wisely
    8. Dont overeat ;) *duh :laugh: :embarassed:
    9. Track your foods *after a while U will prob get used to what certain foods are and wont have to worry about every tiny calorie.
    10. Instead of goin to gym work out @ home
    11. Have a Cheat day
    Most importantly DONT GIVE UP & have FUN w/ it!!! Dont act like its a chore but a lifestyle change for the new better you.

    by cheat day i mean cheat meal ;) or in all a day where your still aware of the calories you eat but not tracking like normal

    I agree. I schedule a cheat meal (or 2 for the weekend. But usually end up in calories for the day anyway. A cheat day is risky. And you may find you are like me. I can't even cheat very well. I get too full. For me a normal meal right now is between about 300-600 calories. I can't even eat more than 700 calories in a sitting anymore (unless it is 3 hours!) So I just have the "bad" foods until I am full. It usually means a drink before dinner or a fancy dessert after dinner. Or brunch.
  • sr4ca
    sr4ca Posts: 43
    I think you are exactly right. Ditching the processed foods is a biggie. Your food diary is very interesting.
  • sr4ca
    sr4ca Posts: 43
  • JulieDerda
    JulieDerda Posts: 163
    1. Eat more veggies
    2. Eat more Fruit
    3. Do CArdio
    4. Lift Weights
    5. Dont Drink so much alcohol. *once a week tops! :drinker:
    6. Give yourself rewards (like new shoes/pants) when you hit a goal Weight.
    7. Don't Starve yourself. If you're hungry eat! **choose foods wisely
    8. Dont overeat ;) *duh :laugh: :embarassed:
    9. Track your foods *after a while U will prob get used to what certain foods are and wont have to worry about every tiny calorie.
    10. Instead of goin to gym work out @ home
    11. Have a Cheat day
    Most importantly DONT GIVE UP & have FUN w/ it!!! Dont act like its a chore but a lifestyle change for the new better you.

    by cheat day i mean cheat meal ;) or in all a day where your still aware of the calories you eat but not tracking like normal

  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    Take most weight loss advice with a grain of salt. :bigsmile:
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    Make tomorrow today! Don't keep pushing it off.

    Also, use baby steps. Create small goals for yourself as well as ease into a diet. Just don't go from eating like a pig to gym class hero.
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    Take most weight loss advice with a grain of salt. :bigsmile:

    ^^ this
  • superdonna
    superdonna Posts: 57 Member
    Wow!!! Thanks to all! What a wealth of knowledge. Fantastic!!!
  • mysslyss715
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Find something that works for you and keep doing it. For ever.

    Any "diet" will work for a few months, but if you can't keep it up for life, you won't stay healthy for the long term.