One cheat meal is not going to hurt you



  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    For me, it's not is my new lifestyle...

    If I ate that whole bag of mcdonalds, in 30 mins, I'd be in the bathroom, puking.

    No lies.

    Is that really worth it?

    Not to me.

    And the other day, at lunch? My seasoned fish dry grilled was much tastier than any burger could have been. Pizza makes me hurl from the grease (Exception- digiorno stuffed crust, omg). I don't really miss a lot of things I thought I would...because I've found other things.

    My homemade choices are better:)

    Is this worth me being sad and miserable? No. And honestly, I know my slippery slope, my issues with food. My disorder and disease. Which is different from a lot of people. I have to treat food like a drug- not everyone does.

    For me, I have to remember, one hit of that heroin, one snort of coke...and I'm back where I started. (metaphors)

    Exactly my point. One taste and I'm going down for a while.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    Having a scheduled cheat meal is not rewarding yourself with food. It's those people who constantly think well I just did a Zumba class and burned a supposed 600 calories now I'm going to McDonalds bc I have earned it! Yea ok. My cheat meals are not rewards; it is a way of controlling my food and enjoying a night with friends or whatever. Plus my body likes the break in calories. It allows some to reintroduce foods back into their regimens and learn moderation.

    agreed - if youre not rewarding yourself with food, then eating doesnt become a good/bad behavior indicator. Its just becomes something good you want to eat that you plan ahead for.

    My comment was most definitely aimed at people who reward occasional hard work and hard workouts with 3000 calorie meals.

    Thats like making it to the last mile of a marathon and turning around and running the other way for awhile.

    Im fine with eating as long as its not used a psychological reward/punishment system. Thats just asking for trouble and too much emotional attachment to it.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I agree wholeheartedly with the trigger foods.

    I have trigger foods too: Sweets, foods with a lot of fat, foods with salt. I can't always do it, but it is much easier for me to simply not eat those foods than to eat them in "moderation." If I could simply eat two tablespoons of ice cream, which probably realistically is what I could eat and not upset my eating plan, I'd be fine. But who's satisfied with two tbs? And I've been getting worse. In the past, I'd have been satisfied with a scoop of ice cream in a cone. Now I want a hot fudge sundae.
  • cheavila
    cheavila Posts: 7
    I agree!
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    I agree wholeheartedly with the trigger foods.

    I have trigger foods too: Sweets, foods with a lot of fat, foods with salt. I can't always do it, but it is much easier for me to simply not eat those foods than to eat them in "moderation." If I could simply eat two tablespoons of ice cream, which probably realistically is what I could eat and not upset my eating plan, I'd be fine. But who's satisfied with two tbs? And I've been getting worse. In the past, I'd have been satisfied with a scoop of ice cream in a cone. Now I want a hot fudge sundae.

    Exactly. I can control myself with pizza (unless it's from my local bakery, Dalo's). Not so much with stromboli. I can't control myself with ice cream very well. Especially if I see my husband chowing down on a whole bowl of it. Then I don't just want a little bit, I want as much as he has. I can't control myself with candy. But mostly certain kinds of candy (starburst and riesens, and pb m&ms). And cookies with m&ms in them are in grave danger when around me. And tastykake cupcakes I must avoid altogether. All of these foods I don't have very often at all because one taste and they will be gone in two days, if not sooner depending on how much of it I have in the house. oh! and the cheese wafer sandwiches from Martin's and Wise potato chips, I could eat 3 or more bags in one sitting, so I avoid them. My cheat days consist of things I may want to binge on, but can control myself with (referring to an earlier post of mine saying I have cheat days). Mozzarella sticks are a HUGE weakness for me, luckily nobody (restaurants I mean) sells them in bulk, and reheating them just isn't the same. So these are pretty safe for cheat days for me. And I don't keep them in the house (mostly because they aren't the same as if I get them from Arby's, my fave). I might have my binge foods only once a year sometimes (depends on if my desire for them is growing and I can't resist any longer) but usually because I know better than to have them more than that. I avoided starburst for probably 4 years, and then late last year bought a bag, which turned into a month long eating spree of tons of starburst (hence my two new cavities). It is seriously like a drug. Once you stop eating it, you can't stop thinking about it for a while, but then you are ok again. At least that's how it is for me.
  • FungusTrooper
    FungusTrooper Posts: 227 Member
    I'm doing a cheat day if I need to. Been doing this for about 6 or 7 weeks, and I had one true cheat day where I ate at TGIFs for a work thing. Even then, I was sensible about it.

    As much as I hate saying this, I think it's just a case of thinking realistically and knowing how the body works, in a sense? Like the OP said, one cheat meal a week isn't going to hurt, because unless you are starving yourself your body will not grab onto every calorie you put into it.

    That being said, less cheat days = more healthy. But don't be afraid to splurge if you really want to :).
  • Readytobedifferent
    Readytobedifferent Posts: 9 Member
    I'm doing a cheat day if I need to. Been doing this for about 6 or 7 weeks, and I had one true cheat day where I ate at TGIFs for a work thing. Even then, I was sensible about it.

    As much as I hate saying this, I think it's just a case of thinking realistically and knowing how the body works, in a sense? Like the OP said, one cheat meal a week isn't going to hurt, because unless you are starving yourself your body will not grab onto every calorie you put into it.

    That being said, less cheat days = more healthy. But don't be afraid to splurge if you really want to :).

    It may not hurt YOU and it may not hurt HIM but it doesn't mean it won't hurt ME.....and either way who cares what everybody else is doing? If I don't want to have a cheat meal or day it's not hurting anybody else is it?

    If somebody wants to have a cheat meal or day then by all means do it, but if you can't have one like me and some of the others here that's ok too. Nobody is wrong because it's each individuals journey.
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    I'm doing a cheat day if I need to. Been doing this for about 6 or 7 weeks, and I had one true cheat day where I ate at TGIFs for a work thing. Even then, I was sensible about it.

    As much as I hate saying this, I think it's just a case of thinking realistically and knowing how the body works, in a sense? Like the OP said, one cheat meal a week isn't going to hurt, because unless you are starving yourself your body will not grab onto every calorie you put into it.

    That being said, less cheat days = more healthy. But don't be afraid to splurge if you really want to :).

    It may not hurt YOU and it may not hurt HIM but it doesn't mean it won't hurt ME.....and either way who cares what everybody else is doing? If I don't want to have a cheat meal or day it's not hurting anybody else is it?

    If somebody wants to have a cheat meal or day then by all means do it, but if you can't have one like me and some of the others here that's ok too. Nobody is wrong because it's each individuals journey.

    Well said. :flowerforyou: I hate it when people get mad and try to tell others how to do things. (not that I think that guy was doing that, to me he was giving his opinion, based on his own experience). Is my piece of pizza or claiming cooking as a calorie burner affecting that person in any way? If not (which of course it's not), they need to be quiet. Do what works for yourself, and that's it. Too many people on this site get so mad when others aren't doing things how they are, then they post a thread ranting about how those people are so wrong.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    I'm doing a cheat day if I need to. Been doing this for about 6 or 7 weeks, and I had one true cheat day where I ate at TGIFs for a work thing. Even then, I was sensible about it.

    As much as I hate saying this, I think it's just a case of thinking realistically and knowing how the body works, in a sense? Like the OP said, one cheat meal a week isn't going to hurt, because unless you are starving yourself your body will not grab onto every calorie you put into it.

    That being said, less cheat days = more healthy. But don't be afraid to splurge if you really want to :).

    It may not hurt YOU and it may not hurt HIM but it doesn't mean it won't hurt ME.....and either way who cares what everybody else is doing? If I don't want to have a cheat meal or day it's not hurting anybody else is it?

    If somebody wants to have a cheat meal or day then by all means do it, but if you can't have one like me and some of the others here that's ok too. Nobody is wrong because it's each individuals journey.

    I made this thread strictly for the people asking if its okay to eat a candy bar, cookie, or pizza. You shouldnt have to live life worried about having a bad day on your diet. A successful diet is one you feel most comfortable with and one you can enjoy.

    I never said you have to have a cheat meal. If you dont care to have one then dont.
  • allerina
    allerina Posts: 10
    My boyfriend and I are going to PF Changs next Wednesday for dinner and I am definitely going to cheat for that meal. It's the first time I'll have "cheated" since starting my diet over a month ago and I am very excited about it.
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    My boyfriend and I are going to PF Changs next Wednesday for dinner and I am definitely going to cheat for that meal. It's the first time I'll have "cheated" since starting my diet over a month ago and I am very excited about it.

    :drinker: Who can blame you? :happy:
  • DeanneLea
    DeanneLea Posts: 261
    The thing about planning cheat meals is that it can definitely get out of hand for some people, regardless of how well you "planned it". The problem with most "cheat" foods is that they are very unhealthy, full of processed, highly concentrated fats and sugars and things that should just not go into your body period. Those things are quite literally addictive for some people, especially those struggling with their weight (how do you think they became overweight in the first place? it definitely wasn't by having "one treat a week") With some people, certain foods lead to a strong, almost insatiable desire for MORE MORE MORE. And if it was that easy for them to just stop at one bite or one meal, they probably wouldn't be overweight now.

    the only unhealthy food is one eaten in excess.
    but my point is, what is keeping someone who TRULY has a problem with junk food from eating it in excess? absolutely nothing. simple self control isn't even enough to keep a binge eater from grabbing another cookie, or another twelve cookies. Or having four more slices of pizza after their first.

    well, no. that's exactly the thing keeping them from eating more. no one is forcing them to eat X amount of anything. you make a decision. do I eat that or do I not eat that. not eating something you might like to have/have more of? that's pretty much the definition of self control.
    but that's basically the essence of weight loss in general - making the right decisions of what to eat, or to eat certain amounts of certain foods. the fact of the matter is, overweight people become so by NOT making the correct decisions, and eating too much of certain things (usually high fat, high sugar, etc). Once a person decides to lose weight, the self control doesn't pop up out of nowhere - it still is a battle every day to choose the right foods. But even MORE difficult (for many people, clearly not you though) is choosing a wrong food which one used to eat in abundance before they decided to change their lifestyles & lose weight, and then attempting to stop at just a little. It's much easier for them to avoid the food altogether because once they get that taste, there's the powerful urge for more that would NEVER have been there (or at least not to that extreme) if they had just not touched it in the first place. For people who struggle with this type of behavior, it is much easier to just not eat it than to eat it and try not to have more. The temporary pleasure of letting themselves have that "cheat food" isn't worth the massive amounts of willpower it would take for them to not eat more of that food. Again, this is people who struggle with trigger foods and binge eating and such. Not for your average Joe who can eat one cookie and not want another.

    From what I've seen and also been through...deprivation causes MUCH more damage in the long run than a simple "cheat" meal.

    Moderation is much safer than deprivation when it comes to those that struggle with their weight.
    It's only "deprivation" if you have the mental mindset that you need certain junk foods to be happy... there are many people who have completely changed their lifestyles from processed crap to whole foods and they would never go back even if you put a huge bag of mcdonalds right in front of them. Something can only be deprivation if the desire is there. If you lose the desire to eat things that are bad (even in 'moderation') then the absence of it is simply the absence of it - not deprivation.

    I agree wholeheartedly with the trigger foods. I am one of those people, 100% and every day is a struggle. If I restrict myself completely from any type of dessert for a while, I'm absolutely fine. But once I let myself have one, I go into a tailspin all over again and lose control. It's like a drug. You get off it, and get over withdrawal (from drugs or alcohol I mean) and eventually you don't want it as much. But just one taste, just one puff of the cigarette, and you're hooked all over again. Trying to eat healthy and manage my eating can be so stressful that the emotional eating kicks in and I want the food even more. I need a cheat day or else I won't eat healthy at all. If you don't understand it, if you haven't ever experienced it, don't argue about it. How can one be "deprived" of bad for you food?! You don't need it at all, your taste buds and emotions just think you do. I know I don't "need" that food. Does it make me happy in the moments I'm eating it? Yes. Do I feel guilty afterwards? Sometimes, depends on my mood. Sometimes I think "to hell with all of it" and don't feel guilty. Sometimes I feel so guilty, but it still doesn't stop me from continuing the behavior for another week or so. I wasn't raised to be mindful of my eating. I was encouraged by my father to eat whatever I wanted, however much I wanted, because life is too short to not eat the foods you want. So self control doesn't come naturally to people like me. I wasn't raised on veggies or fruit. I was raised on sugary cereal, stromboli, grilled cheese, and fried chicken. I know that I can have all of these things in moderation, but if one piece makes me happy, 5 will make me REALLY happy (at least for the moment). But other things make me happy too. And I need to learn to focus more on them and depend less on food. Training myself to eat veggies (I struggle with them more than fruit, I think because fruit is naturally sweet and I love sweets) as an adult freaking sucks. I am trying to change myself for the better now, before I have kids, so I don't repeat the behavior and then my kids have to turn around and go through what I'm going through. Or if they don't try to get healthy, I'll have to sit there and watch them destroy their lives with food until it kills them. I don't want my kids to go through what I've gone through in my life. So like I said, if you don't understand, and haven't experienced binge eating like I've described, don't argue about it.

    I do understand , I have experienced it and I will give my opinion on it...that's not an argument. Just because my solution is different than yours doesn't make it wrong. I was raised to comfort myself with food and not the healthy kind. I can only give my experience and my solution which has helped me. I no longer have an unhealthy relationship with food and haven't binged. I'd call that a success. Will it work for everyone? NO but it was my suggestion. So sorry you consider that an argument.

    Please don't make judgments on what you think I've been through or haven't been through.
  • DeanneLea
    DeanneLea Posts: 261
    I'm doing a cheat day if I need to. Been doing this for about 6 or 7 weeks, and I had one true cheat day where I ate at TGIFs for a work thing. Even then, I was sensible about it.

    As much as I hate saying this, I think it's just a case of thinking realistically and knowing how the body works, in a sense? Like the OP said, one cheat meal a week isn't going to hurt, because unless you are starving yourself your body will not grab onto every calorie you put into it.

    That being said, less cheat days = more healthy. But don't be afraid to splurge if you really want to :).

    It may not hurt YOU and it may not hurt HIM but it doesn't mean it won't hurt ME.....and either way who cares what everybody else is doing? If I don't want to have a cheat meal or day it's not hurting anybody else is it?

    If somebody wants to have a cheat meal or day then by all means do it, but if you can't have one like me and some of the others here that's ok too. Nobody is wrong because it's each individuals journey.

    I made this thread strictly for the people asking if its okay to eat a candy bar, cookie, or pizza. You shouldnt have to live life worried about having a bad day on your diet. A successful diet is one you feel most comfortable with and one you can enjoy.

    I never said you have to have a cheat meal. If you dont care to have one then dont.

    I understood the message your original post was trying to convey and I like it.

    Only thing I disagree with is calling it a a "cheat" day. I just think that for anyone that has had that mental connection to food, calling it that isn't a good idea :
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    I'm doing a cheat day if I need to. Been doing this for about 6 or 7 weeks, and I had one true cheat day where I ate at TGIFs for a work thing. Even then, I was sensible about it.

    As much as I hate saying this, I think it's just a case of thinking realistically and knowing how the body works, in a sense? Like the OP said, one cheat meal a week isn't going to hurt, because unless you are starving yourself your body will not grab onto every calorie you put into it.

    That being said, less cheat days = more healthy. But don't be afraid to splurge if you really want to :).

    It may not hurt YOU and it may not hurt HIM but it doesn't mean it won't hurt ME.....and either way who cares what everybody else is doing? If I don't want to have a cheat meal or day it's not hurting anybody else is it?

    If somebody wants to have a cheat meal or day then by all means do it, but if you can't have one like me and some of the others here that's ok too. Nobody is wrong because it's each individuals journey.

    I made this thread strictly for the people asking if its okay to eat a candy bar, cookie, or pizza. You shouldnt have to live life worried about having a bad day on your diet. A successful diet is one you feel most comfortable with and one you can enjoy.

    I never said you have to have a cheat meal. If you dont care to have one then dont.

    I understood the message your original post was trying to convey and I like it.

    Only thing I disagree with is calling it a a "cheat" day. I just think that for anyone that has had that mental connection to food, calling it that isn't a good idea :

    Call it yumyum day :)
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    Saturdays are my days... If I want to go to the bar and get hammered, I do it. If I want to eat my body weight in chocolate... I do it (okay maybe not!) But I feel like it helps me more than it hinders me. It gives me some time to be a normal person and enjoy food instead of just counting calories.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    I can get hammered only once a week now if I wanna see results. Although now, I enjoy just being a social drinker. I used to hide my binge drinking as best as possible...glad I got ahold of myself.
  • sjiphone
    sjiphone Posts: 67 Member
    I cheated every Sunday for months, don't do it now.

    I think the biggest reason people freak is due to the gain they see on the scale the next day from water retention.

    ^^^ Yes! My cheat days are usually tacos or pizza, or something like it. It took a while for me to realize what was actually happening with the scale's next-day vengeance.

    Pizza is one of my cheat meals too. I just bought the Weight Watcher's Pepperoni Pizza to try and tone down the calories a bit. I'm hoping it is edible.
  • kadins_momma07
    kadins_momma07 Posts: 328 Member
    Sounds good. If a whole day off is more that you can handle, then a single meal can go a long way in keeping you sane. I like McDonalds once a week myself.

    Totally agree with you and the OP. Although I don't do a whole day of cheating, I'll have a cheat meal, usually lunch or dinner, and the rest are decent. If I'm wanting something bad (like chicken chimichangas with extra cheese sauce and some rice!!!) then I'll have that one meal, enjoy the heck out of it, and get back on track the rest of the day & week. If you deprive yourself of having some things that you like you'll end up craving them more and going over board!
  • kadins_momma07
    kadins_momma07 Posts: 328 Member
    ^^^ Yes! My cheat days are usually tacos or pizza, or something like it. It took a while for me to realize what was actually happening with the scale's next-day vengeance.

    Pizza is one of my cheat meals too. I just bought the Weight Watcher's Pepperoni Pizza to try and tone down the calories a bit. I'm hoping it is edible.

    The SmartOnes WW point pizza, is that the one you bought? I bought one yesterday and am hoping it's edible too LOL. I'll have it for lunch one day this week and see.
  • ambeer2
    ambeer2 Posts: 66 Member
    I think it all depends on the person, you know? I don't like have cheat days, I've tried them, where I scheduled them in. I have tried just having a quick meal, but for me right now, the only that works is restriction of the unhealthy foods. I am not the kind of person that can have just 1oz of chips, no i eat the whole bag, when we order pizza i can easily put away half of it. If I ever tell myself that it is ok, then I lose the control I need. I know some people who can't not have a cheat day. They eat what they like/love and still lose weight because they can do it moderation. i don't have that self control yet. I just can't tell myself that a little bit is ok and to go ahead because I mindlessly eat it all before realizing really how much I've had.

    Do you substitute foods that you love and are unhealthy with the healthy version? This is another way to enjoy the foods you love without missing out....examples...

    Pepsi> Diet Pepsi (or even the new Next)
    Buffalo Wings> Grill some wings and add a little hot sauce
    Egg Rolls > Veggie spring rolls

    Just needed to butt in here — but just because something is lower calorie does not make it "healthy." Sure, eating lower calorie is the basis of losing weight, but it's not necessarily what makes your health overall better.

    It just kind of drives me nuts when people say "healthy version" of something that, sure, might be better on your waistline, but not for your body.

    I no longer eat meat, but I'm referring directly to your comment on Diet Pepsi. I drink diet soda on occasion, but I used to drink several cans of the stuff a day. Fake sugar is terrible for you.

    I do, however, completely agree with spike days, or whatever you want to call them. I still refer to them as cheat days, but just because it's the most popular and recognizable term bantied about. Though I don't really consider myself to be "cheating" in maintenance mode. I am most often well under my calorie limit there, because I was so used to eating 500 less calories a day, that it takes some adjusting.

    I still eat whatever I want, but I eat cleaner on most days. Obviously, different people have different methods, but my suggestion for anyone hitting a plateau would be to get rid of the processed junk from your diet. It will really do wonders.