Girls playing with thier hair



  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I have really long hair and I'm always touching it or playing with it. It's just a habit for me, no reasoning behind it at all.
  • ShanR77
    ShanR77 Posts: 287 Member
    I play with my hair when i'm tired. Lol...guess that is where my 5 year old gets it cause she'll twirl her hair till she passes out.
  • darkknightfan
    darkknightfan Posts: 396 Member
    It all depends on the girl, all girls are different, I know I play with my hair all the time either because I' am nerves or bored or it's just a
    Where you making eye contact with her? That's the real question? Then second it can be different nerves, like weird nerves or like nerves.
    actually no.. I made it a point to NOT make eye contact with her.. LOL I fidgeted with my blackberry instead
  • Rosa1213
    Rosa1213 Posts: 456 Member
    I'm sorry to be unhelpful, but I'm going with everyone else and saying that it could mean anything from diarrhea to nervousness to flirting. You just can't ever tell.

    I have extremely long hair, down to my butt, and I play with it constantly. It's never not twirling around a finger or being held up to my face like a mustache or unibrow. So, in my case, it means absolutely nothing, but for others, it may mean anything.
  • Tashry
    Tashry Posts: 151 Member
    Both depending on the situation and they are both very different:

    I play with my hair when I'm bored. I don't twirl it but I check it out for split ends.

    I also play with my hair when I see a cute guy and I want to get his attention which entails stroking it, twirling it in a seductive kind of way.

    ^^This. Totally
  • iam_thatdude
    iam_thatdude Posts: 1,279 Member
    if she took her shoes off...then you'd be in business.
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 767 Member
    I play with my hair constantly...non stop.I'm sure it's annoying...I am not flirting with anyone.
  • AmoreCouture
    AmoreCouture Posts: 255 Member
    No, I think most girls play/mess with their hair subconsciously. Maybe if she were eyeing you down and doing it, but if she were just minding her own business and touching it, she probably meant nothing by it. I touch or mess with the ends of my hair a lot, just because it's long. I don't do it on purpose.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Neither. I do it without even thinking, just like I bounce my foot when I sit down.
  • SpydrMnky27
    SpydrMnky27 Posts: 381 Member
    I play with my hair all day because it's big and I like to feel the curls. I don't do it to flirt. She does sound like she was nervous for some reason though because of all the fidgeting.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    It could mean both.

    Or it could just be a habit of hers.
  • Snow__White
    Snow__White Posts: 1,650 Member
    her hair might be fake?
    I only play with my hair when i have extentions in
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Was she looking right into your eyes as she was doing it?
  • stephc0711
    stephc0711 Posts: 1,026 Member
    For me it's boredom. I have hair that goes past my bra band and I will start the day off with it down and looking nice, by the end of the day it is up in a pony tail, bun or sometimes any stray pencil will end up in there holding it up. I tend to play with it when I am driving, especially longer drives. In class I used to twirl it around my finger...again, boredom.

    Me too!! It's just something to do!!
  • darkknightfan
    darkknightfan Posts: 396 Member
    I really wasnt tooo concerned about her flirting with me more than if I was somehow doing something to make her nervous .... With a mug like <<<<<< id be nervous if it plunked down next to me :laugh:
  • missym357
    missym357 Posts: 210 Member
    I agree, it could be either or both. I have a hair twirling habit and it is just that- a self-soothing sort of habit that I have done since I was little (only I sucked my thumb while twirling my hair when I was little). I had to ditch the thumb sucking for obvious reasons and I have to consciously not twirl my hair because I know it looks ridiculous for a grown woman to do it! BUT, she could be twirling it as a nervous flirting sort of thing.
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    I figured it out! She was nervous because she wanted to flirt with you, but didn't know what to do so she played with her hair while she tried to figure out how to flirt with you.
  • snewsome7
    snewsome7 Posts: 189
    I do it because it fixes my part and its a habit.
  • darkknightfan
    darkknightfan Posts: 396 Member
    I figured it out! She was nervous because she wanted to flirt with you, but didn't know what to do so she played with her hair while she tried to figure out how to flirt with you.

  • aelarek
    aelarek Posts: 83 Member
    I'm permanently messing with my hair. All. The. Time.

    I rub my hair behind my ears, over & over when I'm tired.
    I check for split ends when nervous & bite my lip.
    I check for split ends when bored.
    Driving, I'm constantly touching it.
    If I'm trying to be flirty or seductive with my husband, I put it in a ponytail and play with the length of it.
    I play with it constantly pretty much..

    Depends on the girl. She sounds like she was bored. Lol. But Idk.