Some chick got pissed at me at the gym tonight



  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    EH - she was probably just looking for a fight and figured you'd be a total meathead and an easy target. You probably threw her off guard when you were so nice.

    I think she was hungry mad.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    I was DONE squatting 10 min before closing. And that's because I ended up doing it LAST as two girls were squatting on it previously.

    At the same time, she could have avoided it too. Buy doing her upright rows in any other of the 5-6 different ways you can do upright rows available to her at the time. Hell, I don't think she even put any weight on it. She could have simply walked up to any of the few bench bars and did them. People have to slightly adjust their workout routines depending on availability. I do it all the time.
    No worries bro, I just like stirring the pot once in a while.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I was DONE squatting 10 min before closing. And that's because I ended up doing it LAST as two girls were squatting on it previously.

    At the same time, she could have avoided it too. Buy doing her upright rows in any other of the 5-6 different ways you can do upright rows available to her at the time. Hell, I don't think she even put any weight on it. She could have simply walked up to any of the few bench bars and did them. People have to slightly adjust their workout routines depending on availability. I do it all the time.
    No worries bro, I just like stirring the pot once in a while.

    Because of the diverse opinion one can observe, I have to throw up the 954-not-sure-if-serious.jpg tag sometimes.
  • lickmybaconcakes
    lickmybaconcakes Posts: 1,063 Member
    I Would have told her to shove it
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I Would have told her to shove it

    I wonder if I didn't apologze and help her derack the weights, would she have said anything at all? Makes me feel like being the *kitten* would have ended up being the better option at the time. It's not like her opinion of me changed after the exchange.
  • FreeThotStrm
    Deracking is apparently more exercise than her busy gym schedule could handle ;) She probably fights for close parking as well!
  • Changing__Christina
    sounds like you were being WAY too nice! I would have beeotch slapped her and told her that she was fat...that always makes a girl cry! What a snot!
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    sounds like you were being WAY too nice! I would have beeotch slapped her and told her that she was fat...that always makes a girl cry! What a snot!

    I would have paid good money to see that too.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I wonder if she's a member of MFP? hahaha

    Haven't had a chance to get back into the gym though. Soo looking forward to it.
  • gettinthere
    gettinthere Posts: 529 Member
    I am going to go to the gym now and see if I can cause a little deracking drama!! lol
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    I had a similar experience the other day, except I was you and the girl was a dude. It was much shorter than your altercation because when I started to give me lip I stopped him and said "Whatever, I got **** to do" and moved on. :laugh:
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I had a similar experience the other day, except I was you and the girl was a dude. It was much shorter than your altercation because when I started to give me lip I stopped him and said "Whatever, I got **** to do" and moved on. :laugh:

    If I were in the middle of my routine, I'd do the same. But I was impressed that I was carrying on a debate (and winning) while doing my jumprope routine. haha
  • gettinthere
    gettinthere Posts: 529 Member
    If I were in the middle of my routine, I'd do the same. But I was impressed that I was carrying on a debate (and winning) while doing my jumprope routine. haha
    That is indeed very impressive!! haha
  • mboktay
    mboktay Posts: 69 Member
    Those that are "working out TOGETHER" Only. Apparently, she doesn't know Gym Ettiquette. This was suppose to be a response to the Question "Who Deracks after every set -- oops.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Those that are "working out TOGETHER" Only. Apparently, she doesn't know Gym Ettiquette. This was suppose to be a response to the Question "Who Deracks after every set -- oops.

    Right. I'd even unrack all those plates if she really wanted to work in (if she helped). As she did her upright rows with either no weight or with 5lb-10lb ers.
  • pantsdailyon
    pantsdailyon Posts: 173 Member
    ... looked around seeing if anyone was giving me the "I'm still using that" eye (yall know what I'm talking about), then started to take a weight off till this guy runs over and tells me he's still using it -- at LEAST 15 minutes had passed since he last used it. I did see him do 1 set the additional 30 minutes I was there (in between his conversation and leg presses with a million lbs).

    I tell them "No, you weren't" when they try that with me. If I'm not actively using something, I don't get upset when someone else jumps on, even when I wasn't done with it. As I say, "If it were *mine*, it would be at my house."
  • Jewcybabe
    Jewcybabe Posts: 241 Member
    "Chick?" Where do you work KFC? lol~
  • kellymill2
    you handled vey well, hopefully she got the message & next time will speak up when she wants something.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I think the real 'pissuh' is that she, as you describe, comes off as if she expected the psychic line to be connected and merged with your brainwaves and expected you to automatically know what she was thinking... Im sorry but no one pays anyone to keep the psychic line open, period!

    Sorry - ***she*** could have communicated instead of getting her panties in a bunch. Ive asked guys (mind you they are young enough to be my sons) if they were all set with the machine/equipment, and never had a problem. They are the first to derack and clean the equipment and I dont even have to ask them to do it, they just do it- but I ask NICELY if they are all done....

    She could have taken the higher road but chose to be butt-bound by her own attitude...

    It sucks that your gym isnt 24hrs though...
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Yeah being open till 11pm would help alot.

    I don't know what her problem was. I was watching some of her workouts and I don't remember her putting the dumbells back every time she finished a set of bend over rows.

    I'm back at the gym tonight. 1st time since the incident. But I rarely see her anyway. I migth consider giving her a hug