The dreaded weekends!



  • bexblonde
    bexblonde Posts: 80
    I do find weekends harder but it does depend if we're eating out etc. This weekend my brother is coming to stay so I know it will be alcohol, eating out and/or takeaways! I usually go for a run on Sunday mornings so I don't worry too much about going over my calories, I tend to make it up through exercise at some point during the weekend.

    Like the others, I try to choose healthier options on the menu and if we order pizza I get thin crust with light cheese to save on calories. If I know I've got something big coming up I'll eat less in the week so that I can indulge.

    Weekends are meant to be enjoyed, as long as we don't go completely mad I think it's ok!
  • fairycake25
    fairycake25 Posts: 37
    Well my cheat day is a sunday (EAT whatever i want), saturday if i feel like im gonig to go over i do i really high cal burn workout in the morning and eat back my calories :)
  • robinso5
    robinso5 Posts: 310 Member
    Well I tend to go astray on the weekends also but now that its summer, my sister and I usually are outside in the yard with the kids and we tend to put some ribs, sausage, hot dogs and corn on the cob on the grill. the bad thing about that menu is we tend to eat right off the grill and drink a few mixed beverages.................thus empty calories! so i need to figure out how to not get sloshed on the weekend!!!!!!!!!

    but first things first if you log in the morning you tend to eat what you log, if you drink a full glass of water prior to leaving the house or eating anything you will feel too full to eat right away! Just try what works for you. But ultimately, you will go back to regular weekends so with that said PORTION control is what we all need to practice!
  • LisaF1163
    LisaF1163 Posts: 141
    Yeah, this is going to be my first weekend too. I'm already ticked off as hell because I gained a pound back yesterday because I overdid it on dinner - which, because I just started a few days ago, that was the only pound I'd lost! So now I'm going to be starting all over again ON the weekend! :grumble:

    Of course, I really need to increase my exercise - preferably walking, which is something I'll be doing a lot of. I need to get some good walking sneakers with those Scholls custom inserts in them - I love to walk, but many years of it plus the weight have given me foot problems. I'm doing that today, and you know.... just starting over!

    Good luck, weekenders! Let's all hang in there!
  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    I love the weekends I can get out of the house I exercise usually 2x as much my long walk or jogs are on the weekends and if I am away from the house my eating is so much better.
    Also I was reading people saying how they had a bad meal and gained a pound a pound is 3500 extra calories over your normal I dont think anyone is eating that much extra inb one meal so maybe your extra meal had more sodium and you are hlding some fluid drink some more water get out and sweat some more on the weekend
    Love your weekends folks