Splenda, Sweet and Low....

Hey everyone,

I was wondering if Splenda, Sweet and Low...are good for you. I have been taking them with my coffee, tea... also, it says 0 calories, so does that mean I can take as many as I want? :wink:

Have a great day!


  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Sweet and Low I thought had studies that showed a high correlation with cancer

    I used to use sweet and low, I use splenda now. Whatever the health risks obesity is a greater one and I have a horrendous sweet tooth.
  • pixelish
    pixelish Posts: 54
    If you can get used to drinking and eating things with slightly less sweetness to them, it'll make other food decisions easier. An artificial sweetener here or there isn't likely to "cause" cancer, but it's not a healthy food.
  • Bethyann7793
    I was told that they were like artificial sweeteners. So they were as bad for you as diet pops.
    But I'm not sure on that.
    They seem fine to me though in moderation :)
  • Dnsnyder
    Dnsnyder Posts: 263 Member
    You could try stevia extract sweetener, such as Stevia In The Raw or Truvia. It's an all natural zero calorie sweetener from the stevia plant.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I avoid artificial sweeteners like the plague. Splenda/sweet-and-low are made with aspertame, same as diet soda.

    Based on what I've read in the past couple of years, I would not personally say that they are "fine in moderation". Eat them if you like, but there is a lot of controversy surrounding aspertame and it's a really wise idea to avoid foods that were created in a lab.
  • kschr201
    kschr201 Posts: 219 Member
    You could try stevia extract sweetener, such as Stevia In The Raw or Truvia. It's an all natural zero calorie sweetener from the stevia plant.

    I've switched to stevia recently. Just have to adjust amounts. Man, that stuff is sweet!
  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    You could try stevia extract sweetener, such as Stevia In The Raw or Truvia. It's an all natural zero calorie sweetener from the stevia plant.

  • nala0517
    nala0517 Posts: 6
    I use truvia in my teas and regular sugar in my coffee. I know it is weird but to each there own u know:)
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    I avoid artificial sweeteners like the plague. Splenda/sweet-and-low are made with aspertame, same as diet soda.

    Actually Splenda is made with aspartame, but Sweet and Low is made with sorbitol. S&L is not to be consumed by pregnant women because it is unsafe for them, but Splenda, Stevia, etc. are safe for pregnant women.

    I just read this and as soon as my S&L is gone, I'm switching to Splenda. If it isn't okay for a pregnant woman it can't be too good for the rest of us can it?
  • phillieschic
    I use Stevia in the raw...a healthier alternative and no after-taste. :smile:
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    Sweet and Low I thought had studies that showed a high correlation with cancer

    I used to use sweet and low, I use splenda now. Whatever the health risks obesity is a greater one and I have a horrendous sweet tooth.

    according to morning news everything causes cancer

    I use splenda and sweet and low all the time
  • PeaceCorpsKat
    PeaceCorpsKat Posts: 335 Member
    There may not be definiative proof they are harmful - but that seems to be the way scientists are leaning... But there is no proof that they are safe!

    Have the sugar - just because something has calories doesn't really mean it's bad for you. Or better yet - NO SUGAR! Drink it black :)
  • Ralphrabbit
    Ralphrabbit Posts: 351 Member
    The main problems with manufactured artificial sweeteners are with the nerves & they are strongly discouraged for those with neurological problems like Parkinson's disease & Multiple Sclerosis. (I have MS) Alternative natural sweeteners are no problem but it is really hard to avoid the aspertame as it seems to be in everything now & that is the worst of the lot!
    Generally it is better to wean yourself off the really sweet stuff if you can & use natural sweeteners in small amounts if necessary.
  • diddyk
    diddyk Posts: 269 Member
    I avoid artificial sweeteners like the plague. Splenda/sweet-and-low are made with aspertame, same as diet soda.

    Actually Splenda is made with aspartame, but Sweet and Low is made with sorbitol. S&L is not to be consumed by pregnant women because it is unsafe for them, but Splenda, Stevia, etc. are safe for pregnant women.

    I just read this and as soon as my S&L is gone, I'm switching to Splenda. If it isn't okay for a pregnant woman it can't be too good for the rest of us can it?

    Actually, Splenda is Sucralose, not aspartame.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    there is nothing wrong with them. and they have been deemed safe for consumption. any tests that have shown ill effects have been done on animals and with massive amounts.

    some people have bad reactions to them, true. but for probably 98 percent of the population, there's nothing wrong with using any of them. don't let the sky-is-falling mentality worry you. some people here just seem prone to alarmism.
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    I avoid artificial sweeteners like the plague. Splenda/sweet-and-low are made with aspertame, same as diet soda.

    Based on what I've read in the past couple of years, I would not personally say that they are "fine in moderation". Eat them if you like, but there is a lot of controversy surrounding aspertame and it's a really wise idea to avoid foods that were created in a lab.

    Splenda is not made with aspertame. It is scuraloseThe majority of ingested sucralose is not broken down by the body and therefore it is non-caloric. Sucralose is approximately 600 times as sweet as sucrose (table sugar),[4] twice as sweet as saccharin, and 3 times as sweet as aspartame. It is stable under heat and over a broad range of pH conditions. Therefore, it can be used in baking or in products that require a longer shelf life. Common brand names of sucralose-based sweeteners are Splenda, Sukrana, SucraPlus, Candys, Cukren and Nevella.

    The issue with some sweeteners is how the body treats them. Despite the zero calories, the body reacts as if sugar has been ingested & the metabolism and insulin levels can be affected just as if sugar had been ingested.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    there is nothing wrong with them. and they have been deemed safe for consumption. any tests that have shown ill effects have been done on animals and with massive amounts.

    some people have bad reactions to them, true. but for probably 98 percent of the population, there's nothing wrong with using any of them. don't let the sky-is-falling mentality worry you. some people here just seem prone to alarmism.


    Also, I use Xylitol because there is no aftertaste. Not exactly zero calories, but it works for me.
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    I use Splenda to sweeten things like tea, cereal etc and I haven't dropped dead yet ;)

    However, splenda tastes strange when used for baking.
  • Terri_Wickwire
    Terri_Wickwire Posts: 149 Member
    Stevia is great, but sometimes the sweetness has a bit of an aftertaste; I avoid Splenda, Equal, Sweet n Low as often as I can and do not use any of them on a regular basis. If I "must" choose one when I'm out, I do gravitate towards Splenda. I enjoy either a cup of detox tea or coffee, and find I would prefer to have a spoon full of raw cane sugar than any other sweetener. I used 2 packets today in my coffee for 40 calories with my unsweetened coconut milk. Seems like a lot, but it's soothing, feels like a treat and doesn't leave the taste in my mouth that sometimes stevia leaves.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    The issue with some sweeteners is how the body treats them. Despite the zero calories, the body reacts as if sugar has been ingested & the metabolism and insulin levels can be affected just as if sugar had been ingested.

    Care to show this none fact with some form of proof? I can show you they don't give a noticeable spike with a wet fart in a tornado. Eating most macro's release a small amount of insulin.... no difference here.