Splenda, Sweet and Low....



  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    The issue with some sweeteners is how the body treats them. Despite the zero calories, the body reacts as if sugar has been ingested & the metabolism and insulin levels can be affected just as if sugar had been ingested.

    Care to show this none fact with some form of proof? I can show you they don't give a noticeable spike with a wet fart in a tornado. Eating most macro's release a small amount of insulin.... no difference here.

    exactly. sugar is sugar when it comes to the chemical breakdown in the body, also.
  • e_tasia
    e_tasia Posts: 2 Member
    I don't think they really know whether artificial sweeteners are totally safe for consumption. They are manufactured in a factory....out of chemicals...probably not this best thing to be putting in your body. There have also been studies that suggest artificial sweeteners can actually cause weight gain.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Sucralose - http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=7921865 -
    The commercial version of sucralose, Splenda, is cut with dextrose as a bulking agent. Dextrose is essentially glucose, which certainly elicits an insulin response, so there’s definitely the potential for a slight insulin response to Splenda, but there’s not much if any evidence that sucralose has an independent in vivo effect on insulin.

    Acesulfame K - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2887503
    Acesulfame K appears to affect insulin levels, although this effect has only been shown in contrived settings – either in the presence of glucose in isolated cells (in vitro), in isolated cells in without glucose (in vitro), or by direct transfusions without the presence of glucose (in vivo). We haven’t seen people orally taking acesulfame K in a fasted state and having an insulin response.

    Aspartame - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1946186
    Overall, the evidence seems to suggest little, if any, effect on insulin secretion as a result of tasting or consuming aspartame.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    I don't think they really know whether artificial sweeteners are totally safe for consumption. They are manufactured in a factory....out of chemicals...probably not this best thing to be putting in your body. There have also been studies that suggest artificial sweeteners can actually cause weight gain.

    A load of hog wash. Artificial sweeteners cannot alter the law of physics e.g. energy cannot be created, only transferred.

    I've already shown they don't increase insulin, what is/where does the energy being transferred come from exactly? As for manufactured in a factory, that puts most foods we eat out the window!
  • bugaboo2503
    bugaboo2503 Posts: 9 Member
    I get sick with a headache from those things so I canno't use them. I use STEVIA or TRUVIA. You can use them they are natural from a plant leaf with out the side effects! ;) Good luck! ;)
  • bashiera
    bashiera Posts: 140 Member
    I avoid artificial sweeteners like the plague. Splenda/sweet-and-low are made with aspertame, same as diet soda.

    Actually Splenda is made with aspartame, but Sweet and Low is made with sorbitol. S&L is not to be consumed by pregnant women because it is unsafe for them, but Splenda, Stevia, etc. are safe for pregnant women.

    I just read this and as soon as my S&L is gone, I'm switching to Splenda. If it isn't okay for a pregnant woman it can't be too good for the rest of us can it?
    You're also not supposed to eat liver or bleu cheese when pregnant, but those are okay foods. Everything in moderation. Correlation does not equal causation. I avoid artificial sweeteners because they taste bad to me, other than stevia. I use the whole leaf of stevia because I grow it and freeze it to use over the winter and it tastes fine to me compared to other sweeteners that leave a bad taste in my mouth. Just don't go overboard and drink 10 cups of coffee a day with it or 2 liters of diet coke a day and you'll probably be fine.
  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    Medically I have no real data but I stopped eating or drinking anything with articial sweetners in it and feel so much better.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I get sick with a headache from those things so I canno't use them. I use STEVIA or TRUVIA. You can use them they are natural from a plant leaf with out the side effects! ;) Good luck! ;)

    Stevia and truvia are about as natural as splenda and sweet and low.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    I don't think they really know whether artificial sweeteners are totally safe for consumption. They are manufactured in a factory....out of chemicals...probably not this best thing to be putting in your body. There have also been studies that suggest artificial sweeteners can actually cause weight gain.

    everything you eat is a combination of chemicals. and studies cannot show that a 0 calorie item can increase weight. because, well, calories are what cause weight loss or gain. some people seem to think they feel more hungry after ingesting artificial sweeteners. for them, they just need to show self control and choose a better option to eat or just, you know, don't eat. for others, they do add weight while having a diet coke -- because they use their diet soda choice to justify super sizing their meal.
  • nycalison
    nycalison Posts: 51 Member
    I actually just had a bad reaction to splenda, so when I looked online to see side effects, one thing that I read was that it's not a food that's why it's no calories, it's supposed to just pass through your system. A "lucky" few I guess like me will have bad side effects because our bodies ingest some of it, the site I read said that a lot of times it's actually because you have a clean GI tract. If it just passes through though I don't see how it could harm you, but long term studies haven't been done. As for me, I'm going to stick with sugar if it fits in with my day, and skip it if it doesn't :)
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    AVOID Splenda AKA (sucralose)

    It was in every protein supplement i was taking, and even my yogurt.:sad:
    I have side effects Including skin rashes/flushing, dizziness, numbness, headaches, and intestinal cramping.
  • Shayztar
    Shayztar Posts: 415 Member
    I avoid Splenda and Asparatame now. Asparatame makes my tummy hurt after I drink it, and I get a feeling like a hole in my tummy. It's hard to explain. But I didn't have a problem with Spenda until recently. I drank it like gangbusters in my water, and it was very toned down. But I also drank it in my coffee, not as diluted. After 3 months of that, I now get a very strong reaction to it. It wasn't until I cut it out as a possible reason for my constant nausea, tummy upset, diarreah, and in turn a flare up of the lovely H I got while pregnant a year ago. I cut it out, within 2 days I felt great again. Ate it again a week later in a dessert yogurt and BAM, 6 hours later I was ill with the same symptoms. 2 days later, felt better. So on and so forth, I am now able to tell when I've eaten something or accidentally ingested Splenda, because about 6 hours later I feel like crap.

    Look it up. It's called Sucralose toxicity.

    I am not like other people on this thread that quotes things. But if you look up Splenda in Wiki, it will tell you that the manufacturers wanted to market Splenda many decades ago, but the FDA was all like "Oh hell, no. It's bad for people. Tests have shown." Then, relatively recently, suddenly the FDA approved Splenda but the composition of the stuff was never changed. Why? My theory is that if enough money is involved, things are overlooked.

    Don't believe me? Agent Orange was also approved as safe for use by the government at one point too, right? lol

    And with all that being said, don't believe everything you read. It's all a conspiracy and money driven. Drink what you want, just monitor your health.

  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    wikipedia: a trustworthy source of information since ... well, never.

  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    The thing that should cause concern with Splenda is that while it's supposed to pass through your digestive tract unabsorbed, a tiny but measurable part of it doesn't. It goes into a metabolic pathway somewhere. And they haven't figured out quite where yet. For a product so unnatural that's a bit scary to me.

    I use Truvia now, but there's so little research on that too.

    Ultimately, better to avoid sweeteners imo. Or just use something completely natural and tried and tested for thousands of years - honey.
  • Shayztar
    Shayztar Posts: 415 Member
    wikipedia: a trustworthy source of information since ... well, never.


    Exactly like I said. Don't beleive everything you read. It's just good to do at least some reading on both sides of the issue so that instead of having bliders on, I can at least see a *little* bit. :smile:
  • Deathangl13
    Deathangl13 Posts: 38 Member
    some people here just seem prone to alarmism.

    They try to stand out somehow. Daddy issues I guess.
  • Deathangl13
    Deathangl13 Posts: 38 Member
    Correlation does not equal causation.

    The new "Seriously?" - God I hate pop culture redundancy.
  • Deathangl13
    Deathangl13 Posts: 38 Member
    They are manufactured in a factory....out of chemicals...probably not this best thing to be putting in your body.

    Our bodies ARE chemicals.
  • e_tasia
    e_tasia Posts: 2 Member
    They are manufactured in a factory....out of chemicals...probably not this best thing to be putting in your body.

    Our bodies ARE chemicals.

    I realize that our bodies are made of chemicals...but I am pretty sure "sucralose, and aspartame" are not natural occurring chemicals in the body. Personally, I try to avoid foods that are artificial and packed with preservatives. There isn't any research on the long term effects of splenda because its only been around since the 70s. All I am trying to say is we don't know everything about it, and if you don't need to use them its probably better to avoid them.
  • andieb75
    andieb75 Posts: 26
    I also avoid artificial sweeteners. I am one of those that has negative reactions to them, stomache upset and migraines. So it is quite irritating when I go over my MFP daily sugar level. Especially when eating my greek yogurt! Anyone else experience this?